Two months later.

"Huh, it's too difficult!"

Inside the Dongfu of the other courtyard, Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

Take a long breath.

There was also an invisible wave in the surrounding void, and under the oscillation of this wave, the inexplicable aura permeating the vacuum dissipated into nothingness.

Looking at the proficiency panel in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, Zhang Qingyuan also showed a wry smile on his face.


Name: Zhang Qingyuan

Realm: Mid-Sixth Stage of True Yuan


One Yuan Guishui Jing (Fourth Floor: 999910000)


Secret method:

Dayan Shu (not perfected:???)


It took another chance to enter the Enlightenment Hall, and after that, he was closed for two months, but the planned Dayan technique still failed to complete.

But it was not successful, which was expected.

As Zhang Qingyuan grew out of nothing, based on the golden fingers in his mind, and based on his own knowledge of cultivation, he gradually built up a perfect secret technique step by step.

As the founder, Zhang Qingyuan knows its perfection best.

"Difficult, difficult, I was not a scientist or a programmer in my previous life. The reason why I was able to transform and innovate martial arts and martial arts was only because at the beginning of my practice, I was able to develop my own thinking and wisdom to a certain extent, and then combine it. Only with some quantitative scientific analysis methods obtained in the process of previous life learning can we achieve this situation."

"If it's the scientists who passed through the past life such as national doctoral academicians, I am afraid it won't have to be as difficult as mine!"

Thinking of the difficulties encountered in the development of Dayan Art, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing in his heart.

no way,

During this period of time, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know how many brain cells were wasted for this secret method.

All kinds of accumulated cultivation knowledge, various brain holes in previous lives are constantly blooming with sparks of inspiration, and then try one by one, in order to be able to induce the alienation to become the part of the soul phone, and turn the huge computing power contained in it into its own. The power of control.

In simple words,

Dayan technique is actually a secret technique that can use the alienated soul phone in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This is just for use.

In contrast, the ability to understand all the secrets of the soul phone, and thus enable Dayan Shu to rise to the point of transcending the past and the future, omniscience and omnipotence, is far more than a thousand miles.

I am afraid that Zhang Qingyuan will spend his entire life searching for this.

Compared with that ultimate goal, Zhang Qingyuan now only walked a distance of more than two meters.

"Fortunately, this time the enlightenment of Wudaotang is not without any gains!"

A light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

The ten-day comprehension and development of the Taoist Temple, and the two months of retreat and immersed in painstaking research, although the Dayan Art has not been completed, it is completely impossible to say that there is no gain.

Before this trip to Enlightenment Hall, Dayan Shu could only use Zhang Qingyuan's own conditions to spend a certain amount of time and spiritual power to deduce the past practice, in order to compare and supplement his own foundation.


The Dayan technique hasn't been perfected yet, and it hasn't reached the step that Zhang Qingyuan envisioned.

But this time the enlightenment of Wudaotang also allowed Zhang Qingyuan to deepen his understanding of more than one level. At the same time, it was incidental that Dayan Shu could not only deduce his own past practice.

"If the previous Dayan Shu was just a framework, then the current one is already a semi-finished product, and it has been able to complete a function of the imagination!"

"Let’s try it now, what does this feature do!"

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes are shining,

I already feel a little impatient. Yipin Book Bar

I saw that his palms were combined and changed one after another, forming a number of mysterious and mysterious seals. At this moment, the majestic consciousness of the whole body was also mobilized, and the whole space produced a kind of space in time. Ripples!

"Dayan Shu, open it!"

Zhang Qingyuan was sitting on the white jade futon, with subtle lines gradually appearing on his forehead, eventually forming a mysterious imprint of mystery, flashing a dazzling brilliance.

at the same time,

In the depths of Zhang Qingyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, who was sitting still, the majestic and huge sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have encountered some terrible change, and a huge amount of consciousness was swallowed by a big mouth, like a tide surging!

Soul power is rapidly being consumed!

at the same time,

Zhang Qingyuan only felt that he had entered a certain state at this moment, and his mind became extremely clear, as if he could complete hundreds of calculations in a single thought.

But at the same time,

All the feelings disappeared without a trace, leaving only the cold reason.

There is no sadness and no joy.

This feeling made Zhang Qingyuan's soul tremble from the heart.

But extremely sane,

But he never gave birth to the slightest fear.

"Deduction, sword power!"

Many thoughts just passed away in a flash, and soon all thoughts fell into a kind of icy calm, and Zhihai began to deduce the change of sword power according to the previous goal.

With an order,

Zhang Qingyuan’s many insights into the kendo in the past, the cultivation of the meaning of the sword of water that he has comprehended over the years, including all kinds of experience in holding swords and raising swords, and even the kinds of swords he created, the predecessors’ kendo practice among the remaining jade slips of the Linghai Sword Sect Understand, the narration about kendo in the Yunshui Zongjing Pavilion, etc...

All the experience of kendo,

In addition, Zhang Qingyuan faced Bailongjian Yuwen Shaochuan during the Inner Gate Competition of the Qi Xiao, the queen of the water sword fairy, who had already touched the sword's combat experience.

Many experiences seem to be stuffed into a huge oven at this moment.

Under the huge computing power,

Thinking began to calculate and analyze quickly, one by one the main points were disassembled, and then merged separately, deducing one road after another.

It's like a river of many different kinds.

Some of these rivers are correct, but more are wrong.

Keep the correct ones, delete the wrong ones directly, or use them as negative examples to study why they are wrong.

Huge computing power circulates in Zhang Qingyuan's mind like a torrent.

Each road is continuously deduced, continuously verified, and continuously improved.

Thousands of rivers and roads have been deleted, merged, or improved. The number is constantly decreasing, and the extension direction of each road is constantly getting closer.

As time goes by,

Zhang Qingyuan saw the dawn getting closer.


Thousands of deduced roads finally merged into one, leaving only the last Tongtian Avenue!

"Is this it!"

For a moment,

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes. At this moment, the originally sluggish spirit radiated a terrifying light. In the final result of the deduction,

He saw an overwhelming sight!

That is the vast ocean with no end in sight, rolling up a tsunami that swallowed everything, drowning the earth with great might, and destroying everything in the world!

No one can resist.

There, every drop of sea water is a sword gas.

Countless sword qi converged into rivers, lakes, and seas, and finally formed the general trend of destroying the sky and the earth!

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