Zhang Qingyuan has no mind-reading skills for the many careful thoughts in Xiaohuo's heart that are completely non-monsters, and naturally he can't detect it.

In contrast,

What he pays more attention to is the faintly revealed information in Xiaohuo's words:

"Xiaohuo, you said that your former master fell in this place, do you know what the **** is going on? And what kind of risks are hidden in the cave ruins?"

Judging by previous clues, this is a trap set for Zhaojia in Sanchuan County.

Compared to them, the Zhao family obviously took advantage of it.

But in the face of the small fire that personally experienced this incident three hundred years ago, what the Zhao family knew was nothing. In this way, he and others would have an advantage in intelligence.

"I don't know, the owner was babbling all day long before the last period of time. It is also possible that the blow suffered in that battle was too great. After being defeated by the genius evildoer named Qi Yiming, the whole person changed. "

"Anyway, the last master didn't take me aside much after that. I just knew that once he went out mysteriously and suffered an unprecedented serious injury. The injury was very strange, and it seemed that he knew who he had met. What news, I often talk about the mystery of the gods, and then suddenly took me to find the secret realm of the cave, found this remote cave almost hidden in the horizon, and I don’t know where he got the news."

"After entering this, he seemed to recover from his nervousness again, and suddenly told me that this time he was dragging me down. Some very important things were involved in it, and it was also very dangerous. He was going to go this time. To prove the secret, you might want to catch my life, let me leave like this, say something that is broken, and finally leave without waiting for me to say anything."

The small fire on Zhang Qingyuan's wrist looked cute after shrinking, and it had completely faded the fierce spirit of the body.

It really thought back,

"After he ran away, I couldn't catch up with him. I didn't know where to go, so I wandered aimlessly in this place, but I didn't expect to break in here. That disgusting four-armed man The monster rushed up like crazy when he saw me, and then I fought with it, and no one can do anything under the stalemate."

"The blood contract disappeared not long after that. It is estimated that the money master is almost gone. No one helped me and I fought the disgusting monster for hundreds of years. In the end, both were exhausted and fell asleep. No one can do anything. "

Only then did Xiao Huo suddenly think of something.

Its two round eyes stared at Zhang Qingyuan and said:

"Ah? New master? This place is so dangerous that even the old master hangs here in twos or twos? There are those monsters who don't know what mess? Let's leave quickly!"

Zhang Qingyuan: "..."

A lot of things were said, and it was useless.

Saying it is the same as not saying it.

Just know that this place is dangerous? It was confirmed that the Burning Heaven Sword Flame had fallen into it when it didn't live.

"Do you know how to get out?"

Zhang Qingyuan is plain and authentic.

"have no idea."

"I do not know either."

"Then what to do?"


Zhang Qingyuan gave it a white glance.

While Xiao Huo was thinking hard about the meaning of cold salad, seeing the fighting subsided not far away? Flying Rat and Wu Shanming also came together.

There is still a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth? But the breath is much calmer.

"Brother Zhang really deserves to be a gift from heaven and man. I and the other two can barely protect themselves under the aftermath of this momentum, but Zhang Daoyou can participate in it and kill one of them in one fell swoop."

"If you don't have Fellow Daoist Zhang's support? Most of them are inevitable this time? I'm really ashamed!"

"The two are ridiculous. I'm just a snipe and clam fighting for the fisherman's profit. If the monster is in its heyday, I am afraid I can't take a few tricks."

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head slightly, without much pride on his face.

What is his strength? He knows best.

But it is precisely this attitude that makes him more valued by the two.

Young people? It's not easy to be able to do this.

"Speaking of which, congratulations to Fellow Zhang for receiving a powerful boost? I don't know if this demon is the blazing Heavenly Lin snake beside Burning Heaven Sword Yan Wusheng back then. Can I get one or two pieces of news about this cave day ruins from his mouth?"

Seeing the round red "bangle" on Zhang Qingyuan's wrist? Flying Rat's eyes also flashed with envy.

The well-informed man naturally understood what the previous red light was.

Can you get such a powerful boost?

It's not a small chance.

"I have asked? This guy doesn't know much."

Zhang Qingyuan briefly organized the language and told them what Xiao Huo had said earlier.

Hearing that both of them frowned.

"In this way, it is troublesome!"

"Outside the Zhao family arranged for an unknown conspiracy, there is a hidden crisis within the Dongtian ruins, and the situation is really bad!"

The Zhao family has been entrenched here for a hundred years, and they don't know how long they have planned, they naturally occupy the advantage of intelligence, and it is really not easy to deal with.

"What's even more troublesome is that I don't know how the Zhao family learned about the existence of this Dongtian site."

Recalling what Xiao Huo had said, Zhang Qingyuan was calm and authentic.

"Before I came in, I used to go out to explore. This Zhao family moved to this place three hundred years ago~www.readwn.com~ until the birth of their ancestor in the Zhao family more than two hundred years ago, and it started since then. During the conquest of the hegemony of Sanchuan County, a small and medium-sized clan family was destroyed during this period, and the Zhao family has dominated since then."

"It was also three hundred years ago. If the Zhao family was related to the inanimate entry of the Burning Heaven Sword Yan into this cave day site, or was connected with some behind-the-scenes forces, he learned that the Burning Heaven Sword had fallen here, and then laid out arrangements. If it lasts for hundreds of years to this day, then everything will be different!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present frowned.

What happened three hundred years ago,

Why did Yan Wusheng want to come here? Why did he want to let Xiao Huo leave at the last moment?

Nobody knows.

Even the small fire that entered the Dongtian site with Fentian Sword Yan Wusheng back then did not know the real situation, only knew that there were a lot of secrets hidden in it.

Whether this inextricably linked relationship is related to the rise of the Zhao family in Sanchuan County is also unknown.

"Finally, it's useless to think about it, you will naturally get the answer when you go there!"

"For the delays these days, even if the Zhao family has to do anything, I must be ready to complete it. It's head on, there's nothing to say."

"Indeed, it is a blessing, not a curse, or a curse that cannot be avoided."

"It can only be so!"

Wu Shanming and Flying Mouse responded and nodded heavily.

Then the three of them turned into a retreat and flew towards the distant sky.

But what they didn’t notice was that

Compared to being a little worried, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered deep in the side.

"Indeed, this time period should be here, and everything is also time to end!"

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