This is a losing battle.

The four-armed giant was beheaded by Zhang Qingyuan, and the flame Tianlin snake on the other side was not much better.

At this time, the Flame Tianlin Snake was seriously injured, with a languid breath, dying.

This undoubtedly gave Zhang Qingyuan a greater ambition.

Many years ago,

Zhang Qingyuan had once received a part of the inheritance from a certain disciple of the Royal Beast Sect, and was able to guard the monster beast, and because of his astonishingly powerful spiritual knowledge, basically all the methods in the hands of the disciple of the Royal Beast Sect could be used by him.

After receiving the legacy that year, Zhang Qingyuan also contracted a spirit-seeking mouse and a spirit-element realm monster that could fly.

The spirit-seeking mouse Xiaobai played a lot in the process of searching the Linghai Sword Sect ruins later.

But that flying monster was basically useless after Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to the real yuan realm.

His strength is advancing fast,

It also made the monster beast of its own contract far unable to keep up with his pace.

It is for this reason that even if Zhang Qingyuan encountered a powerful monster, he did not contract it, not to mention that the core of the beast control technique, like the magic weapon of natal life, is almost the same as that of ordinary monks. Blood contract.

Now, Zhang Qingyuan has encountered an unprecedented opportunity!

"An Xin, I won't attack you..."

Zhang Qingyuan's figure slowly approached the severely wounded beast. At this moment, the dying giant beast was lying on the ground, and his divine consciousness continued to caress.

As the Royal Beast Sect who deals more with monsters, naturally has a secret technique to soothe the emotions and minds of monsters. Zhang Qingyuan also naturally understands after receiving the legacy of that year's disciple of the Royal Beast Sect.

Although he hadn't used these techniques several times, he still calmed down the opponent's emotions slowly thanks to his powerful spiritual consciousness.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure was already within a few feet of the distance.

The blazing Tianlin snake gasped and roared,

There is not much reaction.

In other words, at this time, it has no strength to resist, and its huge body is twisted and twisted.

Standing in front of the head of this ferocious flame Tianlin snake, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment.

Take out a pill from the storage bag.

The invisible force lifted, slowly drifting to the front of the blazing Tianlin snake.

The snake demon's huge pupils stared at Zhang Qingyuan and the pill in front of him for a long time, and finally the snake letter spit out, rolled up the pill and swallowed it in.

The majestic pill was split within the pubic area, and a powerful vitality dissipated as the limbs escaped, and the dying aura of the flamed Tianlin snake also increased a lot.

He has already got rid of the boundary of dying, but he is still seriously injured.

After swallowing Zhang Qingyuan's pill, the original hostility and vigilance of the flamed Tianlin snake towards Zhang Qingyuan gradually dissipated, at least not as full of hostility and vigilance just now.

"Now your injury has been very heavy. This time the original pill can only relieve your temporary injury, and the future is unpredictable for life or death. Now the only way is for you and me to conclude a life blood contract, and then I can take part of it. The vitality is seconded to you so that you can quickly stabilize the injury, what do you think?"

Zhang Qingyuan's divine sense kept touching the emotion of the Flame Tianlin Snake gently, and at the same time asked with this meaning.

He is very careful?

There is a kind of preparation that if the Flame Tianlin Snake is a little reluctant? It will immediately jump away.

But his vigilance is useless after all.

Receiving Zhang Qingyuan's divine consciousness inquiry, the Flame Tianlin Snake seemed to think about it with a smaller head? Finally, he nodded reluctantly.

The promise of the Flame Tianlin Snake was a bit beyond Zhang Qingyuan's expectations? The next persuasion plan that caused him to exhaust his brain cells was to directly do useless work.

But not only is he not annoyed, but on the contrary, his face is full of joy.

Although I don't know why the Flame Tianlin Snake agreed to Zhang Qingyuan's blood contract so easily? However, it is obviously better to spend less effort.

"Then let's start!"

Didn't hesitate much? Zhang Qingyuan intends to directly cook raw rice into mature rice? First complete the blood contract directly, and then there will be no chance for the Flame Tianlin Snake to regret it.

The natal blood contract is similar to the natal magic weapon, except that the former is a creature and monster, and the latter is a dead magic weapon.

The life blood contract is compared to the general beast contract? Can the monk have the ability to directly communicate with the life blood beast? And to a certain extent share the true essence, vitality, vitality, etc., the strength of each other is not It's just as simple as one plus one.

As a creature connected to the mind and spirit, once the natal blood beast is killed? Then the contractor’s consciousness will also suffer severe damage, just as the monk’s natal magic weapon is destroyed.

But this life blood contract? It is dominated by the monks who performed the blood contract.

It is up to the contractor to decide whether to share this true essence, energy, blood, and vitality to the life blood beast, and at the same time, the contractor can also spend a large enough price? This contract relationship is directly cancelled.

With multiple advantages? Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan would not be willing to let go of the powerful flames at this stage? The future potential of the same huge flame Tianlin snake.

I saw a wound on Zhang Qingyuan’s finger, and the true essence moved, but a drop of blood was forced out of his body. Click on the forehead.

The Flame Tianlin Snake twisted its lower body a little nervously.

But it did not resist after all.

Let the slap-big blood talisman flow into the forehead, and finally lead into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

With the completion of the blood symbol import Qingyuan can also perceive the inner thoughts of the flamed Tianlin snake on another level.

"I'll call you Xiaohuo from now on."

The Flame Tianlin Snake concluded the contract without any resistance. Zhang Qingyuan also let out a long sigh of relief. He was delighted in his heart, and he also conveniently named him.

But until now, Zhang Qingyuan feels a little unbelievable that all this goes well.

So I couldn't help asking:

"Little Huo, why would you be willing to conclude a contract with me?"

"Master, you helped Xiao Huo kill that bad guy... My injury... Master has real fire on his body, it can heal..."

The stammering meaning of the small fire resounded in Zhang Qingyuan's heart through the blood bond, as if a child who was just fluent in the language was speaking.

"Real fire?"

What it is?

Zhang Qingyuan's face was full of doubts.

And with the stammering explanation of the blazing Tianlin snake, Zhang Qingyuan finally understood that the so-called true fire was the flame displayed with the artistic conception of fire.

This kind of flame, or the true essence with the artistic conception of fire, has a great effect on the recovery of the flames of the Tianlin snake and even its own growth!

Through Xiao Huo's explanation, Zhang Qingyuan understood.

The reason why it agreed to conclude a blood contract is of course due to its injuries and its own help, but the biggest reason is probably still in the mood of fire!

Because according to Xiao Huo, it actually followed the Fentian Sword Yan Wusheng voluntarily back then, because the Fentian Sword mastered the mood of fire that year and was able to provide the resources for Xiaohuo's growth.

Speaking of the Fentian Sword Flame’s lifelessness, Xiao Huo’s tone was full of pity.

Zhang Qingyuan is too far behind his former owner.

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