ps: Don't subscribe when you see this line of words, this is a duplicate of the previous chapter.

Because the second chapter is not finished yet, I will talk about full attendance first.

Finish writing and uploading after two o'clock.


Of course, this so-called strong is also a strong enemy compared to Chang's Escort.

Among the members of the Chang's Escort, the strongest old man of the Chang's family is only the real yuan dual layer, and there is still only him in the team in the real yuan realm, and the rest of the highest cultivation level is only half a step of real yuan cultivation.

Zhang Qingyuan learned from this short chat with the Chang family.

The cultivator of the True Origin Realm, in this place called Izumo Kingdom, was already at the level of a master.

It is precisely because of the existence of the old man of the Chang family that the Chang family Escort can become a small and well-known "big" power among the Izumo country and a resounding power in Lu County.

As far as Izumo country is concerned,

According to the popularity of the Chang family father, the strongest is a monk of the Izumo imperial family that has not been seen for many years. The cultivation base reaches the nine-fold true essence, which is the crowning ancestor of the imperial family of the entire Izumo country!

This is an extremely inconspicuous small country among many countries in Yunzhou.

Not to mention the remote location, the aura is not very abundant, and the big powers are not willing to waste their energy on it, giving the Izumo Kingdom imperial family a basis for survival.

Such a small country,

In the heyday of Zhang Qingyuan, suppressing a country would be nothing more than a finger's effort.

Even if he is hit hard now, it is not something that some small characters can easily deal with.

Besides, relying solely on his extremely high level of spiritual consciousness, facing the monks below the seventh level of true essence, he can easily sweep away with a simple attack of spiritual consciousness!

Even facing an opponent with a true element level of nine or more, regardless of the deepening of the injury, and breaking out, he can easily kill the enemy.

It’s just that the consequences will be more serious,

And now Zhang Qingyuan is not necessary.

He still has a back hand,

Even if it is a powerful enemy who hits the realm of Dongzhen, there is no need to worry, this is where he is most emboldened on the road!

"One true element double late stage, one true element one layer late stage, there are four half-step true elements, and nine spiritual elements... Such strength can be regarded as a disaster for the Chang's Escort. NS."

Inside the carriage, Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes, and his pupils flickered.

The gathering of spirits and spirits gathered the top three flowers, allowing him to illuminate all the plants and trees in the canyon within a radius of a few miles into his perception without any hindrance.

In the vast dark mountains, gorges, and woodland around, even though those breaths are so well hidden, they have not concealed the exploration realm of the guards of Chang's Escort.

But if you want to hide Zhang Qingyuan's perception, it is a joke!

And at this time they,

I'm afraid I don't know anything about the reality that I have already exposed.


There was a slight rubbing hiss in the ears, and at the same time a red bracelet on his wrist twisted, and a thought came along, and it sounded in Zhang Qingyuan's ear.

"Boss, do you want me to kill those guys?"

Zhang Qingyuan touched the bracelet on his wrist, shook his head, and calmly said:

"No, it's not the time yet."

The thought came from Zhang Qingyuan's blood contract pet Chi Yan Tianlin Snake Little Huo.

these years,

Thanks to Zhang Qingyuan's bravery and diligence, the Red Flame Tianlin Snake has also received a lot of benefits. It began to fall into a deep sleep a few years ago, preparing to shed its skin and grow further.

He only woke up not long ago, and his strength reached the late stage of the Nine Layers in one fell swoop.

Because of the blood bond and the inter-mind relationship, Zhang Qingyuan was able to command his battle without any obstacles, and with the help of Zhang Qingyuan's means, it was really not difficult for Xiaohuo to deal with the ordinary half-step hole.

This is also where Zhang Qingyuan's greatest confidence is now stable and free!

"I'm not their nanny, why bother to take the initiative to solve the problem? It is not worthwhile to work hard and not please."

Zhang Qingyuan's complexion was unwavering, and his voice was flat and authentic.

He didn't have much relationship with Chang's Escort.

It's just a passerby.

In addition to the various gossips in the dart team since this journey, although Zhang Qingyuan does not say that there is any anger or discomfort, after all, the levels are different, and the heart has his own generosity.

But it is not enough to put a hot face on a cold ass, licking his face before helping to solve the problem.

The old man of the Chang family is enthusiastic about himself.

But that’s because it hits him right away, so do you think you can become friends?


The other party obviously has his own ideas,

Perhaps it is to see what is extraordinary about oneself, and want to have the thought of making friends.

Or maybe it was something he had foreseen,

I want to borrow my own strength.

A savvy old fried dough stick who has lived for most of his life is innocent and comes close to you without any utilitarianism. He is thinking of eating ass!

"Of course, when necessary, I will also take action. After all, I am not disgusted with the old man of the Chang family. And I really want to know how the other party perceives my own extraordinary..."

Zhang Qingyuan said in a low voice while stroking the small fire in his hand.

He was really curious,

How did you discover the clues about the mere dual cultivation base of true yuan, and try your best to win a relationship with yourself?

This kind of method similar to foreseeing bad luck undoubtedly made Zhang Qingyuan extremely concerned.

The red flame Tianlin snake coiled around his wrist twisted his body, UU reading www. uukā

Didn't say anything.


Time soon arrived late at night.

Nothing happened at night. All the guards relaxed their vigilance a little, and went back to their tents to rest and sleep in twos and threes.

Only the occasional patrol team and the night watch hidden in the dark are still on alert.

But the journey has been safe and sound,

It undoubtedly made everyone a little relaxed.

Time gradually entered late at night.

Most people fell asleep, and the snoring sound occasionally sounded.

The moon on the top was suddenly covered by dark clouds from nowhere. The mountains and forests under the dark became more and more gloomy, and the two guards patrolling involuntarily yawned.


A figure stalked like a ghost, silently appeared behind the two of them, and shot like lightning. The vigorous real vitality suddenly penetrated the space and was printed on the back of the patrolling guards.

Bang bang!

Two muffled noises,



A figure stalked like a ghost, silently appeared behind the two of them, and shot like lightning. The vigorous real vitality suddenly penetrated the space and was printed on the back of the patrolling guards.

Bang bang!

Two muffled noises, suddenly,

A figure stalked like a ghost, silently appeared behind the two of them, and shot like lightning. The vigorous real vitality suddenly penetrated the space and was printed on the back of the patrolling guards.

Bang bang!

Two muffled noises, suddenly,

A figure stalked like a ghost, silently appeared behind the two of them, and shot like lightning. The vigorous real vitality suddenly penetrated the space and was printed on the back of the patrolling guards.

Bang bang!

Two muffled noises, suddenly,

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