Cultivation Starts From the Journey Through Three Years

Vol 2 Chapter 876: Flesh Building Road

In fact, the Zhang clan members who participated in this **** operation had already expected this.

This is a road in a life of nine deaths,

As a team composed of the main line of the Zhang family and the essence of each branch, the goals of their group are far more conspicuous than those of the scattered clansmen!


It is also the meaning of their group.

As bait,

Attract the enemy's attention.

Everyone has the consciousness of death for a long time.

"Huaiyu, this is the tablet of the ancestors of the Zhang family. Take it, and we will try our best to open a way for you. All you have to do is to escape, or go to the South China Sea to find Zhang Qingyuan, or hide. Waiting for the limelight to pass, everything is determined by the situation, everything is left to you!"

On the battlefield where the true essence of magic and martial arts flew indiscriminately, rumbling explosions exploded one after another.

The old patriarch involuntarily handed over a storage ring in his hand to the hand of Zhang Huaiyu, a younger generation of True Essence Realm child who was covered in blood and had a lot of injuries on his body.

Without the rise of Zhang Qingyuan, Zhang Huaiyu, who is the leader among the young generations of the Zhang family, is undoubtedly the one who has attracted the most attention among the next generation of the family.

He is the next generation to be cultivated by the family.

The old patriarch knew that Zhang Huaiyu, who was younger and had already been promoted to the True Essence Realm, was undoubtedly the one who should live more than the older generation who had exhausted their potential.

The younger generation is hope.


"You don't need to say anything about children's love, you, as the inner disciple of the Yunshui Sect, those people will be more or less afraid of them, and the chances of survival are greater than ours. You must not let the ancestors' tablets scattered in the wilderness!"

At this time in the battle, the surviving group of Zhang’s family had been defeated, and there was no room for much to say.

The old patriarch suddenly swept across the void with a stick, and the majestic true essence condensed on it, and it seemed that there was the sound of waves roaring, colliding with an attack from a certain place.


The true essence was annihilated, and an extremely tyrannical energy shock was produced, and the whole area of ​​Fang Yuan Zhang Xu collapsed.

But this sneak attack was resisted.

Not far away, a figure shook his head, and the long-aggregated sneak attack was broken, regretting in his heart, retreating back and continuing to be involved in the battlefield to fight.

"Don't dull nonsense, get ready to break through!"

The old patriarch almost roared out loud.

Zhang Huaiyu, who was on the side, was a little dazed by the roar, and stood still.

"Everyone, protect Huaiyu from breaking through!"

As the old patriarch shouted,

The surviving members of the Zhang family began to gather, following the old patriarch, twisting into a force to break out in a certain direction!

"The old immortal, you are all going to die anyway, why resist?!"

After the Zhang clan broke through the encirclement without considering the casualties, it caused great trouble to the besieged for a while.

Headed by that bald-headed evil-faced man couldn't help but look hideous for a while.

"Do you think you still have a way to survive? Isn't it okay to die obediently!"

In order to prevent the successful encirclement of the Zhang family from breaking through, the evil-faced man took a few steps across the void and flew in front of the Zhang family to break through. A tyrannical aura rose to the sky, causing a tsunami-like torrent to rise in front of him. oppression.

The mace in his hand lit up and suddenly became the size of a hill. It slammed down at the old patriarch, and the air in a radius of more than ten feet seemed to be trembling!

The group of evil-faced men was originally a villain wandering in the San Regal Zone.

This trip was to accept the employment of a great figure of Zhenyuan Eightfold, and entered the Yunshui Sect to besieged and killed the Huainan Zhang family.

Although they were worried about entering the Yunshui Sect’s sphere of influence and killing them, the big man gave too much, enough for them to just wash their hands and bury them in an incognito name for decades, and then come out after a change of face. , What can Yunshuizong's pursuit and killing do with them?

At the size of Yuzhou, the powerhouse of the 9th Layer of True Essence would take more than ten or twenty years to fly non-stop from east to west.

In this huge area, there are more areas that even the Cloud Water Sect cannot control.

Go farther, find a ravine and drill.

Even the first gate of Yuzhou might be helpless.

For them, the villains who are walking on the edge of darkness, a little danger is nothing.

So under a lot of measurement, their group finally accepted this task.

Like them, there are not a few who have accepted the same task and sneaked into the Yunshui Sect's sphere of influence.

The evil-faced man knew that after the opportunity of this siege was missed, I am afraid that it has nothing to do with them next.

Because he also knew the rumor,

In that legend, the dragon sees the head but not the end, and the high above Dongzhen fairy mentioned some words on a certain occasion not long ago!

Their employer, obviously, should have come for those words.

In the dark,

I don't know how many masters are hiding.

Their highest team is no more than the fifth and sixth real yuan, and in front of those people, it is just a little bit stronger.


The Zhang family must be wiped out here, otherwise there will never be such a good opportunity in the future!

Boom boom boom!

Like a hill-like mace, it smashed down like mountains and seas, without any slowness, it came in a flash!

The old patriarch's complexion changed drastically, and the crutches in his hand also lit up with an earthy yellow light. It quickly grew bigger, turning into a huge pillar more than ten feet long, blasting through the air, and hitting it forward!


The two collided, and the shock wave of shocking spiritual force was accompanied by the impact, sweeping away crazily.

There were many figures chasing around, all of them faltering in this gust of wind!


There was a crisp sound, but it was seen in the collision. Under the impact of the indestructible giant mace, cracks appeared on that ocher bead, and it collapsed!


The magic weapon was smashed head-on, and the old patriarch spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper.

"Old Patriarch!"

Seeing this, the Zhang clan people all around cried out in Haha, old ghost, go to death! "


That mountain-like mace, once again with a huge force like a mountain and a sea, bombarded it from a high altitude!

"Protect the old patriarch!"

The two and a half-steps behind Zhang Clan members of True Essence, furiously blocked them, two khaki rays of light rose, and they struck across, using the strongest means they had mastered one after another!

But the gap is too big,

The two members of the Zhang family who were desperate to die could only hold back for a moment, and were bombarded with a mace and shattered, swept away by the strong wind, and wiped out!

But this tragic scene did not frighten the remaining Zhang family members.

On the contrary, it aroused the momentum of a group of mourning soldiers.

"For the family!"

A middle-aged man covered in blood with a broken arm roared, and the whole person turned into a light to rush forward, and then before the mace fell, there was a loud bang and the dazzling light exploded, creating a majestic. His energy actually bounced away that small mountain-like mace magic weapon!

Blew it!

The evil-faced man was hit by the energy that exploded, and his figure involuntarily backed away a few steps.

A look of horror appeared on his face.

Seeing that this trick is useful, one after another Zhang family members rushed forward, shouting "Long live the family" slogan, leading the enemy to blew themselves up, and the terrifying energy generated swept the void, even he had to retreat!

This kind of suicidal attack cannot be stopped at all.

For a while,

Under the suicide attack of the remaining Zhang family, the encirclement was torn apart.

Clan Zhang, tore a way out with bone and blood!

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