"Qingyuan, did you know that there is a crippled Xuan-level martial art in our Zhang Family Cangjing Pavilion?"

this moment,

The ancestor's face seemed to be much older, and it took a moment for him to regain his energy, and asked Zhang Qingyuan on the side while walking towards the family's Buddhist scripture pavilion, leaning on a cane.

"I know, Uncle Thirteen and I have talked about it, but the specifics are not clear, just know that there is such a martial skill."

Hearing that Zhang Qingyuan also showed some interesting expressions.

In fact, Zhang Qingyuan traveled to this world and understood the vastness of the world, especially after entering the Yunshui School to broaden his horizons.

I always thought that the Zhang family in Huashan County was an inconspicuous little role in the realm of Yuzhou cultivation.

The terrain is remote, and the family can barely have one or two True Element Realm monks to support them. Perhaps they are the top soil masters in Huashan County, but not to mention the Yuzhou Comprehension Realm. Even the Yunshui Sect’s own sphere of influence is one thing. All inconspicuous.

But now it seems,

The Zhang family doesn't seem to be that simple.

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly remembered that Yang Tianlie he had encountered during the Inner Gate Competition three years ago had traveled to Huainan County and knew what happened to Zhang Family during that time.

Originally, Zhang Qingyuan hadn't realized anything last time.

Just asked him for general information.

It was probably because of the conflict between the bandit forces in Lianyun Mountain and the Zhang family in Huashan County, and left.

Thinking about it now, it seems something is wrong.

Yang Tianlie is rumored to be the descendant of an ancient family in the Yuzhou cultivation world, and there is rumored that there is a half-step Dongzhen ancestor in the family.

Such a force is already a first-class force under the influence of the Yunshui Sect.

Compared with Zhang's family,

It's like elephants and ants.

As the most outstanding descendant of the Yang family, Yang Tianlie traveled to Huainan County. Why did he go to such a remote place to the west of Huainan County for no apparent reason?

Moreover, his gaze is still on Zhang's house!

There is obviously a hidden secret in this!

And the fact,

It also coincided with Zhang Qingyuan's guess.

When the old patriarch mentioned this, he was obviously not idle and boring.

He took Zhang Qingyuan to the family's Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, used the patriarch's token to open the surrounding formations, took Zhang Qingyuan to the deepest place where the guards were most tightly guarded, and took out a jade box.

Inside the jade box, there is a broken jade slip, and a simple dark gold token of unknown material.

Later, in the mouth of the old patriarch, he talked about the origin of the Zhang family.

About a thousand years ago,

There is a large sect named Hou Tu Sect, which is rumored to be a large force at the same level as the Yunshui Sect a thousand years ago, but it seems that because of a great turmoil in the cultivation world thousands of years ago, the Hou Tu Sect failed to support it. As a result Eventually the sect was destroyed.

The source of that turmoil is no longer recorded in the Zhang family.

Only knowing the entire Hou Tu Sect, only three inner disciples escaped in the end.

Before the three lucky inner disciples finally left, they received a gift from the ancestors of the true realm of Zongmen Cave, a mysterious and simple token.

According to him, that is the key to open the land of the Houtu sect inheritance.

If the Houtu sect is destroyed in the future, and there is no news after a thousand years, the three of them can use the token to open the secret of the sect of the Houtu sect and obtain the inheritance of the Houtu sect, so that the ancestors' efforts will not be lost.

Now after the millennium,

Things have changed, and the three Inner Sect disciples of the Hou Tu Sect also achieved their own achievements, and left their blood family, passing down the token and this secret.

And the Zhang family,

It was one of the blood inheritance of the three inner disciples back then!

"Originally, hundreds of years ago, the Zhang family also came out of strong people. There were ancestors in the late Zhenyuan period in the family. Looking at the entire Yuzhou cultivation world, it is the number one strength."

"But during the war between the two continents three hundred years ago, the ancestors were conscripted into the battlefield to die, and the family was attacked by a group of mysterious people. Their strength was greatly damaged, and they almost broke through the clan’s Scripture Pavilion. It was because of the yin of the ancestor who died in battle, so the Yunshuizong expert came to help, and all the people who attacked in the future will be wiped out."

"It's just that the two continents were in war, and Yunshuizong didn't have much power to investigate. In order to prevent the attack from happening again, I finally moved to Huashan County under the Zongmen with the help of the Zongmen monks."

The old family sighed for a long time.

The face is full of bitterness.

"The incident three hundred years ago was done by the same force in all likelihood."

"I originally thought that our Zhang family was hiding very secretly. I didn't expect that they would have found a trace decades ago. I want to come to Li Hongbo, the king of Lianyun, to be the opponent's chess piece."

"It's just that because of the contributions of our ancestors in the Zhang family, the people behind them dare not be too unscrupulous and challenge the prestige of the Yunshui Sect, so they secretly manipulated that Li Hongbo to squeeze the living space of our Zhang family step by step. We Zhang gradually lost."

"Once the family is defeated, there will be no new true elementary realm monks to preside over the formation. With the strength of the person you mentioned, he will be able to quietly embed in the Buddhist scripture pavilion~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know what is hidden in it. Take it away without knowing it. It's a good calculation to not only get things like this, but also to avoid getting into the Yunshui Sect!"

The old patriarch patted his thigh regretfully.

If he had anticipated this change earlier, even if he was cheeky, he would go straight to Yunshuizong and ask for justice, at least let the people of the sect kill Li Hongbo, the tentacle that the man had stretched out.

In this way, the Zhang family would not have died so many people for so many years.

The family will not gradually lose to the point it is today.

"so it is."

Zhang Qingyuan was secretly authentic in his heart.

When he traveled to this world, Zhang Qingyuan also discovered that Zhang's family style is actually good, and the clansmen are relatively united.

Such a family should be full of vigor, not constant defeat.

But the fact is just the opposite.

The whole family continued to decline.

Originally, Zhang Qingyuan thought that the Zhang family was out of luck, or that it was exploited and oppressed by the Yunshui Sect.

Now it seems that it is because behind the Zhang family, there is a great enemy who has never appeared in the dark!

Even Zhang Qingyuan suspected,

In the past few decades, the family’s True Origin Realm has lost two accidents one after another, leaving only the old patriarch, who stayed in the clan’s land and could not escape, to save his life and barely support the family.

Probably it was caused by that enemy secretly attacked and killed when the true element of the clan went outside!

Secretly conspired by such a powerful enemy,

It is most normal for a family to fail.

very good,

There was one more charge that would kill him on that person!

Recalling the middle-aged monk in Taoist robe he met that day, a cold light flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes.

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