With the rapid receding of the crystal light of the middle-grade spirit stone and the constant influx of spiritual energy in the surrounding air, the light of the pale golden light wheel in the dantian shone slightly, giving people a feeling of vitality and activity. .

This is to replenish the power of the sword species in the sword pill!

When Zhang Qingyuan created a variety of swordsmanship based on the framework of drawing swordsmanship, his own ideals and intentions were extremely extraordinary.

Although Zhang Qingyuan didn't have much knowledge of cultivation at that time, his creative methods still seemed immature, and there were still many flaws and omissions.

But the power in it has already surpassed more than one level of sword drawing.

Especially after the sword pill was obtained, the sword seed and the sword pill merged with each other. The original illusory sword seed took the sword pill as the carrier, resulting in mysterious changes and vitality.

This kind of transformation has made the sword species a mysterious and unpredictable upgrade.

But this is not over yet,

Later, as Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation level continued to improve, his horizons kept widening, especially when he obtained thousands of missing jade slips from the Linghai Sword Sect in the South China Sea. It took several years to absorb the knowledge from these jade slips. Greatly supplemented the foundation of Zhang Qingyuan's background.

The level of knowledge is constantly improving, and the understanding of comprehension is also deeper.

At the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan also supplemented and perfected the various shortcomings and omissions of the sword pill originally created by himself, step by step, improving all aspects of swordsmanship.

For example, at the beginning,

Zhang Qingyuan created this kind of swordsmanship that focuses on the kinds of characters, and then according to the bionics of the previous life, he constructed extremely tiny units built with true essence sword energy, and finally the tiny units accumulated and formed the final Of swords.

Just like life, the tiny units formed by those true essence sword qi are cells, and countless cells are arranged and combined to form plant or animal life.

Sword species,

In fact, it is the fusion of countless tiny True Essence Sword Qi units.

But with the development of time, as Zhang Qingyuan's understanding of cultivation deepened.

In the gradual improvement process,

In Zhang Qingyuan's improvement of sword species, those originally single tiny units gradually differentiated into various types with "cells" with different functions.

It is more and more like another organism with a similar biological structure!


A dead thing is a dead thing after all.

Just like in the previous life, no matter how a rag doll made of silica gel resembles a human, even if it is a one-to-one ratio, the structure of the stomach and internal organs will not really become a human being, a real creature.

The sword type created by Zhang Qingyuan,

The reason why it can produce vitality is entirely dependent on the effect of the fusion of this mysterious spiritual weapon sword pill and the sword itself!

How did it come to life from the death sword qi of the main killer?

Zhang Qingyuan has no clue about this principle.

I can only put it down and leave everything to the magic of Kenmaru to explain.

And it was precisely this kind of transformation that had taken place, and the sword type finally broke out from a one-time secret technique, which would then be restarted, to a secret technique that could be recharged and reused.

"Sword Maru, it is really inexplicable, not to mention that it can recover itself, but it also has such a magical effect."

"One day, I must find out the secret!"

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes and felt the active sword change in his body, secretly speaking in his heart.

After absorbing five days and five nights, and consuming more than a thousand middle-grade spirit stones, he finally restored the strength consumed by the sword seed in his body to 90% of the original.

When fighting against Yan Fanatic, 30% of his strength was used, and it took five days. Thousands of middle-grade spirit stones only recovered 20% of their strength.

The power contained in the sword pill can be imagined!

The original sword type "cells" are actually similar to bombs. In order to maximize the power of them, Zhang Qingyuan gathered tiny bombs, and finally ignited them all in the face of powerful enemies. The power burst out.

This secret technique of compression construction has accumulated over several years,

Once it breaks out, it will be able to produce more than ten times more power than itself!

But again,

After the outbreak, the bomb-like swords are gone, and if you want, you can only recreate them one by one.

But because of Kenmaru,

The sword seed has undergone an abnormal change. For some reason, vitality has emerged from the dead silence. After the sword seed bursts out of power, it can still leave a frame.

In this way, after the battle is completed, the true essence sword energy is filled and constructed, and it will become an active sword type again!

The magical effect of sword pill on the sword species,

This is just one of them!

There are more things, even the creator of Zhang Qingyuan, it is difficult to explain one by one~www.readwn.com~ If the secrets can be solved, it may be able to bring great gains to my path! "

A gleam of light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes in the dim cave mansion.

Although the strength of cultivation is nothing in the entire cultivation world, Zhang Qingyuan can also feel the extraordinary in this changing power.


After all, the level he was standing on was still too low to really pry into the secrets.

It's a bit of a sense of being sitting on Baoshan and unable to dig.

But then again,

Is the proficiency panel in your mind a huge treasure?

Why did I travel through it? Why did the game panel in my mind merge with my soul? How did I do it when I traveled through?

These forces related to the outer world, the power outside the realm of the cultivation world, but they were much larger and mysterious than this sword pill.

Shook his head,

Take a deep breath.

Zhang Qingyuan threw away the thoughts in his mind, recovered his mind, and did not continue to think about these distracting thoughts.

If the level is not enough, it is useless to think more.

The strength of the sword species returned to 90% of the peak period, and Zhang Qingyuan did not intend to continue to polish and recover.

The time for the finals of the inner gate competition will not give you too much time to delay.

The two are the relationship between the sword pill. When it comes to the later recovery, it needs a little bit of running-in. After all, Zhang Qingyuan has also practiced for several years before he "planted" the sword species in the swordsmanship to today's scale.

Naturally, it is impossible to simply return to the peak state easily.


Ninety percent of the peak power is actually not much different from the ten percent power of the peak.

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