"it is good!"

Hearing this, Qi Mengzhang's eyes lit up.

In this way, I am not afraid that Wang Yuenian will not come back!

The surrounding Yunshuizong disciples also heard their conversation, their faces were panicked, their figures couldn't help but retreat, and they were about to drive Escape away.

However, how could Qi Mengzhang easily let go of such a good hostage? !

Boom! ! !

Instantly shot, the golden true essence swelled crazily, and the powerful momentum instantly suppressed the Yunshuizong cultivators who came with Wang Yuenian and Ye Han.

The golden streamer turned into a rope like a living thing, entangled it round and round, suddenly pulled back, and fell heavily to the ground under his feet, covered in smoke and dust, extremely embarrassed.

"Boy Wang, your fellow junior is in my hands now. Give you ten breaths and immediately appear in front of me, otherwise I will kill someone for your funeral every three breaths!"

Qi Mengzhang's voice was like thunder rolling, and under the spread of divine consciousness fluctuations, it instantly spread hundreds of miles away!

Wang Yuenian, who was originally thanking Ye Han,

His complexion changed drastically in an instant!

"Damn, how dare he?!!!"

Wang Yuenian clenched his fists tightly, the blue veins on his skin violently, and he looked angrily in the direction of the sound.

"Brother, this..."

Even Ye Han couldn't help showing a stunned expression on his face at this moment.

He had never imagined that a top big sect cultivator in the realm of cultivation, a strong man who reached the half-step hole real cultivation base, would actually be able to do such a thing.

"Junior Brother Ye, send me back."

Wang Yuenian suppressed the anger in his chest, gritted his teeth and said.

"But brother..."

"That villain's goal is me, and the other juniors are innocent."

Wang Yuenian shook his head, the expression on his face returned to calm.

"Senior brother here only asks the younger brother for one thing, that is, when I move to hold the guy, the younger brother can help save the other younger brothers."

"This time it’s the brother who has caused the brother Ye and the other brothers. I'm really sorry."

Ye Han was silent for a moment,

Can't speak for a while.

At Wang Yuenian's request, he had no choice but to reverse the direction of Feizhou and hurried towards the previous direction.


Qi Mengzhang's threats shocked many people.

The passer-by monks who had been watching the battle before could not help but worry about whether the other party wanted to cover up the matter next, and then attacked the killer, secretly retreating and fleeing.

Isn't the other party afraid of Yunshuizong's anger with such a fair provocation?

It's better not to participate too much in this kind of excitement.

Many people fled far away.

And at the same time,

Thousands of miles away, a figure was rushing towards the direction of the battlefield.

As if the entire figure was drifting between the void, the perfect cover for the aura made it impossible to attract the other party's attention even if it crossed the realm of the real yuan realm high-level monster beast territory.

Without any obstacles, the speed is once again faster.

"The proficiency has improved by three points, and the application of practice is the best way to improve..."

This figure is naturally Zhang Qingyuan.

At this moment, he used the secret technique of floating between the world and the earth to flee between the void,

At the same time, a part of the energy will be put on the proficiency panel, while observing the proficiency between the mayfly world, and at the same time analyzing and understanding the power of the surrounding space.

As a result, it's pretty good.

Through the application along the way, the understanding of the power of space has also been strengthened by so little.

"I don't know what rank this secret technique is, it is so powerful, is it the unique skill of the Heaven and Earth Tower, or where did Ah San get it?"

The concealment and escape ability between the floating world and the earth undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan extremely satisfied, and such a thought could not help flashing in his mind.

But think about it, it's mostly the latter.

Otherwise, if it is Tiandilou's unique skill, how could it be possible for Asan to carry it with him?

Just don’t know where it came from,

This kind of secret technique involves the use of a bit of space ability, which is obviously not comparable to ordinary martial skills.

Between the divergence of thinking,


There was a slight fluctuation in the void, accompanied by Ruoyoruowu's voice.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure stopped abruptly, and his expression became serious.

This spirit wave,

Although separated by a great distance, Zhang Qingyuan still smelled something unusual from it.

Being in a gap between space and being haunted by the power of space, he more keenly perceives the meaning of that trace of Taoism!

"What's the matter, is it the existence of Dongzhen level?!"

Zhang Qingyuan stood still,

Looking at the distant sky, there was a trace of astonishment in his eyes.

What happened?

Between instinct,

Zhang Qingyuan didn't want to participate in this vortex. After all, his law had not been collected yet, and the power related to Dongzhen level would definitely be a big danger.


When he looked at the white jade plate of the map in his hand, his pupils shrank slightly.

The direction of the aura of the Dongzhen Dao Fa level is surprisingly the direction of Zhao Yuanyang and others!

The distance is coming soon!

"What is going on, are they involved in Dongzhen level trouble?!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face was a bit ugly.

However, he did not stay long after all, gritted his teeth and jumped into the space again, rushing to the distance quickly.

No matter what, let's go and take a look first!

According to the rumors, the Yuantian Realm does not allow the strength of the Dongzhen level to enter ~www.readwn.com~ and that aura is not strong enough to spread thousands of miles away and still be clearly visible!

This means that either the existence cannot display the power of the Dongzhen level, or it is not the real Dongzheng power, but only the half-step Dongzhen that begins to comprehend the Dao Fa.

In the latter case,

Now he may not be too scared,

Moreover, there is a secret technique between the mayfly heaven and earth, which can attack and retreat and defend. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"I hope, nothing big will happen..."

Whispered in my heart,

Zhang Qingyuan condensed his mind, speeded up, and rushed in the direction shown on the map!

While rushing with all his strength,

Mayfly is displayed simultaneously between heaven and earth.

Zhang Qingyuan, who is strong and keenly aware, is keenly aware of the flow of wind around him, no, it should be the "flow" of space!

Just like a person running, even when the wind is calm and the waves are calm, you will feel the wind blowing around.

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan vaguely felt the "wind" in the space!

"Medium, fluid, relative motion..."

In my mind,

I couldn't help but recall the related content of physics in the past life. Vaguely, there seemed to be a glimmer of light flashing, and my understanding of the power of space went deeper.

If you can apply this harvest to your own moves, I’m afraid

But Zhang Qingyuan didn't have time to experience this feeling.

In the case of a full sprint, the distance of a thousand miles is only seven or eight minutes for him. He has learned how to fly between the sky and the earth, and he who can escape in the space has already surpassed the speed of sound.

Quickly arrived at the battlefield.

And the scene before him made his pupils shrink to the size of a needle!

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