"Be careful, fellow Daoist Li. This person is nicknamed the "Black Evil Old Ghost". He is a well-known evil cultivator in the spiritual world. He committed a major crime in a certain place more than ten years ago and was ranked 83rd on the list of Zhengyang. Daozi personally pursued and killed him, but in the end he escaped!"

With the support of Zhi Yan, the youth headed by Yaowanggu took two steps forward and whispered in Zhang Qingyuan's ear.

He looked at the old black evil ghost not far away warily.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded slightly, his expression unchanged.

"Everything should be mentioned first, come first, your Excellency intervenes like this, there is something wrong with it!"

Hei Xie old ghost stood on the branch, looking at Zhang Qingyuan from a high altitude, with a long and authentic voice.

At the same time in my mind,

Furiously searching for this person's face.

After a while,

It has been determined that the person in front of him is not anyone on the Yuzhou Fengyun list, nor is he a famous person. It is estimated that it is a guy who has cultivated to the Ninth Level of the True Yuan and was attracted by the changes in the Yuan Heaven Realm.

This kind of cultivating monk is mostly arrogant and self-righteous.

I think I am very strong,

But in fact, they blindly cultivate and have not rich combat experience. Most of them lack the means of combat, so they are much weaker than their ordinary counterparts of the same rank.

As a result, the old black evil ghost felt a lot of peace of mind.

"After all, these are friends' fellow brothers, Li can't just sit back and watch, and he doesn't want to fight and fight hard. Seniors should retreat first."

Zhang Qingyuan's voice was faint and authentic.

at the same time,

The breath of the mid-nineth layer of true essence swept away, making the surrounding world seem to be weighed heavily, and the atmosphere became dignified.

In fact,

Zhang Qingyuan also converged part of his cultivation level.

Because the old black evil ghost is only the cultivation realm of the middle stage of the ninth layer, and fighting between the same level, unless there is a huge difference in combat power, most of them will have no results.

Even if life and death fight for a few days and nights, the end result is nothing but a loss for both sides.

Therefore, it is enough to show the realm aura of the mid-ninth layer of the true essence, and you still need to hide a part of the power to avoid being caught off guard when something happens.

However, what Zhang Qingyuan didn’t know was,

What he did, as well as the breath of the mid-stage nine-fold realm, made the old black evil ghost firm his opinion.

A self-righteous guy who came out of deep mountain cultivation,

It is ridiculous to think that you will be able to fight the heavens and the earth by practicing to the Ninth Layer of True Essence, and you are omnipotent!

Let me teach you a lesson today, what is meant by "there is a heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the world!"

The black evil old ghost sneered in his heart.

However, the face was calm, Sen Leng's eyes scanned Zhang Qingyuan and his party up and down, the hoarse voice was like a broken bellows:

"Very well, the old man took note of today's affairs, and tomorrow..."

I haven't finished speaking yet,

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the old black evil spirit, his body suddenly violent, and the whole person turned into a black beam of hundreds of meters, shot out suddenly, penetrated through the void, and hit Zhang Qingyuan's chest!

A sudden eruption, like a teleportation, the majestic black true essence gathered on the pale and dry claws, and immediately reached Zhang Qingyuan's body, brazenly tearing the space, causing the void to oscillate, and Zhang Qingyuan’s heart must be given to Zhang Qingyuan. Take it out!

No one expected,

This black evil old ghost unexpectedly chose to burst out suddenly when speaking, and halfway through the choice of words, just when ordinary people slightly lowered their realm, they violently attacked!

This moment of change is like a sudden change in thunder,

The disciples of Yaowanggu around him only had time to open their mouths, and their faces were filled with horror, before they had time to make a sound!


Between this electric light flint, life and death.

A leisurely sigh seemed to spread in the void, and the surrounding time seemed to stagnate at this moment.

Let everyone including the old black evil ghost hear this sigh clearly and completely.


Suddenly remembered the surging sound of the clear water in my ears, the whole world seemed to be alive and noisy at this moment. In the eyes of the black evil old ghost, a strange feeling of time and space interlaced appeared, and the space in front of my eyes seemed to be Pulled away infinitely, a world appeared in front of him!

At the end of that world, the vast currents are surging, and the splashes have flooded every inch of space!

A green lotus grows out of the water, independent of the world, and stretches out gracefully.

Layers of crystal lotus petals bloom like a mirror, and the whole world seems to release a splendid brilliance that is difficult to describe with words as it stretches at this moment!

"what is that?"

The old black evil ghost opened his eyes wide, and a doubt rose in his mind.

The line of sight in front of him suddenly turned around, and a slightly familiar headless corpse was reflected in the line of sight. After a while, his consciousness plunged into an endless abyss.

The moment before falling into darkness,

He only remembered that moment, as if there was a sword light flashing like a galaxy before his eyes.

In the air,

The black evil old ghost's head flew high, rolled several times, and finally fell to the ground with a thump.

at the same time,

The headless corpse almost frozen in front at that moment~www.readwn.com~ Blood spewed from the smooth mirror-like neck, and then slowly fell to the ground.

In the void, the sword pill exudes terrible waves,

Then it turned into a glowing light, flew back to Zhang Qingyuan's body, and merged into the dantian for nourishment.

With a sword beheading this famous evil master in Yuzhou, Zhang Qingyuan didn't have the slightest fluctuation on his face, and with a single move, he grabbed the storage bag on his body out of thin air.

The divine sense comes in,

After browsing the contents a bit, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

This person's reputation in the Yuzhou cultivation world is considered good, and among the nine layers of true essence, he can also be regarded as a top master of one party, but it is not known whether the other party has no habit of carrying his wealth with him or something else.

There is not much value in the storage bag.

Thousands of middle-grade spirit stones, one or two magic weapons, some high-level monster beast materials, monster pills, are better than nothing.

Can make Zhang Qingyuan care a little bit,

It is estimated that there are some jade slips in it that may record his unique secret skills.

For Zhang Qingyuan, who has a proficiency panel and relied on the Dayan technique developed by him, various private unique secret techniques and cultivation knowledge are undoubtedly more useful for him.

Zhang Qingyuan had nothing to gain from helping out this time.

But he helped,

But it wasn't for any gain, but for Yang Yuyan's face, pulling out the remaining disciples of the Medicine King Valley.

Also because of this,

When the matter is resolved, he is ready to leave.

"Everyone, this matter is over. There is still something important to do in Li's trip, so he is going to leave first. You can find a place to recover first, and explore here with caution."

Zhang Qingyuan clasped his fists and moved towards the people behind him.

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