In front is a huge continuous palace.

A light curtain on the top like a colorful glass plate enveloped the entire hall, preventing the monks from further exploration.

Let everyone have to stop here.

At this time, those who were able to stand on this square were basically at the realm of cultivation above the eighty-nineth layer of true Yuan.

Moreover, it is possible to know the location of this main hall, and in all likelihood, he also holds information related to the Yuantian Realm.

Most of the big forces are behind them.

But even so,

Everyone was blocked in this square, unable to enter the hall.

It is conceivable that the light curtain covering the entire square is so powerful!

The arrival of Zhang Qingyuan and his party attracted a lot of attention from the surroundings, but after they randomly found a slightly remote place to settle down, they did not usher too much attention.

A group of people who don’t know their faces,

The breath is not too strong, there is no need to be too careless.

The overall atmosphere is a bit quiet,

With a little depression.

"There are so many people, can Brother Chen have specific information about this main hall?"

Zhang Qingyuan glanced around, but unexpectedly discovered that there were several "acquaintances".

I saw Yin Tianjun on the Billboard outside of Yuantian Realm. Ye Han, who became famous as the protagonist in a short period of time, also surprised Zhang Qingyuan. He stood beside Ye Han, a well-connected person in Mingshui Dao. Brother Wang Yuenian!

The two stood together, seeming to be talking about something.

Several people gathered around,

It seemed that it was also the true biography of Yunshui Sect, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't know him.

Most of the gazes present were focused on their group of people.

This is not surprising, after all, among the people present, the strength of the crowd of Yunshuizong is the most powerful.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Thought for a while,

After all, he didn't show his identity to come forward and say hello.

His Li Feiyu's vest is quite good. Instead of exposing himself to everyone's sight, he should act in secret and plan what he needs in a low-key manner.

Among the monks present, there are definitely not a few people with such thoughts.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't see the Lu Longcheng he had encountered before, nor did he see the assassin killer A San from the Heaven and Earth Tower.

These people are either involved in important matters,

Either hide in the dark and prepare to fish in troubled waters.

Zhang Qingyuan thinks that the latter is a little bit more.

"I don't know very well. As the core of the Yuantian Realm, this palace seems to also be responsible for the functions of sealing trial rewards, storing inheritance, and so on. The things placed in each hall are different."

"But if the map of the entire Yuantian realm is on the side of the main hall, right?"

Chen Xiqi replied after pondering for a moment.

Can you only explore on your own?

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan nodded thoughtfully.

"Brother Li, thank you for your care along the way. After entering the hall, I will wait for a different purpose. Then don't let it go. I hope Brother Li can find a trace of a good friend."

Chen Xiqi thought for a while, and solemnly thanked Zhang Qingyuan.

"Brother Chen don't have to be polite, all this journey is just a matter of effort, not to mention that if Brother Chen hadn't given him selfless advice, Li would still be running in a daze and couldn't find his way."

"After entering the main hall, it is not too late to separate when you encounter a fork in the road."

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hand and didn't care much.

Seeing Zhang Qingyuan's entourage and magnanimity, Chen Xiqi couldn't help but remind him:

"Brother Li, although I don’t know the specific map of the hall, based on the diary of the senior I watched in the past, I should probably be able to guess some information. The halls in the south, east and west basically either store magic weapons and magic weapons. , Or store all kinds of things such as talisman, pill, heavenly material and earth treasure, only the North Hall is the place for preaching."

"This preacher preached the Five Elements Avenue of the Five Elements Sect. There is a huge gap with the path I am practicing today. It basically has no effect. It is the least valuable place for exploration."

"Brother Li can enter one of the three main halls in the south, east and west, and leave after getting the harvest, and then quickly go to the main hall to find a map, and leave as soon as possible after finding a friend."

"Oh, why is this?"

Seeing that there was something in Chen Xiqi's words, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but asked aloud.

"Because if I'm not wrong, this Yuantian realm will collapse soon, and there may be something in this Yuantian realm that even the power of the cave realm is coveted. In the end, it might be. It caused a big battle of Dongzhen series! Once it gets involved, people who don't have much backstage like me may cause great trouble!"

Chen Xiqi looked around and made sure that no one had noticed it before he whispered to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Oh, what happened? What happened?"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but change his face slightly.


Half a day later,

The constant waiting made everyone a little impatient, especially when the number of people waiting was still increasing.

One more person,

It means that after entering the hall, the income will be diluted by one point, and the competition will be strong!


It seems that the time is ripe,

Yin Tianjun, the man in white, stood up first, standing high in the sky, arching his hands towards the people around him and saying loudly:

"My I believe you all have a purpose in your journey so far. However, the prohibition here is strong, and we cannot break through with my personal strength. We are blocked here.....Now wait again. How useless, how can this ban on its own disappear, how can we gather the power of everyone like me to break through this ban, as for the opportunities inside, how do you rely on the means?"

"Okay! I've been impatient here for a long time!"

"That's the case. With the help of everyone else, we should be able to break the ban in front of us, and waiting any longer is just a waste of effort!"

Yin Tianjun’s words,

It directly attracted the response of the cultivators present.

More people means that it is easier to fish in troubled waters, but it also brings about an increase in the intensity of competition, and no one is willing to wait for more competitors.

"Well, Yin is not talented. I will recommend myself for the time being. You all listen to the slogan and attack together to break the ban on the magic circle!"


Under Yin Tianjun's manipulation, most of the people present gathered together.

Qi Qi launched an attack on the light curtain in front.

A series of powerful forces of high-level true essence bombarded the sky, and slammed into the light curtain covering the hall in front, sending out a series of violent roars and explosions!

In the terrifying successive attacks, it seemed that the space was distorted.

The shrouded light curtain was violently distorted under the bombardment of the tyrannical force, and finally shattered with a crash, and the light curtain covering the entire hall was shattered into pieces at this moment!

Array prohibition,

Was broken!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then with a boom, it turned into streamers, like a school of fish rushing into the vast and tall giant hall!

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