During this period of time, Izumo country seemed to be shrouded in an atmosphere of something wrong.

There are obviously more domestic fights.

It seems that the monks are a lot irritable.

Although the Yue family, who was the chief of Yuejia Town, was vaguely aware of this uneasy atmosphere.

But they did not expect that this restless fire would actually burn them.

In the tens of thousands of miles on the edge of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range, in addition to the large and small family sects, gangs and other forces stationed and multiplied, there are also various types of wandering around, intercepting merchants, or taking the opportunity to looting. Raiders in the town square city.

These bandits and bandits rely on reckless mountains and rivers, and are active on this vast area, just like hyenas on the grassland. Once they find opportunities for flaws, they will swarm and rush up.

Once a mistake is discovered and a hard stubble is bitten, he will fled again.

You enter and he retreats, you retreat and he enters, you chase him and flee, and you flee and chase him.

This kind of breathing gathered together, and the bandit gangsters who disappeared overnight, like flies, were extremely disgusting and very difficult to eradicate.

In the end, I can only let it go,

Unless there are too many bandits and bandits, and they begin to threaten the overall power of the various forces in the entire Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range, or commit terrible major crimes, will the powers of comprehension unite and deal with this vast area. Bandits and bandits conduct a cleanup.

Just because of the geographical location and the relationship between the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range.

This type of bandit and gangsters are always inexhaustible, and the spring breeze blows back, and they can only be suppressed periodically.

The large and small gangster forces are active in this reckless Qingyang Mountain Range.

This caused great trouble to the large and small family clans that rely on the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range.

Against this chaotic background,

All kinds of cultivation forces, large and small, will strengthen their own defense methods to cope with emergencies.

In Wuyang County, the most famous group is the gangsters headed by Diamond Mountain Dragon who have been in this area for decades.

This is also the main defense object of Yuejia Town.

In the process of their rise, the Yue family of Yuejia Town fought more than three battles, and they also had some familiarity with each other.

As early as half a month ago, the Yue Family in Yuejia Town had learned that the Mountain Dragon had changed, so they quickly made various preparations to prevent the Mountain Dragon from taking advantage of the loopholes.

It’s just that no one thought of it,

They didn't wait for the mountain dragon gang to come, instead, they waited for the famous Black Mountain Rogues throughout Lu County!

How could this kind of thieves be here, how could they be attracted to such a small force like them!

When the Black Mountain Rogue appeared, everyone was in panic.

But there is no way back.

The terrible reputation of the Black Mountain gangsters has already spread to the ears of the major comprehension forces in the entire Lu County. There is absolutely no possibility of retreat for this kind of brutal existence that must destroy the city!

"Huh! Stubbornly stubborn!"

Above Yuejia Town, the black mist lingered all over his body, bringing great pressure to the broken city below, Cao Zicheng, the leader of the Black Mountain gangster, sneered.

Raise both hands and pinch into a French seal.


Void trembles, a round of golden bowls flashing with black light suddenly flew out, spinning rapidly in mid-air, and immediately a circle of gray light curtains rose up in an instant, and suddenly expanded, like a hill in mid-air, rushing towards the Yue family below. Go to town!


A huge sound exploded, and the power of the magic weapon raged away unscrupulously.

It can be seen that the defense of the already shaky formation was actually shattered from the outside world at this moment!


In the crisp sound of cracking, the crack that was smashed into a big hole by the black golden bowl spread in all directions in the explosion. After all, the fragmented light curtain of the magic circle could not be sustained, and it collapsed into a sky full of light!

This is not over yet,

Overcoming the defensive formation of Yuejia Town in one fell swoop, the leader of the Black Mountain Bandit, Cao Zicheng, expressionless, lifted one hand, aura gathered in mid-air, turned into a bucket-like thunder spear, and smashed his arm towards the bottom, holding a halberd, rushing up like death. The man bombarded!


The indestructible thunder spear, with fiery and terrifying energy, smashed the halberd magic weapon that the man with the broken arm traversed in front of him. The final blow pierced his shoulder, and the whole body pierced the earth!

Above the sky, the light flickered.

Seeing this scene,

The monks in Yuejia Town couldn't help but their morale plummeted.

The defense formation was forced, and the most powerful patriarch was also nailed to the ground with a shot.

Is there any need to resist?

Some Yue family monks involuntarily loosened the magic weapon in their hands and fell to the ground, their eyes blank.

They can already imagine what they will face next.

Although there are still people shouting at the Black Mountain thief to die, desperately rushing to the enemy, even if they blew themselves up, they will drag a person into hell.

But on the whole, Yuejia Town was completely defeated!

"Roar! Long live the leader!"

Outside the fragmented city wall, the besieging monks from Black Mountain cheered loudly and thunderously.

Then he rushed towards Yuejia Town with a sullen expression.

At this moment,

To them, Yuejia Town, without the protection of the formation, was like a weak girl who was stripped naked.

"Kill them all! Don't keep the chickens and dogs!"

The leader of the black mountain bandits punched through the air and smashed the heads of the two Yue family monks who had been killed with a decisive intent to smash them. The black true essence bounced off the two corpses, revealing a hideous color on their faces, and said loudly. A group of Montenegrin bandits ordered.

"Oh! Kill!"

"This little broken town dared to resist me waiting for the black mountain pirates to be looking for death!"

Watching the Montenegrin bandits attack with majestic morale,

At this moment, all the people in Yuejia Town had a despair like falling into the abyss of darkness in their hearts!

That's it!

Some people began to drive away from the outside, and some were ready to fight back with a decisive death, ready to bite off the opponent's flesh even if they died!

At the same time, many people have put down the magical instruments in their hands, and have already lost all the thoughts of resistance.

"Unexpectedly, my Yue family passed on for thousands of years~www.readwn.com~ and finally ended up here."

On the battlefield, the old man with **** beard and white hair closed his eyes in pain.


Among the ruined walls, the young Yue Lingyun watched the figure crucified to the ground, tears rushing out, crying in pain, and wanting to dare to pass, but was firmly held by the old servant beside him.

"Miss, go! You are the only bloodline of the patriarch, you must live!"

At this moment,

If you look at it from a height,

You will find that a black mountain gangster with a hideous face, arrogantly laughing, attacking and besieging Yuejia Town, his face is full of excitement.

on the contrary,

The people of the Yue family who were located in the fragmented Yuejia Town were completely shrouded in despair, and their faces were low.

"Hey, I didn't expect that there is such a nice little beauty here, who just happens to become Lao Tzu's next slave girl!"

High above the sky,

The leader of the Black Mountain Rogue saw the crying Yue Lingyun below, and under the black cloak, there was a lewd smile on his face.

The whole figure flashed,

He appeared in front of Yue Lingyun.

The terrible momentum suppressed the opponent unable to move.

"You are mine..."

The black mountain rogue pinched Yue Lingyun's fair and beautiful face, his greedy eyes seemed to swallow her.


At this moment,

At the same time when the black mountain bandits launched a massacre on Yuejia Town,

A rush of Qing Qi Dao Yun that hung high for nine days, falling from the sky like a waterfall in the Tianhe River, suddenly fell on the world, killing the **** air on the battlefield of Yuejia Town, as if it was washed clean, and the air changed accordingly. Got clean.

"You guys, give Zhang a face, so how about this so far"

A voice of Qing Xuan, echoed in everyone's ears,

Like a spring in the mountains surging,

Crisp and sweet.

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