Zhang Qingyuan's figure is suspended in the void, his voice is flat, and the words enter everyone's ears through the space.

The words were arrogant.

But everyone present,

But no one dared to act first.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced around, seeing the various horror-like auras in the hands of everyone around him as nothing.


It should be what Senior Brother Wang Yuenian said was the trump card used to seize seeds from the powerful giving behind them!

There is no doubt that if all these hole cards are deployed, Zhang Qingyuan will also be bombarded to the dregs without any resistance.

They don’t even have the ability to escape!

But in this situation,

Zhang Qingyuan was not worried either.

Because of people's hearts!

This is why he killed Yin Tianjun in no time without leaving his hands!

"Maybe all of you come together and have the opportunity to kill me, but before that, Zhang will definitely be able to take away a few people. If you are not afraid, just give it a try."

The flat voice fell, and then Zhang Qingyuan's eyes suddenly sharpened in his pupils.

"I can't guarantee who will die in the end, but what Zhang Qingyuan I can guarantee is that the person who shot the first shot will definitely die!"

With sharp eyes,

A murderous shock like substance swept away in all directions.

Under this powerful pressure, everyone around them breathed a little bit faster.

There are a few weaker True Origin Realm nine-fold cultivators,

Under this rolling pressure,

Beads of sweat were on his forehead.

"You guys have thought about it clearly. Although the Five Elements Dao Foundation is a treasure, if it is for its fate, it is worth it."

The faint voice fell,

Zhang Qingyuan ignored the surrounding monks, stepped into the void, traversed a distance of tens of feet like a teleport, and came to the distorted space area in the center under the intense gaze of everyone.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or an accident,

When Zhang Qingyuan's figure fell, a large amount of light suddenly rose in the distorted void in front, and a certain powerful air machine distorted the vacuum, radiating in all directions!

"this is......"

Zhang Qingyuan’s pupils shrink slightly,

In perception,

It seems that something is about to come out, and there is a faint resonance with the power of the five elements cultivated in the body!


The twisted space vibrates violently.

The cultivators of the True Primordial Realm behind looked at each other with a vigilant look on their faces.

At the same time, many people are struggling, thinking about whether to make a move.

At this moment,


The light of five different colors emerges from the space vortex, and the colors of the five aggregates reflect the vacuum, as if turned into a round wheel reflecting the Five Elements Avenue in the world, slowly rising up!

"That's... the Five Elements Daoji!"

Just looking at the past, among the True Primal Boundary cultivators below, they felt as if they were directly facing the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and they were faintly diligent in their comprehension of the power of the Five Elements, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth!

Many people are intoxicated by the manifestation of this law, and some people have even more fanaticism in their eyes.

And at this time,

Standing on the edge of the vortex, Zhang Qingyuan had a spiritual heart, and he took the divine consciousness as the traction, and the dantian, which converged with the power of the five elements in his body, was used as an easy way to incorporate the five element principles in front of him.

I saw the dazzling light bloom,

The Five Elements Dao Foundation, which almost condensed the power of the Ten Thousand Years Law, finally merged into Zhang Qingyuan's body.

The light dissipated, and the foundation of the five elements disappeared.

There was a sense of loss in the hearts of everyone present, and at the same time looking at Zhang Qingyuan ahead, there was a feeling of eagerness to try and ready to take a shot.


No one really took the initiative first.

And at this time,

After successfully collecting the Five Elements Dao Foundation, Zhang Qingyuan did not nostalgia. The whole person turned into a light, leaped over the sky, flew directly out of this space, and leaped up towards the exit of the passage on the sacred mountain.

From here to the end,

The cultivators standing on the peak of the True Origin Realm present watched Zhang Qingyuan's departure without the slightest movement.

"I didn't expect that after fighting with Jin Jizong's half-step hole real powerhouse Qi Mengzhang, he still had room to spare. It seems that this Qingyuan is more terrifying than imagined!"

"Yeah, that Yin Tianjun is already eighty-three on the Wind and Cloud Ranking. He was crushed and killed in just one round in the hands of that guy. I am afraid that the strength of this person is already in the absolute realm of the crown, and his strength is in the half-step hole. At this level, it is also the most top peak category! You know, his true state seems to be only the late stage of the Nine Layers!"

"After today's incident, Zhang Qingyuan's name will shake the world!"

After Zhang Qingyuan's figure disappeared,

The cultivators at the peak of the True Origin Realm who were suppressed by him from moving, looked at his disappearing figure, their expressions and sights were rather complicated.

Each whispered to the companions around him.

It’s just that they haven’t communicated for long,

With a bang,

The earth quaked.

Immediately afterwards, the twisted space in front of me burst into violent light again, and this time the energy aura escaping from the depths of the abyss vortex was even more mysterious than the foundation of the Five Elements Dao!

"it has started!"


At this moment, a terrifying light broke out in his eyes, and Zhang Qingyuan's affairs were immediately forgotten.

In the space at the bottom of this sacred mountain, the battle to destroy the sky and the earth,

Broke out!


After leaving, Zhang Qingyuan naturally didn't know what happened behind him.

In other words, if you know it, you won't care.

This kind of alliance formed by competing with each other and reluctantly uniting because of powerful foreign enemies is actually extremely fragile.

One has stated his own goals and does not conflict with what they are fighting for.

Both of them acted decisively, beheading Yin Tianjun who was fanning the flames inside, and restraining the others with the momentum of thunder.

In this way, those guys with different minds have very little thoughts about dealing with themselves~www.readwn.com~ After all, their initial goal is just that kind of thing.

It is not a derivative of the Five Elements Daoji.

Knowing this, Zhang Qingyuan succeeded in getting the foundation of the Five Elements Dao easily in front of them, and left easily.

"Five Elements Dao Foundation, it is really amazing!"

Within the Yuantian Realm,

Outside the sacred mountain, Zhang Qingyuan, who had just left the space, sank into the void, and swiftly ran towards the direction of the exit.

While using the mayfly to swift between the world and the earth,

Zhang Qingyuan also did not forget to sink part of his mind into his dantian, and inspected the foundation of the Five Elements Dao that had stayed peacefully within the dantian at this moment.

Five Elements Road Foundation,

Not an entity.

It's a group of five elements converging, a light group formed by the confluence of the laws of heaven and earth!

This is intangible and intangible,

But it is just the radiating meaning and energy, which makes people feel as if they are facing the realm of Dongzhen and being able to unfold the Taoism in front of them!

"With this, and the golden inheritance left by someone unknown in the Lu Longcheng storage ring, it won't be long before the power of the last line of my five elements will be completely completed!"

"The power of the five elements is gathered together, and combined with the foundation of the five elements, when the introduction will condense my own five element magical powers!"

Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes.

The divine light burst out of the pupils of the binoculars!

But at almost the same moment,

Rumble! ! !

A loud and earth-shaking noise suddenly resounded through the entire realm of the Yuantian Realm, and the mountains shook in an instant. Zhang Qingyuan stabilized his figure and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

I was shocked to see this world,

It's already falling apart!

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