ps: Kavan, I haven't written the second chapter for a long time. I will post a chapter first.

It is estimated that it will take more than two hours to finish the second chapter, so let's read it tomorrow.


As one of the five governors of the Jing'an Department overseeing the world, Tang Huacheng's vision is naturally not a native of Izumo, which is comparable to a monk who has never been out in his life to meet the world.

Not to mention that when he was young, he had traveled to the 36 countries in the Northern Mountains and had seen the power of the enchanting Tianjiao from the central Yunzhou sect. Once fortunate enough to meet one side from afar!

That kind of freely escaped Taoism and the intersection of heaven and earth, making its breath like the scorching sun of the sun, and the terrible existence that burns people's eyes, making it almost impossible to look directly at it!

That feeling,

It's like facing the boundless stalwart feeling that fills the whole world!

The one inside, even though there is not the majestic vastness that fills every corner of the world,

But the kind of Taoism that just stands there and escapes freely in the void,

That kind of method uses the heaven and the earth, the means that the power of the heaven and the earth is used for oneself between thoughts and movements!

Undoubtedly, it is the same level of power as the great people who have ever seen!

You can't go wrong!

This is a horror method that is only possible in the rumored Dongzhen Wonderland!

Even the people who came across the boundary a few years ago and suppressed the imperial power with the powerful thunderbolt, those who are said to be the real great figures of the Ninth Layer of the True Origin Realm or even Banbu Dong, do not have this level of power!

This is the power of Taoism and God above all living beings!


Must run away!

Unprecedented horror rushed to my heart, making Tang Huacheng almost split up at this moment.

This kind of horrible existence is simply not something he can face!

Why did the Montenegrin bandits disappear without a trace,

I'm afraid it was all in the hands of that person!

this moment,

All the previous doubts are all gone!

It's just that this didn't make him feel any sense of sudden realization, and the fear in his heart grew worse!

Why is there such a big man in this little Wuyang County!

What is the purpose of such a big figure hiding here?

Is it because the place deep in the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range is related to the purpose of those people coming to Izumo? !

this matter,

It is simply not something a monk of his level can participate in!

In order to block the news and hide their deeds, the other party will inevitably kill themselves!

danger! ! !

Tang Huacheng already knew that he was already in a crisis of life and death!

Must escape from here immediately!


The things in this world are so easy.

"It's all here, so why bother to leave?"

The indifferent voice flowed between the void, as if the clear spring water surged.

next moment,

A boundless and vast power rose up after itself, covering the sky, Tang Huacheng only felt that the surrounding space was imprisoned by a tyrannical force, and his entire body was almost unable to move!

Tang Huacheng raised his head in horror,

I saw that there was a big hand that overwhelmed the sky above the sky at some point. The five auras of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth were entangled and collided, fused and unified, causing the sky to oscillate, escaping a terrifying aura, and turning the sky light. They were all covered for it, and slapped down in his direction mightily!

"not good!!!"

Tang Huacheng's eyes were red, and his face was full of fear.

There was a loud bang,

Tang Huacheng exploded with all the power in his body, and the powerful aura oscillated, making the space seem to vibrate, the earth under his feet cracked and dust rolled up.

The hands were knotted, and a bright divine light burst out between the pupils of the eyes, and then a layer of true essence turned into a dazzling round of moonlight, tearing the air of tens of meters, making a sharp howling sound, towards the top The upper air bombarded it!

This attack is obviously the most powerful attack that Tang Huacheng can explode today.

There are no reservations about the realm of the Seventh Layer of True Essence.

The power contained in it,

Enough to break the mountains and rivers, and make the rivers and seas dry!

However, such a terrifying attack, at the moment when it hit the mighty hand that was crushing and falling, it was like an egg hitting a rock, and it was broken with a click!

Even the Zhenyuan storm exploded by the bombardment is all in the Dao Yun of the five elements, easily blocked in square inches, and then don't be annihilated in a flash!


Tang Huacheng's eyes widened as he watched Fengyun, who had almost no obstruction, slapped it down towards him with his big hands, eyes full of disbelief!

His attack with all his might, in front of the other party, was nothing more than paperwork? !

However, he did not have the opportunity to think too much.

Boom! ! !

The thunderous loud noise exploded, and the world was shaking at this moment. Tang Huacheng's whole person was already slapped to the ground by that terrifying wind and cloud with a radius of tens of meters!

The earth broke apart one after another, forming huge pits with a radius of one hundred feet.

Smoke and dust swept under the airflow.

Tang Huacheng, who was in the center, had already suffered a heavy blow completely lost the ability to resist.

Blood was dripping, and only half a breath was left in the pothole.

Go breathe out!

"Bring people back!"

The surrounding area was originally dealing with the ruins of Yuejia Town, and stood still on the spot because of the huge movement. Seeing all these people with horror on their faces, a clear voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

It's that big man!

The high-level family members who were present glanced at each other, and immediately stood up and brought the half-sighed Tang Huacheng towards the house of the family head.


The surrounding area was originally dealing with the ruins of Yuejia Town, and stood still on the spot because of the huge movement. Seeing all these people with horror on their faces, a clear voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

It's that big man!

The high-level family members who were present glanced at each other, and immediately stood up and brought the half-sighed Tang Huacheng towards the house of the family head. The surrounding area was originally dealing with the ruins of Yuejia Town, and stood still on the spot because of the huge movement. Seeing all these people with horror on their faces, a clear voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

It's that big man!

The high-ranking family members who were present glanced at each other, and immediately stood up and brought the half-sighed Tang Huacheng towards the house of the family head. The surrounding area was originally dealing with the ruins of Yuejia Town, and stood still on the spot because of the huge movement. Seeing all these people with horror on their faces, a clear voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

It's that big man!

The high-ranking family members who were present glanced at each other, and immediately stood up and brought the half-sighed Tang Huacheng towards the house of the family head. The surrounding area was originally dealing with the ruins of Yuejia Town, and stood still on the spot because of the huge movement. Seeing all these people with horror on their faces, a clear voice suddenly sounded in their minds.

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