Within the Yuantian Realm,

A few days later,

Under Chen Xiqi's guidance, he spent five days on the way, and didn't know how far he had traveled. Some troubles were resolved on the way, and a group of people came to a huge Tianyuan crack!

The huge crack in front stretches for an unknown distance, and the underground is a bottomless abyss, like a dark flowing river running across the front.

The abyss underground air current rises,

Enveloping the unknown gray evil spirit, it turned into a wind that eroded gold and iron, and the space above seemed to have been blown away, making a whining sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

Interact with the gloomy world,

It makes people feel that Ruuo has come to the end of the world.

"what is this?"

Zhang Qingyuan stopped, standing on the edge of the cracked cliff, looking at the dark abyss with almost no end in sight, frowning slightly.

Lingjue told him,

There is a great danger hidden in the abyss ahead!

Chen Xiqi and the others behind him also stopped, their eyes touched the abyss where the wind was whistling in front of them, and they couldn't help but scream.

Chen Xiqi reached out,

Touching the gray wind rising from the front, the true essence power escaped and frowned.

"The erosive force of the gang wind mixed with the evil spirits of the earth veins is extremely strong, and I am afraid that only the cultivation realm above the late True Yuan stage can barely resist it!"

"Fortunately, if you fly over from above, it shouldn't be difficult."

Chen Xiqi retracted his palm and said in a real voice.

These few days,

Recover while rushing.

Coupled with the presence of Zhang Qingyuan, the group did not encounter any danger, so that his injuries have recovered somewhat.

Nothing happened all the way,

It also made his mood a little more brisk.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. I feel that there seems to be some danger hidden under this abyss. I am afraid that it will not really be revealed until we cross over."

The cracks in the dark abyss looked like a bottleneck, and there was no trace of life.

But he is far more powerful than ordinary people,

Still keenly felt a certain peeping gaze hidden in the darkness.

"The senior of your Medicine King Valley, didn't you leave any news about this abyssal crack in front of you?"

"not at all."

Feeling the worry in Zhang Qingyuan's words, Chen Xiqi also raised his heart.

He closed his eyes and recalled carefully.

After all, he shook his head.

"This may be that the ancestor did not record it, but perhaps there was no such an abyss barrier originally, and it didn't appear until an unknown change happened later."

"Maybe it was the result of the great supernatural powers fighting in the civil turmoil ten thousand years ago, or it may have caused an unknown change after ten thousand years... It is also possible that the maintenance of the Yuantian realm has come to an end. About to collapse!"

As Chen Xiqi's words fell,

For a while,

The surrounding atmosphere is a bit solemn.

A few monks from Yaowanggu looked at each other behind him.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what happened, since you have already come here, there is no reason to go back the same way. Please prepare and leap here directly!"

According to Chen Xiqi,

The location of the main hall is not far away.

There is a high probability that it will almost arrive after crossing this abyss.

Naturally, there is no reason to stop here.

The cultivators of Medicine King Valley hurriedly checked their various methods, all kinds of attack talisman, defensive magic weapons, etc. were all ready, and they could use them at any time.


Zhang Qingyuan also has no extra nonsense,

The whole person jumped up and turned into a ray of light to fly across the sky and cross the sky.

Several breaking winds sounded behind him, and several people from Yaowanggu followed closely behind.

The group of people took Zhang Qingyuan as the pioneer, half behind them were Chen Xiqi and a female sister named Qiao Zhiyan, forming an inverted V-shaped geese formation in mid-air, and quickly flew over the abyss crack.

In a few minutes,

The end of the cliff and the land behind you can’t be seen, and there is a dark area under your feet, as if the space has collapsed in that area. Occasionally, the remaining cliffs and peaks stand alone, breaking through the unknown darkness underneath, appearing in everyone’s eyes. In the field of vision.

However, as a group of people steered the flight of the escape light, the lonely cliff mountain quickly retreated backward and disappeared.


Zhang Qingyuan, who had been flying for a while, clearly felt it.

In this raging wind, the cost of flying at high altitude is dozens of times stronger than the cost of flying in the sky!

The bitter wind from bottom to top, engulfed in grey suffocation, blew past him, making the sound of howling ghosts and wolves, and also obscured the vision in the distance.

The invisible end of the gloom,

And the dark abyss under your feet where you can't see your fingers, undoubtedly puts a great pressure on people!

Among the people behind him, the Yaowanggu monk, who had a weaker cultivation base, was already breathing a little.

Zhang Qingyuan's face became more solemn.

I just haven't waited for him to say anything,

Suddenly, a great sense of crisis suddenly descended!


Zhang Qingyuan only had time to shout for improvement, and he heard the dense buzzing sound. The sound actually penetrated the substantive torrent of wind and entered everyone's ears clearly!

The faces of the monks in the Medicine King Valley behind only had time to rise in consternation and doubt~www.readwn.com~ I saw a large swath of black smoke suddenly descending in front, like a black tide, rushing towards a group of people, as if To drown them!


Zhang Qingyuan, who had already been shocked, quickly twisted his hands into a magic trick, mobilizing the vigorous true essence in his body. Following and pointing out, a bright hardness suddenly penetrated the void like an electric glow, dividing one into two and two into three on the way.. ..... In an instant it turned into dozens or hundreds of sword shadows, converging into a flood of sword energy and bombarding the black smoke!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In the continuous muffled sound, there was no sword shadow passing through, and a fist-sized black shadow lost its power and fell from mid-air in the black smoke.

The sharp-eyed Chen Xiqi could see that it was obviously a fist-sized unknown bug with a long mouthpart in his mouth!

The scarlet compound eyes and the ferocious mouthparts are almost like an enlarged version of the mosquito!

no doubt,

These crazy things are definitely not friendly things!

A mutated mosquito escaped the surge of sword qi, and was suddenly swept back by the wind torn from the sky. It was by luck that it went straight to the back of the team!

Immediately, like a gray afterimage, rushed directly behind a disciple Yaowanggu who was looking ahead panicked and unsuspecting.


The mouthparts pierced the right arm of the man like lightning, and he sucked suddenly. The whole arm was sucked and shrunk while breathing. The mutant mosquito swelled strangely by itself, flashing a scarlet red light. !


The man screamed and waved his hands frantically.

The people around looked up and saw this horrible scene, and they took a breath!

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