During the next period of time, Zhang Qingyuan stayed in the Eighty-Seven Courtyard to rest, occasionally instructing the disciples of the Courtyard and guiding Lu Yunxi,

On the one hand, I went to the Zongmen’s Tibetan Scripture Pavilion from time to time, and constantly used Dayan Art to record all kinds of free magic and martial arts, and stored them in the proficiency panel in my mind, which is the illusory soul phone.

This work is really tiring.

Especially when the Dayan technique is used to continuously record various spells and martial arts.

Once the soul power is exhausted, or the Day Yan technique is closed, that huge and boring knowledge hits the mind, directly increasing the feeling of fatigue by dozens of times!

If it weren't for Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation realm, he had already reached the six-fold real yuan realm, and the quality of all aspects was far beyond ordinary ordinary people, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand this exhausting impact from the spiritual level.

But after all, white prostitution is more fragrant.

In particular, the excitement generated by the majority of the magic and martial arts of the entire Yunshui Zongjing Pavilion, which allowed Zhang Qingyuan to persevere.

A steady stream of all kinds of martial arts, martial arts, and all kinds of cultivation classics of the sect were scanned and entered into the soul mobile phone deep in his mind for preservation. Zhang Qingyuan's accumulated things are also constantly rising.

Although it is only scanned and saved, there is no real thorough reading and understanding.

But this will undoubtedly have a great effect on his future development.

Time flies by,

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

Within this month, Zhang Qingyuan, except occasionally instructing the children in other yards and opening lectures, put all his mind on the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the sect.

And this month's hard work has also allowed Zhang Qingyuan to gain more than four thousand middle and low-level magic and martial arts.

Among them, in the Yunshuizong Cangjing Pavilion, all the subordinate martial arts of the yellow ranks that can be watched for free have been included in the hands.

The gain is not trivial.

There are also many other sect classics on spiritual practice.

Fortunately, there are also Tianjiao within the sect that when creating some magical martial arts, they will frequently run to the library of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan's actions did not attract the attention of others.

The sect disciples who came and went in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion did not anticipate that Zhang Qingyuan was already carrying such a large amount of "knowledge wealth."

But the price is not light.

This month, Zhang Qingyuan's spirit has basically been spent in malaise.

This is because Dayan Art consumes a lot of spiritual consciousness and soul power.

However, because of this frequent use, Zhang Qingyuan was able to understand all aspects of Dayan Art in more detail. From time to time, his mind flashed with the idea of ​​how to mobilize the soul phone in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge.

These cognitive ideas undoubtedly played a great role in Zhang Qingyuan's continued development of Dayan Art.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

But then, Zhang Qingyuan did not intend to continue entering the sect magic and martial arts.

Although white prostitution is good,

But if there are too many prostitutes, it is easy to hurt the body.

Originally, due to the creation of Dayan Art, this short period of mental tension made me feel very tired. Coupled with the collection and entry work these days, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he had better relax and talk about it.

"The combination of work and rest is the kingly way. Take advantage of this short time to analyze and sort things out."

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly authentic in his heart.

But just after he rested for a few days, a person who surprised Zhang Qingyuan came up.


In the courtyard of the palm

"Congratulations to Brother Zhang for his successful promotion as a true disciple, and he took the liberty to visit his door. Please forgive me!"

In front of him was a middle-aged scribe-shaped monk wearing a Taoist robe and fluttering sleeves.

"It turned out to be Wu Daoyou, the head of the Eighty-Three Courtyard. You are welcome to come here."

Sitting under the pavilion, Zhang Qingyuan, who was studying a certain interesting technique recorded in his mind, was a little surprised when he saw the people.

The visitor was Wu Shanming, the head of the Eighty-Three Courtyard.

The Eighty-Seven Palm Court occupies a miniature spirit vein extending from the Yunshui Earth vein, and there are also several miniature spirit veins extending nearby, so the Zongmen established several other courtyard communities here.

The Eighty-Three Courtyard is one of the nearby courtyards.

Zhang Qingyuan has been in charge of the Eighty-Seven Courtyard for more than a year, and when he comes here, he is not a lonely ascetic monk who doesn't communicate with anyone.

Therefore, in this short period of time, several nearby palm houses have visited and exchanged one or two times.

But for these people,

Zhang Qingyuan and them are just nodding acquaintances, at best they can barely recognize the names of people. It is impossible to make friends who live and die immediately in the occasion of a meeting or two.

Wu Shanming is one of such schools.

He has seen each other once or twice, and he is only limited to recognizing the other's name, but if he really talks about friendship, he won't have it.

It is precisely because of this,

Zhang Qingyuan was a little surprised by the other party's visit.

"Please sit down, please forgive me for inadequate hospitality."

Zhang Qingyuan asked the other person to sit down and poured a cup of tea to the other person.

The fragrance of tea lingers around,

If it was before, naturally there would be no hospitality, but recently Zhang Qingyuan was ready to take a rest for a short period of time~www.readwn.com~ A cup of tea in his free time will spend the day leisurely.

It's also a good way of meditation.

"Thank you brother."

"You don't have to be polite, you and I don't need to be a brother, just call me Daoyou Zhang."

The status of the true disciple is higher than that of the inner disciple. Generally, the inner disciple will call the direct disciple the senior, but the other person’s age is a fraction of his own. Zhang Qingyuan also feels a little weird when he calls himself a senior, it’s not as good as a peer intersect.

"Then.... It's better to respect your fate, Daoyou Zhang."

Hearing the resistance in Zhang Qingyuan's tone, Wu Shanming did not continue to stalemate, but responded by pushing the boat along the river.

Anyway, based on his observations over this period of time, the other party is not a hypocritical person.

Quite a style of saying that one is one.

Drinking tea, the two talked about various gossips,

From the children of the other yard under his sect, to the hardships of his own hard work in the past, and what happened in Yuzhou recently.

Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan, who was nestled in the other hospital, didn't know much about the information of the outside world, so he listened more and said less.

From the opponent’s mouth, Zhang Qingyuan learned that the battle between the original Zongmen and Hanhaizong has gradually subsided, and the confrontation between the two worlds mountains has gradually cooled down. Many people have obtained the extremely high value of the Zongmen in the battle. Rewards, and gains because of the battle, have returned to retreat and break through.

These monks who survived the battles are obviously extremely powerful.

There is also that the original Inner Sect three great fortune teller You Xiaosheng is missing, Zuo Qingtian is rumored to be ready to travel the world, Yuwen Shaochuan has been retreating a year ago and so on...

I have a proficiency panel chapter list

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