The vastness and recklessness, the mighty aura rushed into the firmament, covering the sky spreading over a hundred miles.

That kind of unfathomable, incomprehensible, unbelievable aura is like a vast ocean, filling the void of the earth, like a **** descending into the world, dominating all the principles of the nine heavens and ten earth.

this moment,

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhang Qingyuan even had a feeling of omnipotence in the world for my use, controlling all power, standing on the sky, and omnipotence!


Zhang Qingyuan was not dazzled by this feeling.

This is just the illusion created by the match between his own sword power and the weather this week, and the spirits can travel around the world.

The power of heaven and earth is very powerful.

But with this force, he couldn't move a bit of it.

"It means to be the first, and now I am finally entering such a realm!"

Feel the sword power oscillating like a surging ocean wave all over the body,

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

After truly comprehending this kind of power, it becomes clear how powerful this power is.

Artistic conception is just to comprehend the true meaning of martial arts, so that martial arts techniques reach a perfect state.

For example, a certain water attribute palm technique, after comprehending the artistic conception to reach perfection, it is only able to use the majestic palm force like a stream of water, flexible and changeable, and continuous, making the enemy as if trapped in the stream of water, and gradually be affected by it. The artistic conception is overwhelming and suffocating.

But if the artistic conception is raised to the point of power, then take a palm shot, and the mighty palm power will be like a river and sea, unstoppable!

This kind of formidable power that is like holding the position of heaven and earth, if it were not for comprehending the power of the same level in the same level, no one can stop it!

"I am now stronger than I was at the inner door, and at least doubled!"

Sensing the majestic sword power oscillating in the void around him, Zhang Qingyuan pondered secretly in his heart.

Although the feeling of picking stars by hand is just an illusion, the powerful power contained in the sword is still far beyond the ability to stay in the stage of water.

It was clearly felt by Zhang Qingyuan.

Today, if he were to put it back a few months ago, he would definitely not have played so hard against Shang Yuwen Shaochuan and their level of Inner Sect Three Masters.

Even in the face of You Xiaosheng, who is the number one in the inner door competition, they are at least tied.

As for Yuwen Shaochuan, who has played against each other, Zhang Qingyuan is confident that if the opponent hasn't made much progress, he definitely has more than 80% chance of gaining the upper hand in the battle and in turn suppressing the opponent.

From the beginning when he was almost suppressed by the opponent's moves in the arena, more than a year later, he was able to suppress the opponent under normal conditions and was able to steadily gain the upper hand.

Zhang Qingyuan at this time,

It also truly possesses the strength of the same level as the four masters of Inner Sect!

Worthy of the name!

In contrast, his potential has not yet reached its limit. Today, he is only the middle stage of the Sixth Layer of True Essence, and there are still many areas that need to be improved.

"Even though the Enlightenment Hall failed to complete Dayan Art completely last time, it could only slightly increase its development level and be able to deduce the artistic conception and face-to-face path."

"But at the same time, my understanding of Dayan Art has gone deeper, and there are directions in many places..."

"Before the opportunity of the last enlightenment hall is used up, I need to make a more complete plan to use my own abilities as much as possible where I have a direction. I must ensure that after the last time I enter the enlightenment hall, I need to make this door The secret technique has been thoroughly developed!"

Recalling the practice of these days and the effect of Dayan Shu on self-deduction.

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan, the flame of ambition was also burning in his eyes!

Once this secret technique is perfected, it will not be a problem whether it is the bottleneck of cultivation or the cultivation of various martial arts techniques in the future!

And this secret technique developed based on the golden finger will surely become one's greatest support to the cave realm!


Zhang Qingyuan took a long breath.

this moment,

He only felt that the road ahead was so vast!

"But speaking of it, I have been intensively practicing for more than a year since the Inner Sect Dabi, and I have spent a lot of energy and brainpower on the development of the secret technique of Dayan Art. The strained heart can't stand it anymore."

At this time, Zhang Qingyuan, who was full of confidence, relaxed, but also felt a sense of exhaustion from the heart.


too tired.

Zhang Qingyuan in his previous life was a university monk, but he was not a scholarly tyrant either.

After coming to this world, even though he has developed a lot of spiritual consciousness and brain power because of his practice, he is not a researcher after all.

For the development of this Dayan technique, he has ate a lot of cultivation knowledge and various secret techniques these days, and he also recalls some related information such as electronic programming that he has not had much contact with in his previous life, hoping to learn from it. The knowledge of the previous life is used to control the development of the mobile phone of the soul structure in the mind...

Each of these things undoubtedly requires the vast majority of brainpower.

Compared with Qingyuan even thinks that it is much easier to go out to take a risk to cut a year than to stay here to study this secret technique.

"Cultivation, after all, is a combination of work and rest. It is not good if the spirit is too tight. It is also time to take a period of time off and take a good rest!"

Zhang Qingyuan rubbed his temples, feeling a little distressed.

With the perseverance he has cultivated over the years, this fashion needs some time to recover. The difficulties encountered in the development of Dayan Art can be imagined.

Zhang Qingyuan already had a plan in his mind.

In the next one or two months, relax your mind, make a new master courtyard of the other courtyard, give a few sermons to the disciples in the other courtyard, read books, raise flowers and birds, and go out to the market occasionally. , To see if there is even the magic weapon of the previous life that can be missed...

Anyway, the next thing is to focus on leisure.

Thinking of this level, Zhang Qingyuan diffused his divine consciousness, covering the entire square of the 87th Courtyard.

The young disciples in the other courtyard are full of lively atmosphere, and the birds chirping in the trees in the forest, this kind of atmosphere between the mountain and forest colleges can also relieve the mind a little.

However, just before Zhang Qingyuan relaxed,

Suddenly, the divine consciousness sensed what seemed to be a dispute in a certain corner.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

Because the one who is in dispute is exactly one of the reasons why Zhang Qingyuan came here to take up the role of Lu Yunxi!

Lu Yunxi at this time,

Standing in the corner did not speak, but his face was full of firm stubbornness.

In front of her, a middle-aged man and a few people were surrounding her to say something. Among them, a young man was even more angry, with a look of irritation on his face.

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