Before that, Shen Jiliang felt that to deal with a junior who was not a mere Sixth Layer of True Yuan, as long as he went out, everything was just a matter of hand.

This is his confidence in his own strength.

The things that fell into the hands of the kid surnamed Zhang will eventually be in his hands, and it must be a great feat when he passes it over to that one.

However, he did not expect Zhang Qingyuan's strength to be so difficult.

I didn't even expect that after a fight with all my strength, I would have no choice but to win the opponent!

At the thought of the words that other people of him had released before this, Shen Jiliang was irritated at the moment, and his anger almost burned his sanity!

"Be merciful?"

Opposite Shen Jiliang, Zhang Qingyuan, who was suspended in the sky, had his face curled up.

"Don't you understand. In the previous battle, I just treated you as a whetstone. With this strength, where does the presumptuous qualification come from in front of me?!"

"You said that you are from Shenhuo Peak. I also heard that it is one of the eight inner veins that is famous for its fire-attribute methods, but I think your methods are nothing more than that."

"Let me teach you what kind of power the flame is!"

Before even greater anger filled Shen Jiliang's chest, Zhang Qingyuan could see Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward in one step.

In an instant,

The vast ocean-like water vapor that originally swept across the sky was reversed at this moment, turning into extremely hot flames in an instant, sweeping the sky, as if even the entire sky was burning.

The majestic red flames gathered into a sea of ​​fire that enveloped everything, as if the water in the vast ocean before was just an illusion!


Shen Jiliang, who was planning to damage the foundation and using a powerful killer move, stopped all the movements in his hands with shock at this moment, staring at the front in shock.

This is the power of fire!

How can this be? !

This person in front of him, while comprehending the power of water, also comprehended the power of fire? !

"No, I don't believe it!"

"Fake, it must be fake!"

"It's no wonder that you only have the sixth level of cultivation, and the aura and coercion are not under the seventh level of the true essence. It turns out that you are just mastering a pseudo-realistic method!"

Shen Jiliang's face was full of disbelief at first, but soon calmed down again, came up with a possibility, and felt that this was the case.

Water and fire,

They are two opposite forces.

People who understand both powers at the same time are rare, not to mention raising both powers to the level of momentum!

This is simply impossible!

You know, as a direct disciple of Shenhuofeng's line, Shen Jiliang has been promoted to the Seventh Layer of True Essence for decades, but he has only comprehended the artistic conception of fire and can greatly enhance the power of his own means.


This must be fake!

Absolutely no one can master the power of the two powers at the sixth level of the True Origin Realm!

With cultivation, magic and martial arts are all possible, and it is not impossible for certain secret arts to simulate a certain power.

The sight of the red flames in front of him is nothing more than an illusory illusion.

Paper tiger,

A false shell.

"Oh, you almost lied to you."

Shen Jiliang sneered, and folded his arms around his chest. The hot real energy scorched the void, and the mood of fire radiated, turning the radius of a hundred meters into a huge furnace.

Looking ahead indifferently.

"I want to see, how do you teach me!"

Zhang Qingyuan's expression did not change at all, nor did he refute Shen Jiliang's words.

This made Shen Jiliang more confident in his conclusions.


He ushered in his own defeat!

The boundless flames converged, and finally converged into a flame sword in Zhang Qingyuan's hand, emitting extremely hot heat, and even the surrounding space was distorted, as if it had been melted and burned through, escaping terrifying power!

The flame sword hovered in Zhang Qingyuan's hands, stirring the hot wind and clouds away.


Stabbed with a sword!

Xinghuo Liao for nine days!

Suddenly, a little spark in the deep starry sky lights up, and then spreads rapidly. The overwhelming light illuminates the entire sky, the entire sky is spread by endless fire, and the void is distorted!

Along the way, large swaths of the void were burned and melted, and the ground below was collapsed under terrifying pressure. The mountains were razed to the ground, and the forests burned into ashes!

This force, overbearing and terrifying to the extreme!

Before reaching the front of Shen Jiliang, he had already brought him unprecedented horror!

"not good!!!"

Shen Jiliang's eyes widened in horror, and he felt an unprecedented threat in front of the power that Ruuo meteorite descended from the sky with a sword, piercing the void atmosphere, and illuminating the entire sky!

"This power is actually real!!!"

Endless panic surged in my heart, with a trace of regret.

I regret my self-confidence, I regret that I hit the door without finding out anything clearly, I regret that I have gotten into such a big enemy, and it is even more so that the other party has used such a terrifying sword!

Locked by this sword, Shen Jiliang is already unavoidable, unavoidable!

Between the electric light and flint,

That sword appeared in front of Shen Jiliang like lightning with the mighty force that overwhelmed and burned the entire sky. He had only time to retreat, his sleeves rolled up, and the overwhelming red flames gathered to resist. In the front, it turned into a huge flame light wheel, and the power of that blow was like coming from outside the sky, slamming Shen Jiliang's body fiercely!

Rumble! ! !

The earth-shaking loud noise exploded in the sky, shaking the place for a dozen miles, the aura of the whole world was in chaos, and the sky and the earth shook violently.

Accompanied by the space that is, distorted power bursts, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across, sweeping the unstoppable horrible natural disasters between heaven and earth!

The earth-shattering explosion weakened most of the sword’s power,

But the remaining part tore through the sky without any hindrance, and hit Shen Jiliang's chest heavily.


Shen Jiliang's body was severely hit, and his whole person was blown into the air, as if a cannonball hit the ground fiercely, and the large tracts of soil collapsed.

In the pothole,

The smoke was shrouded in dust.

However, Zhang Qingyuan was still able to perceive the scene in the center of the pothole through his spiritual sense.

At this time, Shen Jiliang had suffered an unprecedented serious injury. The whole person was embedded in the soil, and a huge sword mark spread down his chest. The power of the artistic conception of fire coiled and burned at the wound, lingering, and the meridians on the whole body were almost exhausted. Sudden, has lost all the ability to resist.

"It seems that Senior Brother Shen is nothing more than that. It really disappoints Senior Brother."

Zhang Qingyuan hovered above the sky, and the meaning of the power of fire all over his body automatically gathered like a living thing, and the force that overwhelmed the sky also disappeared, as if he were an ordinary person.

His eyes drooped, and he looked down at Shen Jiliang, who couldn't move, with a smile.

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