Zhang Qingyuan turned his head and looked around.

I was shocked to see not far away, the whole body exudes a magical light, swallowing a huge amount of glow, and the huge mountain that had collapsed for more than half in the previous battle, it was also violently shaken at this moment.

The dazzling light of thousands of feet, just spit out from the mountain that collapsed into a huge crack, and attracted all the eyes of the sky and the earth!

"what is that?!"

The divine light shines, the flaming glory blooms,

In that person's blooming like a round of bright sun rays, an inexplicable force appeared in the void, and a wave of aura rose to the sky, seeming to link the whole world's aura together!


Zhang Qingyuan's heart suddenly beats violently,

In the center of the radiant light of the sacred mountain, there seems to be something that resonates with the power of the five elements and is violently attracting oneself to go!

Zhang Qingyuan's face showed a struggle.

And at this time,

Boom boom boom!

More than a dozen powerful auras soared into the sky, and each of them was in the late stage of the nine-fold or the nine-fold perfection, unscrupulously exuding a terrifying vitality aura, turning into a light to fly in the direction of that sacred mountain!

Between fuzzy,

Zhang Qingyuan can even see the fanatical color on the side!

These true Yuan realm peak powerhouses who entered the Yuan Tian realm did not think about fleeing before the Yuan Tian realm collapsed, but instead rushed up against the current, one after another, rushing towards the mysterious giant mountain, which obviously attracted Zhang Qingyuan's special attention.

"This is something precious being born!"

Zhang Qingyuan clenched his fist suddenly.

From the Jinjizong did not know what the price, sent a half-step Dongzhen realm powerhouse to come in to plan unknown things, to the top of the real yuan realm, and even many masters on the rankings showed up here.

That mysterious giant mountain almost gathered the power at the peak level among all the monks who entered the Yuantian realm!

If there is no weirdness in this,

I'm afraid no one believes it!

The secret contained therein must be what Chen Xiqi, the remnant party of Yaowanggu, said, something that even the power of the realm of Dongzhen is coveted!

There was an impulse in Zhang Qingyuan's heart.

It's just that when he took a step and was ready to follow along, heading over to the sacred mountain and giant mountain that attracted the power of his five elements, and seeing what was inside, suddenly he thought of something.

"Brother Wang Yuenian and the others are here too, so it is very likely that they also know the inside story! Let's go to meet and understand the information before we talk!"

Immediately without the slightest hesitation, the whole person turned into a light.

In the violently shaking world, a few flashes in succession, like teleporting through space, quickly rushed in the direction of perception Wang Yuenian and others.

At the same time that something happened in the Yuantian realm.

outside world,

Around the entrance of the Yuantian Realm, several invisible auras that were originally hidden outside the sky suddenly fluctuated, causing a violent vibration in the aura of the heavens, and the celestial phenomena changed at this moment!

A billowing black cloud suddenly emerged, covering a place with a radius of thousands of miles!

As the terrifying breath surged, a boundless pressure collapsed.

This terrible pressure,

It is thousands of times stronger than the depression before the storm!

"it has started!"

There is a powerful whisper, and the sound complements the laws of heaven and earth.

Some people are concentrating and waiting.

Some people closed their eyes, and through various magical methods, through the boundaries of the secret world, they manipulated the backhand who entered the Yuantian realm in an attempt to gain the upper hand.

Just as the outside atmosphere is surging, the great powers of the great aura are preparing one after another.

the other side,

Somewhere is like being isolated from the sky and the earth, the golden mountain top, the horrible breath of anger, mixed with some unknown sense of terror, suddenly swept through the space, making the void also a burst of chaos!

That terrible figure is not tall, but its aura fills the world. Anyone who looks at it will know that this is a big man!

And it's the big guy among the big guys!

The space where the entire mountain top is located,

They were all supported by his breath.

Accompanied by the impact of his aura, the entire golden space was swaying at this time, exuding this terrifying power that made the space fearful!

at this time,

Behind the figure exuding the majestic and terrifying aura, several disciples shuddered like electrocution. They only felt that the golden tsunami of anger was swept in front of them. Crush and crush!

tremble with fear,

Stiff hands and feet, unable to move at all,

Almost suffocated!

"Master, but Junior Brother Lu encountered a strong enemy inside?"

The big disciple standing aside respectfully behind him could not help but ask aloud when he saw that the ancestor of the Lu family standing on the top of the mountain had a different aura.

Compared to others, his strength is much stronger.

So it can barely resist.

This big man,

Surprisingly, he is the grandfather of Lu Longcheng, the cave of Jinjizong is really powerful, and the great ancestor of the Lu family!

Facing the questioning of past lovers,

The ancestors of the Lu family did not speak.

At this moment, his gaze became extraordinarily deep, his gaze looked at the sky far away, as if passing through layers of void and seeing a certain figure in the Yuantian realm!

The heart is surging violently!

"That kid!!!"

The ancestors of the Lu family felt a tremor, and the trembling void around him showed his uneasy heart.

This is very unusual.

As an immortal who is above everyone else, a big figure among big people.

Since the ancestors of the Lu family stepped into Dongzhen, their emotions have not fluctuated violently.

But at this moment,

The state of mind that has not been broken in two hundred years is broken at this moment!

"The power of the five elements, the five element Taoism that is about to be completed, how did that kid cultivate!!!"

At this moment, the ancestors of the Lu family kept appearing in front of them, before they left, a certain mystery that had been seen in that little demon's body.

There was a stormy sea in my heart!

The five rays of light circulate and blend together ~www.readwn.com~ The one and only one, is slowly rotating, continuously growing, as if to explain the truth of the world!

If he read it right,

That should be the power of the five elements!

The "Dharma" that is evolving from the five elements of power, water, fire, earth, wood, wood, water, and earth!

Although that round wheel is not yet complete, it seems that there is still Jin Xing that has not yet fully comprehended to complete the power of the five elements.

But the power of the other four elements has completely reached the level of imminent transformation!

Only one step away,

That kid might complete the Five Elements Avenue that no one can walk through for thousands of years!

The scene that I saw, even with the calm mood of the Lu Family ancestors who cultivated Dongzhen for a long time, it was violently turbulent!

This horror has already far surpassed the anger that Lu Longcheng was killed and his own majesty was offended!

in this era,

The Way of the Five Elements, someone is about to complete it!

And once it is cultivated by him,

Even if the anti-war hole really yelled at the same time, such a rare anti-sky monster like a thousand-year-old,

I'm afraid it's far inferior to that kid!

"That kid, must die!"

The ancestors of the Lu family broke out in the middle of the time with a terrible murderous intent to tear the void, penetrated through the law domain and rushed into the sky!

In an instant,

The world has changed!

Within a radius of thousands of miles, all creatures felt a sense of fear as if facing the **** natural disasters. With cold hands and feet, the temperature in the air instantly dropped to freezing point!

at the same time,

The Dongzhen powers who are preparing for the collapse of the Yuantian realm are all attracted by this terrifying murderous intent, and they all look into the air.

That's the guy with the surname of Jin Jizong, Lu,

This level of killing intent,

What are you doing?

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