What's the matter with this teleportation array?

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little confused.

In the whole hall, looking around, there was nothing but the teleportation formation in front of him.

Did not see anything related to the inheritance of the Five Elements at all.

Could it be that,

Is this teleportation array leading to the place where the inheritance is accepted?

Such a thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered and hesitated for a while.

"Well, I have to go like this after all!"

It didn't take long,

Zhang Qingyuan already has an answer in his mind.

It is undoubtedly of great significance to him to walk into the cave with the five elements.

It's about the road ahead,

It's really necessary to take a risk.

What's more, Zhang Qingyuan didn't think that this would be a trap or something, and Chen Xiqi would not pit himself specifically.

At this time, taking advantage of the fierce fighting outside, Zhang Qingyuan, who was determined, did not hesitate too much. He stepped into the formation in one step, put spirit stones in all directions of the formation, and activated the teleportation formation.


The light lit up, the space was distorted, and Zhang Qingyuan's figure disappeared.

And at the same time,

The light of the teleportation array also dimmed, even though the aura in the surrounding spirit stones had not been consumed yet, the entire formation was temporarily unavailable due to a certain mechanism.

After Zhang Qingyuan disappeared for more than half a day, someone broke in unintentionally.

But found that the entire North Hall was empty, the teleportation array didn't know why it could not be activated, and the other party who had found nothing in the end couldn't help but leave in cursing.

Step up to explore other places.

After that person left, someone broke in one after another, but they all encountered the same situation.

It seems that the teleportation array itself has a certain mechanism of judgment, and if there is someone on the other side, it can no longer be teleported over.

Nothing in the north hall,

In addition, there was a huge momentum rising from the outside world, and it seemed that some extremely precious treasure was born. The people who came here to investigate hurriedly left, and no one paid attention to it anymore.


Naturally, Zhang Qingyuan didn't know what happened behind him.

With the transmission of the teleportation array, the space was distorted, and when he regained his sight, he had already arrived at the other side of the world.

"This is where?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked around carefully, his eyes alert.

This is a gloomy and vast space, with no end in sight.

In front of the line of sight,

It is a high platform with a height of one hundred feet, like a huge mountain, with a layer of stairs in front of it rising up to the top.

And the platform space above the high platform,

This obelisk stood faintly, branded with the light of unknown runes, densely packed like chain seals, and it was not very clear from the bottom.

Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment, and his figure flickered before arriving at the stairs of the elevated platform.

Step forward,

The moment Zhang Qingyuan stepped on the steps, his face suddenly sank.

Because he found that the moment he stepped onto the steps, his body suddenly became heavy by three points!

Stepped up a ladder again,

The figure is also heavy again by three points!

Continue to walk a few more levels,

The same is true!

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the dense white jade brick stairs on top, letting out a long sigh.

"Is this a test? In that case, the above should be the inheritance..."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly.

This gravity born out of thin air may not be great at first.

However, Zhang Qingyuan found that there are at least ninety-nine levels in the entire ladder leading up to the top. If gravity is added layer by layer, then in the end how much pressure will be reached, and whether he can support it, everything is Still unknown!

"This kind of straight-to-dong true inheritance method, even a sect disciple~www.readwn.com~, cannot give it lightly. It is most normal to set up a test."

Even so,

But Zhang Qingyuan will naturally not give up easily.

Throwing aside the many thoughts in his mind, Zhang Qingyuan concentrated on his spirit, and began to step up the stairs step by step without any hurries.

The gravity on the body is getting stronger and stronger,

But Zhang Qingyuan’s pace did not slow down at all.

But it didn’t speed up either,

Step by step,

As if not affected in the slightest.

As he climbed step by step, sweat began to appear on his forehead.

After a quarter of an hour,

Zhang Qingyuan stood on the seventieth step,

At this time, the pressure on his body was not low, Zhang Qingyuan also stopped, closed his eyes, and stood there quietly.

Until after ten breaths,

He just raised his footsteps again and began to climb.

To level ninety,

Stopped again.


At this time, beads of sweat appeared on Zhang Qingyuan’s forehead, and his body was also covered with a heavy load, as if a high mountain was pressing on his shoulders.

"This level of gravity..."

Looking up at the nine steps in front of him, Zhang Qingyuan's face was solemn, with beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

He has a hunch,

The last nine steps are definitely more difficult than the ninety steps before!

Take a long breath,


boom! ! !

The powerful aura burst out at this moment, and the blood in the meridians in the body rushed like a big river, making a clear sound, and at the same time **** steam rose from the skin, making the whole body enveloped in a **** flame.


There are four hundred words left here. Wait ten minutes to finish writing.

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