"so it is!"

A few days later,

In the boundless space where the end is not visible, the ground is fragmented.

A huge clay giant with a height of more than ten feet is standing in front of him, facing Zhang Qingyuan away, giving people an incomparable oppressive force.

After several days of fighting, at this moment he finally discovered the weakness of the opposite side.

There was a sudden look on his face.


Zhang Qingyuan's pupils flickered.

I saw him stretch out his palm to form a mark in the void, and shoot a palm forward.

In an instant, the majestic essence of his body surged, and the dazzling yellow light burst out from the square inch of his palm, and the surrounding void seemed to oscillate with visible ripples at this moment!


Under the powerful force of true essence,

In the dark, a certain force within a few kilometers of the circle was spurred by it.

The sky and the earth trembled violently, and within this vast space, the earth shook.

But seeing the range of hundreds of feet in radius, the earth suddenly rose up, undulating and turbulent like waves. Under the tumbling and ascending soil of the earth, there seemed to be a big hand reaching the sky, underneath the earth, grasping Coming out, wrapped in a mountain-like force of terror, came to the world.

Rumble! ! !

In the violent shaking, originally resisting a huge earth-yellow giant in front of Zhang Qingyuan, he could not stand steady on his feet and almost fell to the ground!

And at this time,

As the earth rises, it turns into a giant palm, grabbing it in one hand, and the unstoppable force squeezes it in all directions, making it like a rag puppet doll, easily scratched!

It was just a momentary effort, the clay giant who had blocked Zhang Qingyuan for a few days, was so easily defeated in one fell swoop.


After beheading this experienced guard monster in one fell swoop, Zhang Qingyuan also took a long breath.

And as the mud giant was defeated, the broken body collapsed, scattered on the ground around it, almost piled up into a dirt mountain.

In the sound of crashing,

A light curtain lit up in the void in front, and a light and shadow appeared in the void.

Like an illusory projection.

"Congratulations, you successfully passed the first test. Do you want to continue the trial next, or just stop here and leave with the harvest?"

The figure on the light curtain did not change in the slightest, and the voice was as cold as a machine.

However, Zhang Qingyuan didn't mean anything presumptuous, as if he was treating an ordinary person:

"Thank you, I intend to continue to complete the trial!"

It has already been a few days since entering the dense land of the thick soil sect that day.

The phantom in front of him appeared in front of Zhang Qingyuan when he came in.

According to its description, it is a role similar to the guide spirit, responsible for the management and operation of the inheritance secret of the thick soil sect, and provides a test for the sect disciples who come to participate in the selection trial.

At the same time, it is responsible for issuing rewards to the disciples who pass the customs.

This light and shadow didn't seem to be wise. Zhang Qingyuan tried to communicate, but it couldn't answer anything other than asking about the content of the trial.

Or maybe it has intelligence, just disdain to talk with Zhang Qingren.

It's just that this is what he doesn't know.

So from this to the end, Zhang Qingyuan did not show any disrespect to this light and shadow.

Act carefully, as if you were a normal person.

In the brief introduction, Zhang Qingyuan also got a general idea of ​​how this secret land works.

It was probably similar to the level-breaking game in the previous life, and the first opponent he faced was the clay giant that he had defeated earlier, and it was also the first test.

"This is your reward."

In front of the light and shadow, a ray of light suddenly lit up in the void, and a jade slip fell from it.

Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the void. An invisible force grabbed the jade slip that was about to fall on the ground and flew into the palm of his hand.

Holding a jade slip in hand.

Divine consciousness poured in from it, and a lot of information poured into my mind.

Zhang Qingyuan has a detailed experience.

After a while,

Just opened his eyes.

There was also a hint of joy on his face.

"Sure enough! In this way, I kind of understand how the test of this inheritance secret works!"

Among the jade slips for this reward, there is the same description and understanding of the artistic conception of the earth by the thick earth sect. At the same time, there is still a trace of the power of the artistic conception of the earth, and the power of this artistic conception is simulated in this jade slip, so People can help monks to understand the artistic conception of soil more quickly.

It can be said,

This is the inheritance of the artistic conception of soil!

Combined with previous opponents, it is already possible to sort out a lot of things easily.

The most important of these is the main purpose of the trial of the Hou Tu Sect.

The previous clay giant was simply the most difficult opponent Zhang Qingyuan had ever faced in his life. It was clear that the realm of strength was only around the seventh level of True Yuan, but even if Zhang Qingyuan used almost all means, it would be difficult to destroy it!

It was not until later that he discovered that the body of the earth giant was connected to the earth, and the power of the ground formation continued to flow into his body. !

This is also the reason why Zhang Qingyuan was unable to break this barrier quickly.

It wasn't until later that he discovered the clue ~www.readwn.com~ so he used soil attribute spells to break the connection with the formation of the earth, cut off the continuous supply from the earth, and finally defeated it!

"Hou Tu Sect's selection of disciples seems to be investigating the mastery of soil attributes and martial arts!"

"Only the skillful use of earth-attribute spells and martial arts can cut off the power that connects the earth-attributed giant to the earth, and it can naturally be defeated!"

"This inheritance secret realm itself is an examination set up for the disciples of the Houtu Sect."

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but patted his head.

Such a simple point caused him to be black under the lights and had to stay here for several days.

"This is the test of the earth attribute methods of the Hou Tu Sect against the disciples of the sect! Fortunately, this mysterious technique that I obtained from the old patriarch is a technique inherited from the Hou Tu sect, and it has a great evolving technique. , Can let me deduce it to the stage of Xiaocheng in a short time!"

"If it is an ordinary human rank, the yellow rank martial arts, I am afraid that at least it will be possible to block the connection between the mud giant and the earth, but the mysterious rank martial arts are different. Between martial arts, there is a difference in quality!"

"It is precisely because of this that this clay giant can be defeated by me in one fell swoop!"

After understanding this, Zhang Qingyuan also had a general plan in his heart.

He did not immediately leave the test space at this level, but took out the white jade futon, sat on it, and began to use Dayan Art to analyze and deduce the contents of the jade slip on the spot.

Begin to try to master the power of the artistic conception of soil.

If he didn't guess wrong, the next level trial should be the master of the soil's artistic conception by the sect disciples who need to participate in the trial!

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