The one who spoke was an old man over half a hundred years old with a cigarette stick in his hand.

It was also when Zhang Qingyuan appeared, the first person to speak.

As soon as this statement came out,

The atmosphere of presence changed immediately.

In the atmosphere of the stalemate, there was a little more tension.

The few people who were confronting each other were not stupid, and they all understood the truth.

Since this young man appeared suddenly, it meant that if he dragged on like this, there might be other people coming over.

And a few of them,

They were all just about the sixth and seventh layers of the true Yuan, and they were not considered powerful among the monks who were attracted by the Yuan Tianjie changes this time.

Don’t talk about the people on the list,

It's just a random person with seven real yuan and eight real yuan appearing.

Will have a huge impact on the situation in the field!

Drag on like this,

Not a way!

Seeing a few people moved in their hearts, the old man said out loud again.

"Rather than confronting someone like this and getting peaches picked, it's better to take a step back and separate the Ten Thousand Years Bell Soul Milk in this place. How about the one who sees it?"

"Yes, I have no opinion, but this new kid is not eligible to participate in the distribution of my waiting!"

the other side,

A burly man with a scar on his face looked at Zhang Qingyuan who suddenly appeared in the middle zone with a grim smile on his face, as if he was looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Murderously passed across the neck, leaving Zhang Qingyuan's neck cold.

"Of course, I have waited here for more than an hour and wasted so much time. This kid wanted to get a share when he first came. How can there be such a good thing?"

"And I think the number of people can be smaller. For example, the weak guys over there who are no more than the Sixth Layer of True Yuan do not need to be involved."


It was a tall female nun wearing a scarlet robe with an eye mask.

Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt a **** smell permeating him.

I don’t know how many human lives have been contaminated on my hands to reach this point!

"What? I want to leave me alone, I'm not convinced!"

The last person looked grim, with blue veins beating on his forehead,

Yelled indignantly:

"I also appeared here with you and confronted me for an hour, so why should I leave me alone!"

"Jiejie, why?"

"It's just that you are not a mere six of the true yuan, you are the weakest among us except this new little guy!"

The woman licked her scarlet lips and sneered.

"What are you talking about? It's better to wait for the three of you to join forces to clear the two of them first. Hey, not only the ten thousand years old in this lake, but also the wealth of two unlucky ghosts!"

A swarthy ghost-headed knife appeared in the hand of the burly man with scarred face.

Sen Leng's killing intent filled the void.

"This old man thinks it's okay, so let's do it together, and divide it after killing someone!"

"Good to say,"

"Do it!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout,

The three of them shot together almost without hesitation.

The scar-faced man with a big sword volleyed into the air, and the black light tore the void. Under the knife, there was a black ghost-like shadow in between, like a tiger descending the mountain, howling the wind and clouds!

In the hands of the one-eyed nun, a scarlet whip appeared in her hands, turning into a pike, winding through the void like a vigorous snake.

In the end, the old man just took a sip of the pipe in his hand, and the smoke cloud he spit was pulled by an invisible force and turned into a real flood dragon, the air current tumbling, and the momentum was terrifying!

Three attacks,

Each Dao possesses the powerful power of the Seven Layers of True Essence!

Coming in with the momentum of making heaven and earth,

Shock the void,

The entire underground cave space trembled at this moment, as if unable to withstand the terrible force, it was about to collapse!

Seeing this scene, the weakest cultivator of the Sixth Layer of True Essence in the field had any thoughts of questioning unfairness, his complexion changed drastically, and he turned into a figure and fled madly towards the cave!

Logically speaking,

Whether it is the old man, the burly man with the scarred face, or the one-eyed woman.

The three of them are the realm between the seven levels of true essence,

No one would let a little Zhenyuan Six Layers escape.


The cultivator of the Sixth Layer of True Essence really ran away!


The goal of the three of them was not the sixth layer of true essence that escaped at all, let alone the sudden appearance of Zhang Qingyuan who looked like an ant in their eyes!

Their goals,

It's each other!


The blade light that the black ghost head knife exploded suddenly took a sharp turn, sharp vigor, ghost spirit billowing, like an electric flash of thunder, it suddenly slashed towards the head of the old man with a pipe in his hand!

Almost at the same moment,

The poisonous snake training in the hands of the one-eyed woman suddenly penetrated the void and bite towards the old man, with extremely fast speed.

It's just that it's because of the poor cultivation base or the inability to adapt to the change. This speed is obviously lower than that of the scar-faced burly man!

But at the same time,

At the same moment when the two teamed up to turn their knives and guns at their cheap ally,

The pipe in the old man's hand suddenly expanded several times, like a heavy iron mountain, with heavy pressure, suddenly attacked the scar-faced burly man!

This momentary change,

The faces of the three were shocked.

A quarter of an hour ago,

"Poison Rouge, I recognize that old smoker, he is an old guy with a good reputation among the scattered people. The cultivation base has already reached the late seventh stage of true essence, and the true strength is even better than the ordinary seventh stage late cultivator. We will join forces to attack the generals. How was he beheading? Wouldn't it be better for this pool of Ten Thousand Years Zhong Lingru to split equally, why should there be one more old ghost?"

"What's more, you and I have entered the mid-seventh stage and the peak of the mid-seventh stage. There is not much difference in strength between each other. After joining hands to kill all these people, you don't have to worry about me turning back!"

A voice entered the poisonous rouge ear.

Poison Rouge's expression didn't fluctuate at all, nor did he turn his head, as if nothing happened.

But her eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking for a while.

"Yes, how do I do it?"

"Wait a moment when I propose to clear the field together, and then when I make a move, I will wait for the two of them to turn their attacks at the same time to besiege the old smoker! As long as the old smoker dies, the remaining two little guys can naturally be crushed to death easily. We share the harvest equally!"

"it is good!"

The two of them glanced at each other without leaving a trace.

Know each other in mind.


A verbal agreement was reached.

The three of them shot at the same time, preparing to clean up the guy with the Sixth Layer of True Essence first.

However, under the pleasant verbal covenant,

In the hearts of several people, it was another scene.

At almost the same time as the shot,

A thought flashed through each of the three people's minds.

The burly man with scar face:

[Oh, really short-sighted woman, as long as you get rid of the biggest threat of the old smoker, the rest will be of no use to you. It is not good to enjoy the treasure by yourself, do you really think I will share it with you? Sneer, wishful thinking! 】

Poison Rouge:

[Both of them are stronger than me. When I am besieging, I will slow down a little bit and reduce my strength. It's best to let them both lose. This is the time when my old lady and my fisherman are profiting! 】

Old smoker:

[Among the people on the scene, the only threat is the scar-faced man. When he shoots, he will be killed by a sneak attack. Then there is no threat to the rest of the people, and all the treasures are mine! 】


There was a scene of mutual backhand stabbing.

(End of this chapter)

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