This is an ancient battlefield that seems to have been broken for a long time, and the surface of the ground is broken.

I don't know how many hundreds of years have passed. The passage of time has weathered the soil and turned the sand into dust, but it is still impossible to cover up the traces produced after the war.



Everything I saw was devastated.

The three of them didn't dare to be careless, and carefully explored the surroundings, because the dangerous feelings coming from nowhere made them afraid to let go of their vigilance.

Since entering the Dongtian ruins to the point where it is now, although it is not considered to be a murderous step along the way, it is not safe to go anywhere.

To maintain sufficient vigilance on unfamiliar and unknown places, this is a qualified quality for a monk to go out to explore the secret realm of the cave mansion.

The continuous and broken battlefield does not know how wide the spread is.

I don't know how many years have passed.

The three of them walked on the ground and took their steps lightly, bringing a faint sound to this deadly world.

Wherever I went, I occasionally saw white bones, broken weapons, and decayed and collapsed palace building materials on the ground, and from time to time there were broken walls and ruins. After years of time passed, they have turned into a piece of decay. Of the ruins.


Flying Mouse leaned down and carefully picked up a piece of white bone on the ground and a piece of cloth armor material that was almost completely broken and rotten.

Put them together and observe the contrast carefully.

"With these white bones and cloth armor materials, the spiritual energy has almost completely collapsed and disappeared, so it occurred at least thousands of years ago, and the traces of battle on this earth are roughly estimated to be just two or three hundred years of work! "

As soon as Flying Mouse said this, the faces of Zhang Qingyuan and Wu Shanming both sank slightly.

"In this way, this Dongtian site is likely to have appeared earlier, and the reason why the traces of the Burning Heaven Sword Flame were found to be inanimate, it is very likely that the other party only came in later?"

"According to the rumors, after losing the battle with Water Sword Immortal Qi Yiming at the peak, Yan Wusheng disappeared and there was no sound. Some people said that because he could not accept the blow of failure, Dao Xin was severely injured, and his cultivation was paid. Dongliu died in a corner that no one knew, and some people rumored that he encountered an unstoppable danger after that, and eventually fell silently and was killed..."

Wu Shanming made a low voice, with a solemn expression on his face.

On the side, Zhang Qingyuan and Flying Mouse were slightly ugly.

"Regardless of the rumors, the things that burned the sky sword flames of lifelessness appeared here, and the entire cave sky was almost swept by the monstrous fire, causing such a terrible sight. Then in all likelihood, this place is the last place left by Yan Wusheng. !"

"If the death of the Burning Heaven Sword Flame in the past was the former, and Dao Xin was wounded and self-defeated, if it is the latter, then it means that this Dongtian site is very likely to exist. Resist the danger!"

This is a very simple inference.

Needless to remind, all three of us are aware of this problem.


At that time, Yan Wusheng was born as an ordinary peasant child, and was not the kind of family child who was highly anticipated when he was born. How could his temperament be so bad when he struggled alone to such a point, and a failed battle would ruin his spiritual path?

Anyway, Zhang Qingyuan didn't believe it.

Even if he is himself, if he encounters a powerful enemy of the same level, or if his cultivation level is lower than himself, an opponent who is younger than himself defeats him.

He may feel angry, and feel at a loss for a while,

But it will never be able to stand up after this moment of frustration!

It’s not that Zhang Qingyuan has never lost,

Even when he entered the realm of comprehension more than ten years ago, when he was practicing in the Outer Sect of Yunshui Sect, he almost never won!

Step by step from that year to today,

Zhang Qingyuan is even more aware that it would be impossible to go from a farmer to such a point without a perseverance!

Then the truth about the disappearance of Yan Wusheng,

It is very likely the latter.

Perhaps after the battle three hundred years ago, the Fentian Sword Yan unintentionally entered this cave sky site, and then encountered an irresistible danger, and finally fell into it!

A danger that is enough to bury the genius evildoer who was famous in the entire Yuzhou realm of cultivation and half-footed into the threshold of the cave realm!

Thinking of this layer,

Whether it is Zhang Qingyuan or Wu Shanming on the side, Flying Mouse, their hearts are extremely heavy.

"But don't worry too much. Since the Zhao family has already discovered this cavernous secret realm, and has been secretly planning for many years, there shouldn't be too much danger!"

"Furthermore, now the entire Secret Realm of the Cave Sky seems to be covered by a powerful force, and the previous entrances are also covered by that force. In all likelihood, it is the Zhao family's conspiracy behind it. I am waiting to get out. You can only go to the core area and look for opportunities."

After pondering for a moment, Flying Mouse spoke authentically.

In the strange magma sea space, in order to find the way to leave, Flying Mouse used some kind of secret technique to see through the It turned out that outside the secret realm of the cave, there was a powerful force. Covered by the power of.

Then contact the various information previously learned, as well as the vision of the formation given by the Zhao family when the formation was broken. Why don't you know that the Zhao family of Sanchuan County is doing a ghost behind this?

Explained a little bit to the two of them.

Both Zhang Qingyuan heard this and were a little silent.

"Since this is the case, no matter whether it is Longtan Tiger's Lair or not, I can only make a breakthrough when I wait!"

There are many crises ahead,

But now the way forward is broken, even if there is enough horror ahead to make the famous Burning Heaven Sword fall three hundred years ago, there is the Zhao family who has been planning for so many years. The Zhao family has been planning for so many years, this time even The inner disciples of the Yunshui Sect dared to calculate, and Zhang Qingyuan didn't think he could escape if others wanted to escape.

After all, it is going to be head-on.

Although the front is dangerous, Zhang Qingyuan is cautious but not too worried because of the back hand that Zhang Qingyuan laid before departure.

In contrast, Wu Shanming and Flying Mouse next to them were as heavy as a mountain.

The breathing became heavy.

In this regard,

Zhang Qingyuan had some considerations in his mind, but he didn't explain it to the two people around him either.

The three of them rushed in silence.

Be alert to possible dangers from around you at any time.

I don't know whether he discovered the clues of the Dongtian ruins and knew the dangerous situation he and others were in, or because of the external relationship, Zhang Qingyuan only felt that the danger in his heart was getting heavier and heavier.

He couldn't help tensing his mind.

"what is that?!"

A quarter of an hour later, as soon as the three of them crossed a broken wall, they saw two huge shadows in front of them!

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