A month's time passed in a flash.

During this month, Zhang Qingyuan stayed in the family's secret room to practice, step by step to consolidate his own cultivation.

If the monk who has just broken through the realm, compare it with a piece of red-hot iron that has just been forged from iron ore.

Then a battle with a powerful opponent is like a blacksmith who forges with one hammer and one hammer, he can continuously temper out all the impurities in the iron block.

The material is forged and solidified, and forged into stainless steel!

The meaning of the battle with Yoo Doam,

This is true for Zhang Qingyuan.

Nothing can compare with a real sword and a real gun to increase the degree of control over power and increase experience.

After the battle, three high-grade spirit stones were seized, which became the foundation for him to consolidate this skyrocketing strength.

"Huh, I am worthy of being a high-grade spirit stone. If I have this kind of spirit stone resource in the future, my realm will increase at least ten times faster!"

In the secret room, Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

Taking a long breath, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and the top-grade spirit stone in his hand, as the aura was exhausted, turned into fly ash and disappeared in mid-air.

But he didn't have too much regret.

The harvest this month is really great!

In the past month, with the assistance of this high-grade spirit stone, he not only completely absorbed the combat experience of this line, but also stabilized the eighth realm of true essence, and made a small step forward at this stage.

Don’t look at it as a small step,

This is not easy.

To know that the ordinary seven-fold cultivator of the True Origin Realm, it may take several years or even more than ten years to stabilize the cultivation realm that has just been broken through!

Even if Zhang Qingyuan had the help of Dayan Art and the proficiency panel in his mind, it would take at least one to two years to consolidate this realm according to his estimation.

Now this time has been greatly saved.

Zhang Qingyuan also showed a hint of joy in his heart.

"It's just that after entering the late stage of the True Element Realm, the time and difficulty required for each step increase greatly, and the required resources are also increasing!"

After sorting out the current situation, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but sighed.

Within this month,

The cultivation level is stable and stable, but at the same time he also found that the middle-grade spirit stone's effect on his own cultivation has been reduced by more than a factor.

The speed of this increase is too slow.

It is basically impossible to rely on enough middle-grade spirit stones to reach the point where the realm of cultivation is advancing by leaps and bounds in the early and middle stages of the True Primordial Realm.

"Zhen Yuan Jing step by step in the late stage, and at the same time want to improve quickly. You need massive resources!"

"Pills, rare heavenly materials and earth treasures, and high-grade spirit stones, etc., have a huge effect on the cultivation and promotion of the road in the late True Yuan realm."

"And these things are basically developed in the Yuzhou mainland, where most places are basically developed. It is basically difficult to obtain a windfall through adventure. Nowadays, it is only in the area of ​​the South China Sea that has not yet been developed or is a monk. Only in the wild areas where the footprints are rarely touched, there is the possibility of one night becoming rich."

Consolidated one's own cultivation base and advancement,

Zhang Qingyuan naturally began to plan for the future.

Outside of the sect system, in addition to inheritance and other aspects, there are few places where he can get help from the sect.

And he himself,

It is also more inclined to be self-reliant.

Instead of getting involved in the unclear and inexplicable struggles in the sect, it is better to leave this system and strive to improve yourself.

Looking back on the past, summing up experience.

Zhang Qingyuan also has a general plan for the future.

The main thing is to go back to Yuelian Islands, my own nest, for a period of time, to digest the large amount of cultivation classics in my mind.

The martial skill of the magic change, the creation of the creation,

I am also preparing to extract some suitable alchemy from them to refine the pill. With the help of Zhen Yuanding, who is rewarded by his own cheap master, the success rate of alchemy will also increase a lot.

At the same time, by the way, collect news from the open sea.

In short,

After several years of sharpening his sword, he has raised his strength to the limit, or it has been difficult to improve his cultivation in retreat, so he is fully armed and ready to explore the open sea.

The entire ocean is huge,

Anyway, according to the news that Zhang Qingyuan can reach, no one has ever been able to explore the entire ocean. The boundless ocean has no boundary at all, and no one has ever known what the opposite is.

And now only Zhang Qingyuan knew that the human monks set foot on the ocean, at least more than a dozen Yuzhou area!

The entire outer sea is really too big,

It was so big that no one knew exactly what was in the vast ocean.

There are dangers and opportunities.

Sometimes someone has been flying for three months without finding an island to settle on. Some people go to a certain island and pass by an island reef. They accidentally find that there are mines buried on the reef that are also embarrassed by the truth of the cave, or because Deviated from the route and found a resource-rich island~www.readwn.com~Of course,

Danger and opportunity coexist.

In the outer seas, the weather is incredibly fickle, and even the nine-fold cultivator of the True Primordial Realm may lose their way. There are also a lot of terrifying monsters in the sea. There are many dangerous areas, and it is not impossible that there is no bones left. .

You need to be prepared and plan.

In the secret room, Zhang Qingyuan thought for a long time before leaving the customs.

There is nothing important next, and as this matter is over, the family's collection is also open to Zhang Qingyuan.

Zhang Qingyuan is also very interested in the hundreds of thousands of inheritance from a family that has been passed down for thousands of years.

These are the details.

Be able to become part of his powerful resources in the future.

In return, Zhang Qingyuan also passed on most of the inheritance from this line of Hou Tu sect to the old patriarch.

Among them, the most precious of the cultivation of the power of soil, the path of Dongzhen's cultivation, and those top Huang Tier, involving martial arts of the Profound Tier, Zhang Qingyuan did not leave it to be announced.

It's not that he is stingy.

But with the current strength of the Zhang family of Zhang family, they are not worthy to have these precious inheritances.

There will be countless troubles in the future!

This cultivation world lacks inheritance, and there are not a few desperadoes who want to go further.

Once learned by some unruly people, it is not impossible to take risks. These things are likely to bring disaster to the family.

Might as well let yourself hold it.

In the future, if the Zhang family has a talent for younger generations and has reached the late stage of the True Essence Realm, and has the strength to possess these things, it will not be difficult to come to him again.

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