"But so!"

In the mid-air, the majestic true essence rolled up a huge vortex in the mid-air, like rolling up a stormy sea. Two tens of feet of sharp golden light hit by the tyrannical force in the future tore to pieces, together with the monks behind them. Boom Fei.

Easily suppressed the Jinjizong monks who came under the siege,

The remaining Jinjizong monks around were also defeated by the fellow disciples who came to support.

Jinjizong was quickly suppressed,

Wang Yuenian's figure was suspended high in the sky, with a disdainful sneer on his face.

At the same time, there is also a kind of revenge in my heart, the joy of humiliation back then to today's revenge.

Back then, the person of Jinjizong bullied the small with big things, but left a deep thorn in his heart.

Now I took this opportunity to vent it fiercely.

And at this time,

The passers-by monks, who were seeing everything in their eyes, were shocked by this devastating battle, and they were all talking and sighing with emotion.

"Sure enough, it is the Yunshui Sect who won! The Jinji Sect is already a huge monster in the entire cultivation world, but compared with Yuzhou's first sect, it is still not negligent."

"This is not surprising. Although Lu Longcheng is famous and famous in the realm of cultivation, his position on the wind and cloud list is only seventy-three, and another Yunshui Sect Wang Yuenian, although his reputation is not obvious, but It is ranked 38th on the top ranking list, and the gap between them is really too big!"

The rankings on the Fengyun list, although not necessarily completely correct.

After all, in this world of comprehension, even if the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is known as the Heavenly Secret Secret, it is impossible to fully understand a person's strength or progress every period of time.

But the credibility of this list is still very high.

It is basically impossible to beat the top-ranked monks at least across thirty or forty positions.

Such a result, the passers-by and monks passing by to watch the battle, were all expected.

"Lu Longcheng, if you are nothing more than that, then your journey in the Yuantian realm will end here!"

Wang Yuenian stepped on the void, and the majestic vitality of the nine-fold perfection of the true essence swept away, sweeping the sky, and the light in the sky seemed to dim at this moment.

The terrible momentum directly overwhelmed the entire battlefield.

Let his figure seem to be the center of all sights between heaven and earth at this moment.

Then I saw him rise up into the sky with a palm, the majestic ocean-like true essence surging,

Like a river rushing,

The turbulence gathered toward the sky above the palm of the palm, and accompanied by the loud noise, formed a vast vortex of tens of feet of true essence!

The terrifying aura oppressed, so that the passers-by monks who had originally stood on the edge of the distance watching the battle felt a burst of hairs standing upside down!


With Wang Yuenian's palm in the air waved down,

The huge tsunami vortex resembling a meteorite on the top also smashed down from the sky with a huge momentum at this moment, and slammed down towards Lu Longcheng in the pit not far away!

The terrible momentum almost overturned the sky, causing the heavens and the earth to violently boil!

Seeing Lu Longcheng will be completely defeated.

Not far away, Ye Han frowned and frowned, but he suddenly thought of something.


"Then I have also heard of Lu Longcheng. It is a direct descendant of Jinjizong's great power in the cave realm. The people of Jinjizong are completely shameless in doing things. How can such an important person enter the Yuantian realm to take an adventure? Two bodyguards?!"

Seeing the situation on this side,

An aura flashed through Ye Han's mind, and suddenly such a thought flashed through.

On the opposite side of the group of Jinjizong, the only one with the highest cultivation level is Lu Longcheng.

Those in the back were all dragged followers, and they were easily suppressed and defeated by Senior Brother Wang, who had perfected the Ninth Level of True Essence, in three or two strokes.

Such a lineup enters the Yuantian realm for an expedition, without one or two true Yuan Jiuzhong successfully guarding behind him, how is this possible? !

"Brother Wang, be careful!"

Suddenly realized this,

Ye Han immediately shouted at Wang Yuenian.

It’s just that his voice hasn’t fallen yet,


A long sigh suddenly resounded through the entire void, and suddenly a very dangerous and terrifying force spread and suppressed the entire world!

A withered palm reflected a shining golden light, as if it had broken through the space, and it was stirred by an electric snake in the sky.

The palm of that hand seemed to come from outside the sky, and shot across the space on the majestic true essence vortex that fell from the sky like a meteorite. Time and space seemed to freeze for a moment.

The golden light was reflected, and some incomprehensible power descended, as if Tao and Dharma were intertwined.


With a crisp sound, the majestic true essence vortex was easily scratched like a mirror at this moment, and disappeared!

I saw an old figure emerge from the void, resisting Lu Longcheng's body.

At the same time, the terrifying breath spreads,

This is a level even more terrifying than Wang Yuenian's breath!

It suppressed his breath as soon as he appeared,

At the same time, at the moment his figure appeared, everyone felt that the whole world seemed to be heavier out of thin air, and the breath became extremely depressed!

"This is the law, the half-step hole truth that has already begun to perform the law!"

Under strong oppression,

The eyes of the whole world gathered on the old figure,

The voice was silent for a moment.

Immediately there was a passer-by monk who had a good vision and took a breath~www.readwn.com~ involuntarily said, the sound was shocking!

This is definitely a half-step truth,

But what is going on here? !

Didn’t it mean that the Yuantian realm forbids the existence of Dongzhen level to enter? How could this half-step hole of Jinjizong really appear here? !

Half a step hole really,

With this kind of combat power, doesn't it mean that the next thing is already in the bag of the Jinjizong?

Someone's complexion is uncertain.

The cultivator of Yunshuizong who faced this terrifying aura in the battlefield couldn't help taking a step back.

Only Wang Yuenian did not take a step back, but stared at the incoming person.

"It's you, Qi Mengzhang!"

In the voice, there was a hint of gritted teeth!

"Boy Wang Yuenian, I haven't seen you for decades. I didn't expect you to have reached this point now. Time has changed, and time has never been forgotten!"

With a leisurely sigh,

Just like an ordinary old man who lamented the passing of time.

However, Wang Yuenian, who was opposite him, didn't have the slightest feeling of empathy.

Instead, his eyes widened, with uncontrollable anger.


Wang Yuenian did not speak, with boundless anger wrapped in his chest, the nine-fold perfect true essence power converged and exploded, the whole person turned into a rainbow light, and a punch was like a meteorite hitting the guy in front of him!

In the fist, the monstrous true essence revolves frantically, with the terrifying power that can destroy mountains and rivers,

There are terrible spatial ripples in the void that are shaken by this force!

Even if dozens or hundreds of years have passed since then,

The humiliation suffered in those years has not disappeared, but the anger that has been rolled up is more fierce!

"Qi Mengzhang, die for me!"

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