There are so many gains from this battle.

It's so much that he can't fully absorb it in a short time.

And when he fully absorbs the experience in this battle, then his strength will definitely rise to the next level.

Not to mention that now it's really only a step away from stepping into the hole.

It can be said,

Today's Zhang Qingyuan can be called ascend to the sky in one step!

He believes that as long as it doesn't take long, he will be able to enter the realm of Dongzhen Law that is above and above all beings!

And at that time,

He has truly stepped into the pinnacle of this world of comprehension!

Think about it has been several decades since you have traveled into this world. If you put it in a previous life, it will be sixty or seventy years old, and you will step half of your foot into the coffin ground.

But in this world,

For him now,

The path of spiritual practice has just begun!

Some of the memories of previous lives have been blurred after years of scouring.

But after crossing over, the goal set to reach the pinnacle of the world one day is already turned into a Dao-minded obsession, becoming more determined!

Think about the experience over the past few decades,

Especially Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a sense of sorrow.

But soon,

Zhang Qingyuan cleared up his mood, suppressed many emotions, and stood up from the futon.

His face was still a little pale at this time.

The breath is not very stable either.

After all, the higher the level of challenge, the use of the power of "mortals" to kill the "fairies", this tragic battle Zhang Qingyuan was not much better.

During that time and again, Lu Tianxu not only severely wounded Zhang Qingyuan, but also left him with an unhealable Dao wound of the Dongzhen series!

If it is someone else, then it is definitely hopeless!

Because the Dao Fa power of the extremely high level of Dongzheng will remain in its body forever and cannot be obliterated, eventually leading to the complete collapse of the Dao in the future. This is even if other Dongzheng cultivators make a move, and they can't do anything.

But Zhang Qingyuan is different,

As a monk in the true element realm who has condensed the Five Elements Taoism in the current world, he has walked through this rare path in ancient times.

With the strength of the Five Elements Taoism, it can gradually wipe out the wounds left in the body.

The Tao of Lu Tianxu is only the Tao of Jinxing.

The cohesion of the Five Elements is hundreds of times more difficult than it is. Similarly, whether it is level or strength, it is far beyond the power of a single Golden Way!

In the process of wiping out Dao injury, those Dao Fa that has been obliterated will enable Zhang Qingyuan to see and understand Lu Tianxu's Dao more clearly, and on the contrary, it will make him have a deeper understanding of the realm of Dongzhen.

This is undoubtedly of great benefit to his practice!

After absorbing the gains from this, it is said that one hundred years of practice and polishing can not be left!

"In this way, I have to thank the old Lu Tianxu dog for being..."

Zhang Qingyuan was also a little speechless for a while.

The gains of this battle,

It was so big that even the monks at the realm of the Dongzhen Law realm were jealous.

Before Lu Tianxu was dying, he left himself with such a large amount of wealth.

What a nice person!

Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help sighing in his heart, and sent Lu Tianxu a good person card.

He found,

He is very tolerant of dead enemies.

I just don't know if Lu Tianxu knows if he will come back to life with anger and die again.


With many thoughts,

Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the cave, preparing to visit his master Mingshui Daoist.

In the battle that day, after beheading Lu Tianxu, even though he had obtained great benefits, he was also in a state of exhaustion.

In the following great melee,

Zhang Qingyuan was almost killed by a sneak attack by the landlord of Tiandilou.

It was the Daoist Ming Shui who suddenly took action, and suddenly an extremely terrifying force burst out. After repelling the digital hole, he really teamed up and rescued Zhang Qingyuan, who was exhausted and almost involved in the turbulence of the space at that time.

After that, the giants of Wanhua Realm made a move,

The power is even more shocking.

Fortunately, he did not die in the end.

He was taken to this unknown place by the Mingshui Daoist, and he was able to restore stability first.

Now a few days have passed,

Zhang Qingyuan reluctantly stabilized his realm to prevent him from falling, and at the same time restored his body slightly with the power of the Five Elements Taoism.

Although the injuries are still severe,

But at least there won't be a dangerous situation where the body is about to collapse after taking two steps.

Also from this,

After regaining his mobility a little bit, he walked out, ready to meet Master Mingshuidao, and thanked him in person.

If this trip wasn't for Master Mingshui Daoist's last move, he would have died in that big melee if he could not say.

Recalling the momentum of the day,

Even now, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but throbbed for a while.

Speaking of which, Ming Shui Dao people are not qualified masters.

For so many years, Zhang Qingyuan has basically practiced on his own, and rarely stayed by his side to accept his instructions.

But one thing is that the people of Mingshui Dao have never failed themselves.

The help he sought, the other party has never refused.

At the same time, although there are few pointers, the inheritance system can be passed down, and I have never been stingy about the various experiences of the promotion

Two shots before and after, rescued himself.

Zhang Qingyuan will not forget the life-saving grace among them.

The recognition of it has also deepened.

"But having said that, didn't Master return to the land of Kyushu and return to his hometown? Why did he appear here again?"


Such a thought flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

After I confessed the matter of the intercontinental teleportation array to Master Mingshui Daoist, then the face of the old Master also showed excitement.

After that, Mingshui Dao people never disappeared.

Zhang Qingyuan guessed,

The opponent should have returned to the land of Jiuzhou through the intercontinental teleportation array.

Didn’t you say that you want the fallen leaves to return to their roots and prepare to be buried in your homeland?

Why did you suddenly appear here again and saved yourself?

Didn’t Master return to the land of Jiuzhou?

what happened?

Do not know why,

Suddenly, Zhang Qingyuan had a bad feeling.

That day,

Master Mingshui Dao people showed great power and pushed back the digital hole in one fell swoop. When he rescued himself, it seemed that something was wrong!

Zhang Qingyuan's pupils seemed to think of something, his pupils shrank slightly.

The speed under his feet has been accelerated by a few points, and the figure flashes like a ghost, quickly rushing in a certain direction.


Zhang Qingyuan came to the cliff of Houshan.

The footsteps suddenly stopped.

Stood there in a daze.

at this time,

The afterglow of the setting sun slowly sank into the depths of the mountains, leaving a huge semicircle on the distant horizon, with a dim yellow brilliance covering the sky, pulling the back figure sitting on the edge of the cliff.

There was a dead silence between heaven and earth.

The figure in front, with his head drooping, has completely lost its vitality.

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