
Seeing that there was no way to go back, the Zhao family's long face flashed with a grimace, suddenly let out a long roar, and stomped heavily under his foot. With him as the center, the ground within a radius of several meters collapsed in an instant.

The powerful real vitality exploded, and the space under his feet seemed to be distorted under this step.

In the next moment, the Zhao family long turned into a blood-colored lightning shadow, as if it penetrated the space, swept up and turned like a dragon in the volley, the mighty blood, light and energy, turned into a cutting void, indestructible blood claws. , Grabbed Wang Yuenian's head straight!

Seeing that there is no hope of escape, then the head of the Zhao clan actually attacked and killed him in an instant!

This blow is like a wind, thunder and lightning!

The person has arrived, and a sharp sonic boom burst out of the void of the earth where the opponent was standing tens of meters away, impacting the world and sweeping away in all directions!

Its speed is fast, its momentum is swift and violent,

Even Zhang Qingyuan on the side never reacted!

It wasn't until the **** light that cut the gold and iron like nothing, as if to shred and tear the void to the eyes, suddenly awakened.


Just as Zhang Qingyuan exclaimed,

At the same moment, Wang Yuenian's expression on the ancient well was waveless, and his palms looked forward, as if spreading out from a different dimension, the endless spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth merged into his palms, and the blood-colored electric light that galloped in was also caught by him. With a grasp, the overwhelming dazzling light was squeezed and shattered like a bubble!


The palm of the Zhao family chief was caught in the sneak attack, and his face was horrified.

Don't wait for him to do anything,


A ray of sword light and bones produce cold, like a silver moon rising in the dark night, spreading the cold light of the sky, and time seems to have slowed down under the shining of this light.

The void was torn apart by sword light like a piece of paper, and the head of the Zhao family head rose to the sky.

Everything sounds long, but in reality it is just a kung fu that takes place between electric light and flint.

Until the head of the Zhao family heads flying high?

Zhang Qingyuan's cry of "careful" just fell.

And this time?

Wu Shanming and the other three, who were not far behind them, swallowed even harder.

The edge at that moment?

Although the target is not them? Each of them has a dangerous feeling of a sharp sword on the neck and a cold back.

And in the face of such changes? The three of them also stood behind obediently.

Waiting for the decision of the big guys.

"Fortunately, it's just a bunch of lunatics, otherwise it would be really a big trouble."

Seeing a headless corpse on the ground? Wang Yuenian shook his head disdainfully? A volume of Zhenyuan casually put the entire corpse into a corpse bag, even with the Zhao Family's nine-fold ancestor of the True Primordial Realm at the moment he came to carry it. The heads are still in.

These corpses are proof of merit? And maybe the sect can still get some information from them.

Can't stay here easily.

"Oh? I don't know where the blood **** sect the brother said is?"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart moved and asked.

"It's not a big power either. It just escaped the mice in the stinky water ditch hunted by the sect. Of course, those mice in the gutter are still troublesome for you? How distracted will you go out in the future? This time? You did a good job, why would you tell me in advance? If you can't say, it's really possible that something big will happen."

While packing up, Wang Yuenian casually explained the authenticity.

"The Blood God Sect? Is it a more vicious cult than the Demon Sect? The blood nerves they cultivate? It can improve themselves by devouring the flesh and blood of the monks."

"In a nutshell, it's cannibalism!"

"Through cannibalism, the followers of the Blood God Sect can gain part of the enemy's power, quickly improve their own cultivation base, or use it to enhance their own strength."

"It is precisely because of this that, for this sect, although the sect has taken the lead in uniting with other authentic sects in Yuzhou, issuing lore orders and offering heavy rewards to it, there are still some followers developed by the Blood God Sect showing up from time to time. It is endless."

Between talking,

Wang Yuenian slashed out with a single sword, and the dazzling sharp sword energy tore through the space, like the Milky Way pouring down from nine days, sweeping across with all-inclusive sharpness, and bombarding the blood pool altar not far away.

There was a crisp sound,

The scarlet mask next to the altar was smashed by the sword qi, and the tyrannical sharp qi directly swept and penetrated the entire altar, smashing and collapsing layer by layer.

With the collapse of this altar,

The rising blood-colored beam of light directly disappeared into nothingness, and the blood-colored array that enveloped the entire cave sky also seemed to be missing a corner.

"Although this cannibalistic technique can make people ignore the bottleneck and quickly increase, but at the same time, the road in the future will be cut off. It is impossible to realize the way of your own and step into the realm of the cave."

"The Zhao family’s plan seems to be based on this great formation, stripping away a path inheritance of the power of the cave realm, and giving them the nine-fold true ancestor of the Zhao family to continue the road, and rely on blood. The energy of the Soul Array, in one fell swoop, raised the Zhao family ancestor's cultivation realm after the avenue continued to the real cave realm!"

"This Zhao family is also amazing. It is so perfect that it is only half a step away from the final success."

"If it weren't for your junior brother, you might have really made them succeed, adding a lot of trouble to the sect..."

In the middle of the blood soul formation,

At the same time, coupled with his own investigation outside, Wang Yue young and Yi could see a lot of things.

It can be said,

Zhao's family is only the last step to success.

But after all, it failed. The hundred-year plan came to an end, and the head of their most powerful ancestor of the Zhao family was cut off by Wang Yuenian himself.

There is no possibility of turning over at all.

"That's why, no wonder!"

Zhang Qingyuan was a little bit authentic.

With Wang Yuenian's information, combined with the cause and effect, the various plans of the Zhao family made sense.

"Junior Brother, you have a solid foundation and you have a boundless future. You can't learn from these guys to follow these crooked ways and the road of cultivation. You should take the road to the sky dignifiedly, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the top!"

Wang Yuenian patted Zhang Qingyuan on the shoulder, earnestly.

"Teached~www.readwn.com~ Brother Xie for advice!"

Zhang Qingyuan also solemnly bowed his hands and thanked him.

"Okay, you and I don't need to be too polite, and then go to break the core of this blood soul array first, and let you leave the cave ruins."

Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan and the few people behind him had no opinion.

Wu Shanming and Flying Mouse were okay, they were a little excited, but they didn't react too much, but the spirit of Tong Feiyan behind them was a bit trance.

The enemies of blood for centuries were wiped out like this,

If it weren't for someone here, I'm afraid she would have broken down and vented.

Now it is like a puppet, following closely behind with the help of Wu Shanming and the two.

Not long after,

Several streamers flew across the horizon and fell into the high platform somewhere in the road.

"That's it..."

Wang Yuenian's voice suddenly froze, his eyes staring straight ahead, his face gradually becoming stiff, as if he saw some great horror in his eyes, his face turned pale!

The air was suddenly silent!

"what happened?"

Zhang Qingyuan's gaze followed his gaze.

Hundreds of feet away, I saw a half-collapsed palace.

Through the collapsed passage,

Zhang Qingyuan saw that there was a red figure in the center of the ruins of the main hall sitting in flames, with its back facing them, and the surrounding space seemed to be distorted in the scorching heat.

But as I moved my eyes back,

In front of the figure sitting in the cross,


It's a bottomless abyss, as if swallowing all the glory of the world, the abyss of hell, boundless, no end in sight!

"How can this thing be here?!!!"


Wang Yuenian heard the sound of almost whispering in horror.

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