Among the crowd.

The inconspicuous figure in that shadow corner stared at the direction Zhang Qingyuan had left.

The two pale pupils were dumb, without the slightest expression, fearing that it would not make anyone who meets them feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

Until Zhang Qingyuan disappeared for a while.

The darkness in the depths of the pupil jumped a few times, as if thinking about something, and then it disappeared from the crowd in a short time.

From here to the end,

The people around, whether they are monks in the real or spiritual realm,

Didn't notice it at all.

What happened in the dark corner behind me,

Zhang Qingyuan knew nothing.

Although he barely sensed something wrong.

"In that moment...what the **** was going on?"

After leaving the noisy ring square, Zhang Qingyuan's expression did not change much, and he thought to himself inwardly.

Although I didn't find anything unusual when I looked back just now.

But obviously,

There is indeed something there!

That wisp of if there is no sense, it is extremely subtle, and the ordinary cultivators of the late True Element Realm may not be able to sense it, but Zhang Qingyuan is different, he himself has practiced the secret technique of training God's consciousness, Taiyi Refining Divine Art Fragment For several years, his spiritual consciousness was extremely vigorous.

Coupled with his own excavation and use of the power of the gods, his acumen is far beyond the ordinary true elementary realm monk.

That's why Zhang Qingyuan was able to sense the passing sensation at that moment, as well as the momentary slight tremor of the sword pill in Dantian.

That feeling seemed a bit familiar.

But I can't think of anything.

"Sword Maru..."

Zhang Qingyuan whispered, under Gu Jing Wubo's face, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The origin of this spiritual tool itself seems a bit unusual.

The Linghai Sword Sect did not know where or what method it used to cultivate and refine this spiritual tool, and as a result, the Linghai Sword Sect was destroyed before it was born.

The one who did it was Yunshuizong,

The reason was that the Linghai Sword Sect colluded with the hostile sect of the outer continent and tried to do something to harm the interests of the Yunshui Sect, so the sect master shot it to destroy it.

At the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much doubt about the rumors from the outside world.

but now,

Experienced many things, especially the all sorts of weirdness in the spirit weapon Jian Wan, and the huge golden pillar that was swallowed that day in the secret realm of the Western Wilderness.

There are many signs that maybe the Linghai Sword Sect was destroyed,

It's not as simple as it seems!

It's a pity that there are too few clues, and Zhang Qingyuan is not the kind of intelligent person who can't guess the truth of the matter under the condition of lack of conditions.

Most things today can only stay in the bottom of my heart for the time being.

But at the same time,

After all, there was a little more guarding in his heart.


Zhang Qingyuan has completed the second round of finals,

The two competitions seemed simple, but in fact Zhang Qingyuan himself consumed a lot, and the noisy sight of the square was not suitable for meditation practice at all.

So he simply took advantage of this time and returned to the Dongfu leased by the Zongmen to restore his true essence.

By the way, think about the gains from these two games.

Just a day later,

A visit from a person interrupted his training during the game.

"Brother Lin Yan?"

Seeing the familiar figure appearing in front of his cave mansion, Zhang Qingyuan was a little surprised.

Generally at this time, everyone is basically preparing for their own game, and they also consciously seldom disturb other acquaintances.

After entering the semi-finals, Zhang Qingyuan consciously did not come to visit him in person except for receiving a talisman from his acquaintances to celebrate his promotion.

Lin Yan's presence here surprised Zhang Qingyuan.

"Come in for a cup of tea."

Zhang Qingyuan invited the other person in,

However, Lin Yan waved his hand and refused Zhang Qingyuan's invitation.

"I'm not going to do this. I'm still anxious to leave. I came here this time to tell you that I am leaving today. I don't know what year I will return. I will see you later."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Obviously what the other party said made him even more surprised.

If I remember correctly, Lin Yan seems to have also entered the top 20. Could it be that he lost this final? But why do you want to leave?

Many doubts,

It surged in Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

He looked at the other party with doubts, hoping that the other party could give himself an answer.

"Nothing happened. Although I lost this game, everything was within my expectations. My strength itself was around 20 in the inner gate, and it didn't surprise me."

"This time I left because of other reasons."

"Moreover, compared to staying in the sect, going out and taking risks actually improves my strength even more quickly."

"I don't have many friends in the sect. If I go out this time, maybe I won't return to the sect if I don't make a hole, so I especially bid you farewell before leaving."

Lin Yan said briefly.

Zhang Qingyuan was somewhat silent.

The relationship between the two is pretty good, although it is not a life and death relationship, but it also belongs to the category of senior friends.

As for the inheritance of Zhang Qingyuan’s Wild Heaven Body Refining Art, he was more grateful for the other side to share the secret realm of the Western Wilderness that day. Although Lin Yan also wanted to find a powerful helper, Zhang Qingyuan was still grateful for the ability of the other party to think of himself. Especially when a friend like suddenly said that he wanted to leave after receiving such a big gain, Zhang Qingyuan's heart was also a little complicated.

"Friend Lin Yan, I wish you a smooth journey and a prosperous future!"

Thought for a while,

Really can't think of anything, Zhang Qingyuan could only use his hands to make a gesture, and solemnly said to Lin Yan.

"Ha, I'll give you the same words, I hope that the day I return, you will be well-known in Yuzhou and become the mainstay of the sect!"

Men’s friendships are relatively simple,

There is not much to say goodbye to Yiyi, it is relatively clean and tidy.

If a friend wants to embark on his own spiritual path, he will only sincerely express his support. I hope that in the future, I can see the other side's ambitions.

Or maybe both of them are self-confident people,

I am confident that I will be promoted to the realm of truth in the future, and I will meet again in the future, and I will have a big drink when the time comes, and continue the friendship of the past.

"By the way, Brother Qingyuan, I heard that you have a conflict with that Yuwen Shaochuan. If you are against him, you must be careful!"

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Yan solemnly said to Zhang Qingyuan.


Take out a jade slip from his arms and hand it to Zhang Qingyuan.

"This time in the finals, I just lost in his hands. The opponent is worthy of being the top three in the inner gate. The strength is extremely terrifying. I just forced out part of his strength...This is me and the opponent. I hope that the analysis summarized during the battle will be helpful to you."

"The other party's methods are very unusual, you have to be more careful."

Lin Yan looked at Zhang Qingyuan and hesitated.

"Speaking of which, the contradiction between you and him seems to be a conflict between the conservative sect and the radical sect. Among them, there seems to be a deeper inside story..."

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