Time flies, I don’t know how long has passed,

The honest man just woke up from the intoxication, but his eyes were still a little confused.

what happened?

The thick-faced young man woke up,

Holding a hammer in his hand,

At this moment, he didn't know if it was an illusion, he suddenly felt a sense of fusion with the hammer in his hand.

It seems that the hammer in this hand is an innate part of its own body!

His head is not bright, and he doesn't know what happened just now.

But he couldn't feel it, he seemed to have gotten a great advantage!

As if he had received a new toy, the simple-faced young man waved the hammer in his hand enthusiastically. Every time he waved it, there was a whirring sound, and the air was a small hill-like giant hammer faintly appearing. Shadow, with the power of overwhelming mountains, rolled up waves of air currents!

Very smoothly,

And in the process of waving, it seems that there is hidden power that he can't understand!

If someone else is here, you will be horrified to find that the hammer is not swaying indiscriminately in his hand, and the traces of the swaying in it seem to be hidden by a certain meaning of power!

Just a distance of tens of feet, you can feel the continuous impact of its momentum like a torrent!

The honest man who is not smart doesn’t know what kind of chance he has, but he just feels like he has got some new, very powerful toy, and he is very interested.

I practiced again and again in the small courtyard.

And at this time,

Not far away, Zhang Qingyuan stood quietly beside a big tree, watching all this, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, revealing an inexplicable smile.

From here to the end,

The young man with a simple face did not "see" Zhang Qingyuan.

Maybe he saw it, but under the influence of some kind of intermittent power, he did not realize this, but directly ignored it from the subconscious level.

The implied power that is in harmony with the heavens and the earth makes Zhang Qingyuan and the whole heaven and earth almost integrated. Even the monks in the true element realm can't find the place in the environment that violates the harmony here.

Zhang Qingyuan's figure is like being independent from the world, silently watching everything that happened.

"This kind of power is kind of interesting..."

Zhang Qingyuan stretched out his palm and held it slightly, as the unknown invisible power lingered.

no doubt,

The simple and honest young man indulged in the epiphany when he was nailing nails, and then suddenly got the powerful means,

All this is Zhang Qingyuan's secret handwriting!

In a realm like Zhang Qingyuan, his talents, for ordinary spiritual yuan realm cultivators, are not much different from the fairy gods in myths and legends.

At the beginning, Zhang Qingyuan had no plans to leave.

However, when he perceives that the person is not very clever, and the other person has helped him take care of the small room for so many years, he has been working diligently, and he wants to give the other person a small gift casually. Touched, a certain idea suddenly came into my mind.


The boy with a simple face became his test subject.


It was one of my own gains before this.

Previously, he returned to his hometown and saw the vicissitudes of the sect in the vicissitudes of life, which gave him a new insight, which seemed to make him perceive a certain truth of the passage of time between heaven and earth and everything.

All things in the world, ten thousand Dao Senluo.

Zhang Qingyuan hasn't fully comprehended the power of Taoism, but he doesn't force it, everything just goes with the flow.

He had long known the truth of enlightening things that couldn't be accomplished overnight.

But just this subtle and profound understanding is enough, and through extended use, try to use it on the little guy in front of you.

I didn’t see what Zhang Qingyuan did.

Silently, the heavens and the earth were corroded by a mysterious and mysterious Taoist aggregate, encumbering Zhang Qingyuan's will and descending.

Qi, machine, nature and man are one,

Guide that simple and honest boy's divine consciousness into the world of clarification and clarity!

Invisibly guide it to follow a certain trajectory when swinging the hammer, and steal a certain strand of Taoism into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness without a trace.

In such a mysterious means,

It was almost "inscribed", and it was easy to "send" a simple, simple, but straight-through means to the boy with a simple face.

"In the legal domain, I have seen the power of the Dongzhen legal domain. Unless the law's energy is consciously converged, the legal principles will invisibly erode the world and linger around the profound Taoist domain field!"

"This kind of invading heaven and earth, good fortune mysterious ability, there is a certain similarity!"

Zhang Qingyuan just did it casually for the gift of the honest-faced boy in front of him.

But in this process,

But it gave him a deeper understanding of the way forward.

This method of directly invading the heavens, the sun, and the moon by Taoism, and imparting enlightenment to the spirits, and expanding with the realm of Dongzhen power ~www.readwn.com~ to turn the whole body world into its own home field is undoubtedly possessed. Certain similarities!


Zhang Qingyuan, a cultivator in the cave realm, hadn't dealt with it before, and he had seen a lot of them. He probably didn't have such a way of spreading the Fa with his mind.

This is a high-level application of Taoism and Mind, Spirit, and Consciousness, and the realm of the legal domain shouldn't involve this level of power.

Otherwise, in the battle against Lu Tianxu that day, the old dog used such a method to disturb his mind, I am afraid that he has nothing to do.

"This ability to reflect on the world and imprint the soul invisibly and without trace may have something to do with the monks who have condensed the spirit of the three flowers, and the essence of the divine consciousness even exceeds the realm of the Dongzhen Dharma realm!"

"Even, it has nothing to do with the Five Elements Taoism."

"When I walked on this path, the world changed between thoughts and movements, and the Five Elements Avenue seemed to make it easier to mobilize the principles of heaven and earth."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed his head, meditating in his heart.

He possesses the inheritance of the Dongzhen realm level from Master Mingshui Dao people, as well as the inherited jade slips from the ancient monks Chijin Taoist etc., and also understands some of the methods used by other people in the Dongzhen law realm.

Just compare itself,

Even if I haven't really stepped into the realm of the realm of Dongzhen, but for the use of Taoism, it seems that I have taken a higher level here!

"The Five Elements Road, as the authentic heritage of the holy land tens of thousands of years ago, may have more unknown advantages, but these, I can only rely on myself to dig a little bit..."

Many thoughts flashed through my mind.

Zhang Qingyuan did not stay any longer, his figure slowly dissipated like a wisp of blue smoke, and he had already left the area of ​​the small yard where he lived in the past.

And in the same place,

The simple-faced boy is still practicing the hammer with great interest.

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