"When Mr. Qi turns around and kills the arrogant boy, the remaining group of bereaved dogs is nothing but annihilation!"

Lu Longcheng's voice was cold, with a hint of spiteful jealousy born out of jealousy.

In Jinjizong, because there is a powerful grandfather of Dongzhen level.

Whether in the sect or outside, the people Lu Longcheng met were basically praised.

Coupled with his own genius, as the Lu family's most hopeful genius to step into the cave.

Since childhood, he has developed a kind of arrogance that is defiant of him.

As a highly anticipated genius,

From the time he was crushed after confronting Wang Yuenian, and now that the strength of a junior who suddenly appeared was also superior to him, how can he not let him be jealous?

The flame of jealousy almost burned his chest!

Compared with the mourning dogs of the Yunshui Sect, Lu Longcheng is more like seeing the little demon in front of him being crushed by the old man Qi, and wiped out in smoke!

"Young Master Wise!"

A group of Jinjizong monks behind him shouted, all kinds of flattering words made his face look a little better.


Not to mention the reactions of the people below,

At this moment,

The battle above the sky has reached an extremely fierce point.


Qi Mengzhang's golden fist penetrated the space, the air current issued a sharp whistle, the void was pierced by the terrifying force, and the opposite Zhang Qingyuan dodged like a lightning bolt!

However, although unable to dodge, the long sword in his hand emits waves that make the space tremble, turning into a sword beam that tears through the void, and slashes towards Qi Mengzhang's offensive.

Boom! ! !

The violent collision produced a violent energy shock wave, like a huge wave sweeping away, extremely spectacular.

Once again evenly matched!

Qi Mengzhang's attack was blocked, and his steps stopped.

the other side,

Then the force generated by the collision, Zhang Qingyuan's figure escaped into the space again, gently retreating dozens of feet like a fallen leaf, the figure illusory, as if teleporting.

"Damn it! This is the way again!"

At this moment, Qi Mengzhang was burning with anger, and the suffocated anger in his chest almost made his whole person explode.

Abominable body style, as slippery as a loach.

Make him ten percent strength,

Jiucheng was hit in the empty space!

This is a hundred times stronger than the depression of a punch on cotton, a thousand times!

this moment,

Qi Mengzhang has never wanted to frustrate a person so much to vent his hatred!

Stepping through the void in one step, the figure resembles a golden lightning tearing through the sky, chasing and killing it with boundless anger and thunder!

The terrible power made the space torn apart.

However, in the face of this blow,

Zhang Qingyuan's figure flashed, but it moved horizontally and flashed dozens of meters away like a ghost, causing Qi Mengzhang's punch to fail again!

"No, you can't be led by this kid on the nose like this anymore!"

Qi Mengzhang forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, barely regaining his senses, and secretly said in his heart.

Since that collision, he made hundreds of moves,

But it really worked and made the kid on the opposite side have to resist, but it was less than one-tenth!


What made him feel extremely weird was that the kid on the opposite side had maintained this kind of body for so long and he couldn't see his exhaustion. Every time he forced a collision and contended, the other party could never lose sight of it!

Once or twice, it can be said that the opponent has an extremely powerful explosive martial skill.

But four times or more than five times, it is obviously not that simple!

Feeling that his true essence is not restrained in the anger, he has already squandered nearly half of it crazily, and his breath is a little gasping.

And the kid on the opposite side still didn't have any fatigue, as if he didn't see the bottom.

Qi Mengzhang's heart can't help being tight at this moment~www.readwn.com~ can't go on like this, we must find an opportunity to let that little devil fight him head-on! "

After thinking about it, Qi Mengzhang's offensive paused.

Although I don't know what's going on, seeing such a good opportunity, Zhang Qingyuan will not waste it.

With a sword across the air, it cut out hundreds of feet of golden light, tearing apart the void, and heading towards Qi Mengzhang who was stunned in midair with boundless sharp aura!

"Damn it!"

The danger warning signal from the spiritual consciousness caused Qi Mengzhang to wake up, aware of his own omissions, and cursed secretly, too late to escape. Immediately, a golden streamer rose from the dantian, tearing the space, and suddenly becoming bigger. He was shrouded in it.

Nine-folded Buddha Tower!

The magic weapon that was ignited in a hurry was not that big, only the size of a small house, shrouded him in it.

But the solid golden light on the outside shows its indestructible solidity!


The dazzling hundred-zhang sword aura tore through the sky, like a beam of light coming through the space, and slammed **** the nine-folded Buddha pagoda. The collision caused a crisp sound of symphony of gold and iron, accompanied by the impact of cathartic energy. Layers of space ripples visible to the naked eye are rippling around, and the space is wrinkled!

Fight with one blow,

No matter who is still there, it can't help anyone,

However, Zhang Qingyuan didn't care, and as soon as his figure flashed, he escaped into the space.

The use of this secret technique between the mayfly heaven and the earth, surprisingly far surpassed its original owner, Asan.

"Damn it, this thing again!"

Seeing this scene,

Not far away, Qi Mengzhang's forehead was almost full of blue veins.


There are four hundred words left here. Wait ten minutes to finish writing.

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