"It's you kid. It seems that you have had a good harvest in the past two years. You know the way after you have come twice. Go in by yourself."

The old monk took the identity token in Zhang Qingyuan's hand.

Draw a magic trick on it,

After the comparison was correct, the token was returned to Zhang Qingyuan, and he pointed to the rear with a hoarse voice.

"Thanks senior!"

Withdrawing the identity token, Zhang Qingyuan bowed his hand to salute, then turned to leave, and walked in the direction of the Enlightenment Chamber.

Until Zhang Qingyuan's figure disappeared at the end of the passage.

The old monk sighed for a long time, the rough palm like the bark of an old locust tree was undoubtedly stroking an old jade slip.

There was complicated and unspeakable fatigue in the muddy eyes.

He also felt that his deadline was approaching and time was running out.

Persisted for so many years,

After all, it became a void!

The old man was unwilling,

But have to face reality.

"That's it, I hope you can crack the secret inside..."

The all-out dissatisfaction turned into a long sigh.

That old whisper echoed leisurely, as if carrying the bitterness of doing nothing for most of the rest of his life.

Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan knew nothing about what happened behind him.

At this time, he was facing the Enlightenment Stone, entering a state similar to the interaction between heaven and man, and began to continuously perfect the Dayan Art.

Countless streams of information flooded my mind, and finally the vortex like a substance was pulled and sorted by a force.

At this moment, his thinking and comprehension seemed to have increased to more than ten times, allowing Zhang Qingyuan to see many aspects that he could not see before.

"It's really amazing. This state of talking between heaven and humans is like a computer core replaced by a processor that is more than ten generations apart. But this mysterious and mysterious perception is completely different from a simple increase in computing power!"

While thinking about perfecting Dayan Art, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but flash through such a thought in his heart.

In the past, Zhang Qingyuan didn't feel much about this.

But with the efforts of the past two years, in-depth analysis and understanding, Zhang Qingyuan has a deeper understanding of the alienated soul phone in his mind and the Dayan Art he created.

These in-depth understandings undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan understand that the calculation and deduction power in Dayan Art is fundamentally different from this enlightenment stone.

"I don't know the origin of this enlightenment stone..."

For an instant, such a question flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

But quickly dissipated again.

Regardless of its origin, the most important thing now is to perfect the Dayan technique first.

This is the last chance,

And even if it is a direct disciple, if you want to get the qualification to enter the Enlightenment Hall once, you need to spend a lot of effort and make enough contributions to the sect.

And this is still a privilege that disciples have.

Because the inner disciples will never have the chance to connect to the Enlightenment Hall.

Zhang Qingyuan then gathered all his minds and put all his energy on the deduction of Dayan Art.


Just when Zhang Qingyuan was practicing hard.

Outside the counter.

There was a sudden tremor in the void beside the old man who had been sitting behind the counter? A wave of fist-sized ripples appeared? The light of a messenger talisman gushed out of it.

The old man didn't seem to have any idea at first, as the light of the messenger talisman flickered? Only then did he turn his turbid gaze around.

Just saw the familiar fluctuations in consciousness?

There was no fluctuation on the old man's dumb face, and he slapped it? The talisman was completely annihilated.


Stroking the worn-out jade slip in his hand again? Closing my eyes? Sitting there Mu Ran.

Like a statue without any signs of life.

at the same time,

At the moment when the talisman was pinched out.

I don’t know how far away, upstairs in a luxurious courtyard, a young man in white seems to have the feeling? Open his eyes? His face was angry, and he patted the railings of the courtyard. Annihilation dissipated into powder!

He looked bitterly in a certain direction,

"Damn it!"

The anger on his face made the handsome face of the white-clothed young man take on a hideous look.

"This old immortal is fast entering the coffin and he doesn't want to leave that thing to me! If it wasn't for the rules of the sect that didn't allow the same sect to kill each other? I must kill the door and teach him a lesson!"

This young man in white clothes is also a member of the Yunshui Sect, and a personal disciple of a certain peak line.


Among the direct disciples of the Yunshui Sect, it seems that it is not an ordinary existence!

Behind him at this moment? Several powerful inner disciples were standing behind them respectfully? They didn't dare to speak much.

"Brother? That old thing is like a stone in a cesspit, smelly and hard? Since you can't get it from him~www.readwn.com~ why don't you think of other methods?"

Upstairs in the courtyard, a figure behind the young man in white came forward and said.

"I remember that the old guy is almost three hundred years old, and the peak of the true essence realm is only in the past few years. We can't get that thing from that old guy. Why don't we focus on that old guy? What about the descendants of the thing, when he dies, is there anyone who can keep that thing?"

The man's words reminded the white-clothed youth in anger.


The old guy is not easy to deal with, the descendants or heirs of the old guy are always easy to deal with, right?

Even if the old guy does not intend to pass it on to future generations, he must take that thing into the grave, and find the place where the old guy's bones are buried, there are so many ways!

Thinking of this level, the original anger of the white-clothed youth also calmed down.

"Tian Lie, you are very good!"

The white-clothed youth patted the shoulder of the man behind him, applauding authentically.

Then he waved his hand,

Give orders to everyone behind him.

"Send out everyone below. I want to know who the old guy has met and talked to during this period of time. Don't miss all the information, and report it to me!"

A cruel color flashed across the face of the white-clothed youth, and a raging flame burned in his eyes.

"I don't care what the process is, in short, the inheritance left by the water sword fairy must finally fall into my hands, no one can stop me!"

"Yes, brother."

"Understood, brother!"

Many monks behind him responded.

The disciple named Tian Lie who had originally made the idea lowered his head. What no one could see was that an inexplicable light flashed deep in his eyes.


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