Zhao Zuzhi's eyes are red.

He miscalculated.

The moment the three breaths appeared behind him, he knew who the other party was.

It was the group of Yun Shui Sect cultivators who broke into the forbidden area, and he thought that there was no possibility of escape!

At the beginning, the formation was used to determine that the three people were in the place where they were entering or not. The Zhao family had not been able to explore the dead place for a hundred years. Zhao Zuzhi not only gave up chasing the three people, but also directly had little effect. The positioning array was thrown directly behind his head, and he didn't pay attention to it anymore.

Because once he fell into that place, he was already one of the three dead.

There is no need to pay attention at all.


It was this careless decision that finally caused such a huge loss to the Zhao family.

Among the younger generation of the Zhao family, the most outstanding Tianjiao was directly attacked and killed by the opponent, without any preparation!

And myself,

It was also because it was at the time of the sacrifice, that he couldn't make a move at all, and could only watch the fall of his most outstanding junior.

Not only that,

As the most doting offspring of the Patriarch, Zhao Zuzhi has no daring to imagine what will happen to him if he fails to protect himself and finally returns to the family!

"You all deserve to die!"

Zhao Zuzhi's face flashed with sorrow, his teeth bit his tongue, and a large mouthful of blood came out.

Fingers connected to the joint print, the red blood flowed like a living thing, and finally burst into dazzling light, forming a huge palm print into the blood pool in front of him.

boom! ! !

next moment,

The energy of the blood pool erupted, and the blood burst into the sky, like a volcano that had been suppressed for thousands of years, erupting at this moment!

At the same moment,

The already perfect altars of Zhao's family in the distance also responded, one after another, the red light shining through the sky, and the runes around the altar of the high platform began to densely glow with blood.

The dense runes all around also lit up.

The great formation planned by the Zhao family in Sanchuan County for hundreds of years was aroused at this moment!

Bloody sky,

Layers of light curtains rose up in the void, covering half of the sky.

At the same time, a weird power spread and eroded the void land. Zhang Qingyuan and others, who were surrounded by a large array, felt that their true essence was being melted and consumed bit by bit, and was continuously absorbed by the strange power of the surrounding void!

This undoubtedly made Wu Shanming and Flying Mouse look drastically changed.

This kind of suction is actually not great, but the problem is that it is being consumed all the time, and the power of this consumption and melting is constantly strengthening!

Stay here for a longer time, almost all of a sudden, it will be turned into thick water!

"Hahaha, my Zhao family's three-hundred-year plan has finally succeeded! The blood soul formation has been aroused, and none of you can escape next!"

Zhao Zuzhi laughed coldly,

If you even have a link seal in your hand, you must knot the last mark of the formation, completely link all the altars into one, and exert the true power of the bleeding soul formation!

But at this moment,

Boom! ! !

A loud noise exploded, and immediately afterwards, a giant body appeared, surrounded by layers of the altar. Accompanied by the fiery, distorted, void-like high temperature, the terrible force strangling, actually made the whole tower tall. The high platform of the altar burst into huge cracks at this moment, and it will disintegrate in the next moment!

It's the Flame Heavenly Lin Snake!

When attacking and killing Zhao Tianji, Zhang Qingyuan did not forget the Zhao family members who were offering sacrifices to the side. He released the blazing Tianlin snake first and guided him to destroy Zhao Zuzhi's ritual.

Over the years, with the supply of Zhang Qingyuan's pill, the "real fire" that already contains the artistic conception of fire, the blazing heavenly forest snake has not yet recovered to its heyday, but it already has the power of a war.

Along with the strangulation of the flames of the Tianlin Snake, the huge tower as high as nine feet and nines was completely broken at that moment, and the blood and light resistance rose in the blood pool, but it was still unable to resist, twisting under the scorching heat. Broken, collapsed most of the way.


In Zhao Zuzhi's furious eyes, the entire altar collapsed half way!

"Damn you guys!!!"

Seeing that the altar was destroyed when it was finally completed, Zhao Zuzhi's face was filled with anger.

Fortunately, although this last altar has not been completely connected with other altars, it can barely be maintained because it has already stimulated success.

The high platform collapsed, half of the blood pool collapsed, and the majestic blood energy poured out.

But the whole is already shaky,

If no measures are taken, the altar in this corner will definitely collapse, which will affect the collapse of the blood soul formation, and may even cause the Zhao family's hundreds of years of planning to be destroyed!

"Since you are looking for death, then you can do it! It's just to use your blood and flesh to repair and restore this altar!"

Seeing the shaky appearance of the altar,

Zhao Zuyi thought of a solution in an instant.


He opened his mouth and vomited, and a small blood-colored pagoda rose from the dantian ~www.readwn.com~ appeared in the void, and then suddenly rose and expanded, turning into a huge pagoda phantom, turning the blood in the center of the blood-colored altar. The pool is shrouded in it!

Layers of blood-colored mirrors, like an indestructible spatial interface, guard the blood pool in it.

The flame Tianlin snake strangled hard, but the phantom of the pagoda that enveloped the blood pond remained motionless, helpless.

"Hmph, can you easily deal with the magic weapon of this seat?"

"Naughty animal, die for this seat!"

Zhao Zuzhi's anger was wide, and a long sword appeared in his hand at an unknown time.


The long sword burst out with shocking blood, as if the tide swept half of the sky in an instant, a sigh of tens of feet of sword light tore through the void, and slammed on the flames of the Tianlin Snake!

The sevenfold power of the True Primal Realm was fully stimulated, and under the sword light, within a radius of one hundred feet, the space was distorted, as if it could not bear this terrifying power!


Xiao Huo spit out a snake letter, perceiving the majestic and sharp sword intent, but did not intend to confront it head-on.

The seven-fold power of the True Primordial Realm was fully stimulated, and under the sword light, within a radius of one hundred feet, the space was distorted, as if it could not bear this kind of horror!


Xiao Huo spit out a snake letter, perceiving the majestic and sharp sword intent, but did not intend to confront it head-on. The sevenfold power of the True Primal Realm was fully stimulated, and under the sword light, within a radius of one hundred feet, the space was distorted, as if it could not bear this terrifying power!


Xiao Huo spit out a snake letter, perceiving the majestic and sharp sword intent, but did not intend to confront it head-on.

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