Rumble! ! !

The entire array seems to be shaking!

The four-pole Profound Fire Array was originally integrated, and the defense was extremely strong. When one direction was attacked, the array power in the other three directions would also be blessed in that direction.

It is extremely difficult to break through with this formation.

However, now, twelve cultivators from the middle stage of the True Element Realm have gathered, divided into four groups and attacked in four directions at the same time.

The overall support ability in the formation is directly abolished.

After half an hour,

The people in the four directions all broke into where the eye was!

"It's here, that's the eye!"


Breaking through the formation one after another, opening up a passage, entering the formation, and seeing a spiritual platform in front of which is carved with unknown cyan spiritual material and buried on the way, covered with dense array patterns.

In the eyes of Monan Sanxiong, there was a hint of heat.

Once the formation is broken, they will be able to enter the remains of the cave sky and obtain the lifeless inheritance of the prestigious Burning Heaven Sword Flame in the past!

Think about it three hundred years ago, that peerless figure who had once overwhelmed one life, even the three of them couldn't help but rush into their hearts with greed and urgency.

Although the Burning Heaven Sword was defeated by the Water Sword Immortal, the Water Sword Immortal is a rare figure in a thousand years. Who can underestimate him?

No matter what, it is one of the peerless figures who are rampant, turbulent, and call for rain.

If you can get the other party’s inheritance,

Even if you can only score one or two points in cultivation, you can still be at the same level without defeat!

"Let's get started, the inheritance of the Burning Heaven Sword will definitely fall into the hands of the three brothers like me!"

The bold eldest brother among the three heroes of Monan burned a flame of ambition in his eyes, full of confidence and authenticity.

At the same moment,


The backed sword monk and his party, the backed sword man headed by them are also preparing to put the formation into the eyes of the formation.


The Zhao family and his party also stood in front of the array, and Zhao Zuzhi also held the array plate in his hands, looking at the array abutment in front of him.


"Why is there something wrong with this array?"

Taking the array plate from Wu Shanming's hand, Zhang Qingyuan vaguely saw a **** red glow under the gray exterior.

I just looked at it carefully, but I still didn't find anything.

"It's really wrong."

Flying Mouse seemed to have discovered something, but he didn't find any clues either.

"This array comes from the Zhao family. Could it be that they set some trap inside?"

Wu Shanming frowned slightly.

Zhang Qingyuan discovered that there seemed to be some secrets in the Zhao Family in Sanchuan County. Although he had made some preparations in advance, he did not completely conceal something from Wu Shanming, who was with him, but vaguely revealed something.

The Zhao family is not good!

Need to be vigilant!

Although Wu Shanming didn't notice anything wrong, he wanted to come as his invited helper. He felt that Zhang Qingyuan would not come from nowhere, and made him wary of the actions of the Zhao family for no reason.

For this reason, Wu Shanming also became wary of the Zhao family.

"Forget it, no matter what the Zhao family thinks, at least this four-pole profound fire formation must be broken. If you want to come to the Zhao family, you won't do anything about it. When the time comes, soldiers will come and cover the water."

"However, you must be vigilant next!"

A flash of coldness flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

Then slowly put the formation plate on the spiritual platform in front.


Almost at the same moment, the four formation disks were put into the formation eye spirit platform back and forth, and a red light rose from the formation disk immediately, spreading towards the surrounding like a living thing, infecting the formation below. Eyes of the eye.

Then, spread quickly!

"Stay back!"

At the moment when the unknown rainbow light dissipated, Zhang Qingyuan stepped back vigilantly, followed by Flying Mouse and Wu Shanming.

A beam of red light soared into the sky from the array, like a beam of light shot into the sky.

The red beams of light rising in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest reflect the void of the sky and the earth, rendering half of the sky and the earth a burst of red.


Amidst the crisp sound like glass shattering, the thick fog that originally billowed as if it had suffered some serious damage, the space was rippling like pieces of paper, and eventually it couldn't hold it back, and it collapsed instantly!


Suddenly, the vast expanses of space seemed to crack.

Suddenly, the three of Zhang Qingyuan couldn't even react, they fell into the huge hole in the void and disappeared.

at the same time,

The three men of Monan in the east and the trio of cultivators with the sword back in the west were all swallowed into the dark void together!

There is no resistance!

The figure seemed to have fallen into a huge spatial vortex in an instant, disappearing completely!



The three of Zhao Zuzhi stood in a circle of light, the surrounding space was already dissipated, and fell into the vortex hole, leaving only the huge red beam of light in front of it rising to the sky, echoing with the other four beams of light, and the blood glow continued. In the connection, a more complicated **** array was formed!

The blood-red light soon covered the original dense fog!

With the formation of the **** array, the originally shattered space gradually stabilized, and the huge void vortex that swallowed everything disappeared!

"It's done!"

"As soon as the formation is completed, there will be no escape for these sacrifices! Once the blood sacrifice is successful, my Zhao family's hundreds of years of planning will surely complete the merits!"

Zhao Zuzhi's face was overjoyed.

On the jade plate in his hand, a light curtain appeared, and red light spots were distributed on the smooth mirror surface.


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