Sanchuan County.

A county built up by a plain basin surrounded by three huge mountain ranges. Except for the plain basin with a radius of one million square kilometers, it is surrounded by mountains and rivers in all directions.

The terrain is rugged and dangerous, with many monsters and beasts, and it is extremely difficult to walk.

The few trails leading to the outer county are all mountain roads, stretching for thousands of kilometers between the rugged mountain roads, and the roads are sometimes attacked by mountain bandits and wild monsters.

Therefore, unless the people in the county are monks, they will basically live in the corner of the Sanchuan county all their lives.

Even if the caravan did not organize a strong team of guards, they did not dare to easily carry the tamed bull beasts to carry goods across the wilderness.

This is a world almost cut off by the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

However, the difficult and rugged terrain is not a difficult task for the true Yuan realm monks like Zhang Qingyuan and Wu Shanming.

The two people who were able to fly with swords directly drove a light to pass high in the sky.

And near the mountain road of China Unicom, without passing through the restricted area deep in the monster mountains and rivers, the spirit element realm monsters that occasionally appeared under the pressure of the two men did not even dare to show up, so naturally they did nothing.

"Sanchuan County is one of the smallest counties in Yuzhou. Coupled with the inconvenience of transportation, the overlord who occupies here is the Zhao family."

"The Zhao family is the host here, and the entire Yuzhou can be regarded as a middle-upper or left-right family power. According to the rumored family ancestors, the cultivation base is already a powerful figure who has reached the eighth level of true essence, and it is also the most powerful overlord in the entire Sanchuan County. ."

"In recent years, there has been a genius in the Zhao family. In just 50 years, he has already cultivated to the fourth level of the real yuan, and finally caught up with the Xiashan Sect and worshipped a certain Xiashan Sect in the cave realm. Under the elder Taishang, his family's momentum has risen sharply."

High in the sky,

Two sword lights traversed high above the sky, passing away like a meteor. Wu Shanming told Zhang Qingyuan the background of the destination of his trip.

"The cave mansion site where the Burning Heaven Sword was born before was in the Monster Beast Mountain Range. The Zhao family naturally sensed the movement, and sent people to inspect it together, and found the site of the cave mansion together."

"It's also because of the existence of the Zhao family. I waited for all the talents to leave without worry, and each went to gather their companions, and prepare means to come and explore again."

"so it is."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, following Wu Shanming's narration, he also had a certain understanding of the general situation of Sanchuan County.

Sanchuan County is located in the remote southwest mountainous area of ​​Yuzhou. Environmental factors make this area almost isolated from the outside world. In addition, it is relatively far from the center of Yuzhou, so it can be dominated by the family and even larger sects. None exist.

The power of the Zhao family is as straight as the Tu emperor throughout Sanchuan County.

But this has nothing to do with Zhang Qingyuan.

This is a boundary far away from the forces of the Yunshui Sect, and you have to keep a low profile.

"You need more guidance from Wu Daoyou on this trip."

"Good to say!"

During the conversation, the two quickly drove by from a high altitude.

On the rugged business road below, a caravan of hundreds of people snaked between the valleys like long snakes, seeming to feel the majestic momentum above the sky.

Then I saw that in the caravan, no matter it was a mortal or a monk in the Lingyuan realm, they all knelt down on the ground.

No one dared to look up.

Quietly waiting for the two people in the sky to disappear into the sky.

Zhang Qingyuan noticed this scene on the ground in Yuguang, frowned slightly, and a strange feeling lingered in his heart, lingering.

The movements of those people seem to be extremely skilled.

It feels like it has become a custom...


With this weirdness in my heart,

Zhang Qingyuan's imperial sword followed Wu Shanming, and within half an hour, the two flew directly over the mountains and entered the area of ​​Sanchuan County.

The silhouettes of the houses below gradually increased.

However, what made Zhang Qingyuan feel a little out of place in his heart was that whenever they saw their sword light, a large swath of people on the ground would kneel on the ground, afraid to make any movement.

"Friend Wu, what's going on with these people?"

Zhang Qingyuan finally couldn't help asking when he was about to arrive at the Zhao family, the place agreed by Wu Shanming, as the capital of Sanchuan County was in sight.

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but wonder.

In the outside world, for the monks of the True Origin Realm in the vast land of Yuzhou, most of the places are mostly rare to see.

But this situation has never occurred.

The True Essence Realm drove the escape light and flew over from a high altitude, no matter it was a mortal or a low-level cultivator in the Spirit Essence Realm, there was no situation of kneeling on both sides of the ground.

Perhaps mortals are awed and envious of the aloft True Origin Realm, but the other party rushes past instead of seeing him face to face, so naturally there is no need to bow down and worship.

As for the cultivators of the True Origin Realm in Yuzhou, all the cultivators of the True Origin Realm that Zhang Qingyuan had come into contact with.

I don't even feel that I need to surrender to such a scene when I travel.

Folk customs here,

Somewhat weird.

"You can rest assured that Sanchuan County is located in a remote area, almost isolated from the world. Even the spiritual element realm monks may not have the opportunity to broaden their horizons. The people are ignorant, fools and fools bow down to the immortals who fly by the sword in the sky. It’s nothing strange."

Wu Shanming didn't think there was anything.

Maybe it was weird when I first entered Sanchuan County, but after a day or two, I got used to and it is not surprising.

"Ha, that's the case, it's that I don't see how strange it is, but it's Daoist Wu who is more knowledgeable."

Zhang Qingyuan laughed at himself, gently exposing the topic.

However, in the interior, Zhang Qingyuan was vigilant.

"Haha, it's just a few more trips, it's nothing, hey, we're here, that's from the Zhao clan, let's go!"

Sanchuan County Town is already in sight,

At the gate of the city, two men and a woman were standing on the high wall of the gate waiting, surrounded by people kneeling.

The head was a gentle, middle-aged monk wearing a white shirt.

Seeing two sword lights coming in the distance,

The figure then took a few steps forward, bowing his hands in a salute:

"Friend Wu Daoist, I'm finally looking forward to you, come here, the banquet has already been set up in the mansion, just waiting for you to enter the venue, eh, who is this one?"

"Haha, I'm really sorry to keep Brother Zhao waiting for a long time."

"This is my friend Zhang Yuan, but the friend I invited to explore this time, Zhang Daoyou, this is Zhao Zuzhi, the third elder of the Zhao family, and he is a well-known expert in Sanchuan County. There are fewer than five fingers that can beat him!"

"I have seen Friends Zhao Dao."

Zhang Qingyuan then stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute.

"Disrespect and disrespect!"

Several people were polite, and then walked in the direction of the Zhao family mansion under the guidance of Zhao Zuzhi.

At the beginning, Wu Shanming and the others had made an appointment to gather at Zhao's house first, and then went to the cave ruins together to get through the big formation there and go in to explore.

As he left, Zhang Qingyuan swept his gaze intentionally or unintentionally at the surrounding area under the city wall, kneeling on the ground, and respectful and respectful of the crowd without any sound even with half-old children.


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