Zhao Tianji's strange face showed a ferocious smile.

Between the words, there is **** cruelty.

"Over the past hundred years, the realm of comprehension has been generally stable. Once the True Element Realm cultivators are killed too much, it will definitely attract the attention of other forces and attract the prying eyes of those so-called righteous leaders."

"Only in war, we can justifiably strangle you one by one and capture them as sacrifices to this blood soul formation."

"Can you see the high platform altar behind me? The blood pool inside may contain part of the bones of your relatives and friends! It is also in the past 100 years that the entire Sanchuan County has dozens of True Primal Realms that allowed my Zhao family to build This huge blood sacrificial array altar!"

"Being able to die here, bury the bones with your relatives and friends, and become part of the resources for the rise of my Zhao family, and it is your greatest use!"

Accompanied by Zhao Tianji's sneer, a **** ray of light gathered from the palm of the sky that covered the sky and grabbed it out of thin air. The majestic power shook the sky, as if it had overturned the sky and the earth, and the airflow within a radius of several tens of meters was caused to be turned upside down. , Rolling down with boundless power, the momentum of the power is no less than the powerful power of the Sixth Layer of the True Origin Realm!

"Damn you all!!!"

Tong Feiyan's eyes were red, and he almost left tears of blood.

The memories of childhood, the faces of the parents and teachers in the sect, even though a hundred years have passed, are still vivid today.

Before escaping Sanchuan County that year, Tong Feiyan also thought about going back to the mountain gate, at least to bury the bones of the ancestors of the sect parents, and enter the soil for safety.

But after that great battle, the entire mountain gate was burned to ruins. Except for the corpses of those low-level gatemen who were piled together and burned, the rest disappeared without a trace.

No matter how Tong Feiyan inquired, he couldn't get any news.

Even almost leaked because of this.

Therefore, she did not expect that the bones of her parents, relatives and friends would be sent here secretly, becoming the sacrifice of this evil array!

In anger, Tong Feiyan forcibly activated all the powers of Yu Ruyi regardless of his injury.


All the true essence from all over the body poured into Yu Ruyi, and the surging power was like a vast ocean, and a dazzling emerald green light burst out of Yu Ruyi's body.

The terrifying force suddenly swept across, and the soil within a radius of several tens of meters seemed to have lost its gravity.

The invisible and intangible power, with the terrifying and boundless power, seems to reverse the layers of space!


Under the powerful eruption, Tong Feiyan only felt that the divine consciousness in his mind seemed to have been taken away, his mind was blank, and at the same time a large mouthful of blood was spit out from his throat, and his breath was lethargic.

However, Tong Feiyan's hateful gaze did not stop at all, but instead squeezed every bit of strength in the body, as if to die with the person in front of him!


At this moment, even Zhao Tianji, who considered himself crazy, couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

This kind of desperate explosion makes the power generated by the Supreme Harmony far exceed the five levels of true essence, and even reach the terrible point of quasi seven levels!

Zhao Tianji was naturally able to see that after this blow, the opponent would almost completely dry up the lamp and no longer have any counterattack power.

But this also has to be able to survive first.

He acted crazy, but he didn't have the heart to die with this person!

He only saw his hands squeeze into a mark, and the blood-colored light reflected, a small blood-colored clock with the big palm rose from the dantian and appeared in the void in front, constantly oscillating blood-light ripples visible to the naked eye.

The blue veins on Zhao Tianji's forehead violently, with two fingers, the little bell whirled and rose rapidly, and expanded rapidly, turning into a blood-colored clock measuring several feet long!

"Blood in the mountains and rivers!"

Accompanied by Zhao Tianji's loud shout, the big blood clock oscillated violently, making a loud noise, as if a stormy wave was set off in the void, and the heavy **** sound turned into a tsunami that was visible to the naked eye and swept in all directions, like An overwhelming river of blood that covered the entire sky was vast and mighty, covering the sky and the sun, rolled up and crushed by irresistible force.

This blood-colored clock is the magic weapon of the Zhao Family's collection of various rare materials to refine it.

At the same time, there is also the power of three full blows that the ancestors of the Zhao family sealed for him!

Before that, Zhao Tianji was able to kill the monk at the Sixth Peak of True Essence with this, relying on the power of a blow sealed in it!

And now, in the face of Tong Feiyan's outbreak at all costs, Zhao Tianji once again used the hole cards left by the ancestors of the Zhao family!

boom! ! !

In the loud noise of the earth and earth, the world trembles violently, and the void trembles, and the space seems to be squeezed into sheets of paper and bends and folds greatly.

In that tragic collision, the foreign force radiated by Yu Ruyi was squeezed and shattered layer by layer, and the blood-colored river smashed into the void, and instantly defeated Tong Feiyan's attack with an irresistible momentum.

On the emerald green jade Ruyi, under the huge backlash force ~www.readwn.com~, there are also slight cracks.


Tong Feiyan spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole figure was shot out like a rag doll.

"Die to me!"

Zhao Tianji yelled coldly, with a grim expression on his face.

Tucked the big blood clock in one hand, while the other hand pointed like a sword, inspiring a **** glow that penetrated the space and pierced through the head of Tong Feiyan, who was paralyzed on the ground!

The **** red glow expanded in the pupils, and the death crisis was approaching. At that moment, Tong Feiyan seemed to recall a lot in his mind.

Scenes from the past appeared before my eyes.

The tragic destruction of the door back then, the **** vengeance that has been remembered for hundreds of years...It's a pity that she failed to avenge them after all.

Full of unwillingness,

But helpless!

Just as Tong Feiyan closed her eyes sadly and waited for his death, a long white ruler ran across, as if carrying the mighty power of a mountain, it slammed into the front of Tong Feiyan, and slammed into that **** light.

Boom! ! !

The true essence exploded with a violent roar, and the violent energy swept across the four directions and shattered the earth!

The blood glow disintegrated, and the white jade ruler traversed the void from this to the end, covering the impact storm to the moment, protecting Tong Feiyan behind him.

"I really didn't expect that the little Zhao family in Sanchuan County would dare to do such a frenzied act!"

"Indeed, I have traveled north and south in the realm of cultivation over the years, boasting that I am so knowledgeable. I thought that the cultivators who came to explore the real-element realm were already staggering. I didn't expect the slow evil in the past 100 years. Even more shocking!"

Two figures walked out of the void one after another.

The voice of sigh was full of shock and incredible!

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