Re-practice the depths of the stacked mountains,

A set of steep cliffs soaring into the clouds rose from the ground, towering into the clouds.

The ravines between the high mountains and cliffs are bottomless.

The sun was blocked by the bushes of vegetation growing between the cliffs, and the deep cracks in the abyss gave people a gloomy feeling!

at this time,

At the top of the mountains and cliffs, there is light rising, and there are figures looming in them, driving the people of the light to come and go, and establish a stronghold on the top of the mountain.

The stronghold at the top of the mountain emits aura and is connected between the mountains.

Together with the high mountains and cliffs to form a huge circle,

Reflecting from the bottom of the high valley not far away, it is thousands of feet wide, surrounded by the bottom of the valley like a mirror of water floating in the void.

"I have been exploring for seven years now, how is your progress?"

at this time,

On the highest mountain among the mountains, the mighty power of thought descends like a river of heaven, and the energy is intertwined in the void, like a spray of water, shaking the waves of light and ripples, and suddenly a light and shadow hangs like a full moon for nine days, projecting from the void of a different degree. .


Several silhouettes stood aside respectfully.

Under the terrifying aura as majestic as the bright sun, several people couldn't help sweating behind them.

"Elder Zinda, the legal ban is extremely strict here, and you can't enter without tokens, but I have already found some rules, and I believe I will be able to crack them soon."

One of them was under the gaze of a few people around him. Although he knew that this might offend the great elder, he had to step out and bite the bullet and stepped forward to speak authentically.

"Well, what's the matter?!"

The words of the light and shadow above the sky suddenly fell cold, and a pair of eyes that seemed to see through everything projected over.

Suddenly, the vagueness and vagueness, the mysterious and unpredictable Qi machine engulfed the majestic malice and fell on the headed person!

At that moment,

Those who speak up just feel that the sky has collapsed, and the whole world seems to have fallen into the ground and the sky, and the next moment is about to sink into endless darkness!

Boundless fear surged into my heart, and the cold sweat instantly wetted his back.

"Great Elder, spare your life!"

"The disciples have mobilized all the formation masters of the sect to crack it day and night, but the defense of this cave sky is too strict. The disciples have spent a lot of hard work to find some clues. Fortunately, with this beginning, the speed will be even higher in the future. Hurry up!"

"Furthermore, in recent years, disciples and others have controlled the imperial court of the Izumo Kingdom, and have found the bloodline remains of some people related to the master of the Dongtian Secret Realm, the Lushan Sanren Zhang Sanchen, and may be able to find something by this. !"

The headed person looked horrified and hurriedly spoke out authentically.

The few people in the back were buried with their heads low, as if they were going to get into the soil, as if they could escape the terrifying pressure on the top.

"Huh, three years! No matter what method you use, this seat will give you another three years. If you can't find a way to open the secret realm of the cave, you can come and meet by yourself!"

The light and shadow above the sky coldly hummed.

The terrifying coercion seemed to obscure the sky, making the light above the sky dim!

"Yes, the disciple would like to follow the encyclical!"

Several people below hurriedly replied.

Only at this time,

Everyone's heart is bitter.

These years of exploration, they are not without gains, at least they have almost understood the origin of this cave sky secret realm.

The specific origin of this cave sky secret realm is not yet known.

Only after prying into it, the Dao Yun inside is at least condensed for tens of thousands of years, and it can be inferred that it is at least a relic from the ancient times.

However, after these years of exploration, they finally found some of these related things.

That is, among the hidden concealment formations on the periphery of the Cave Sky Secret Realm, their formation master found the traces of Zhang Sanchen, who was famous throughout the Northern Mountain Region a thousand years ago!

Thousands of years ago,

A casual repairman turned out to be born, and his power overwhelmed the entire Northern Mountain Region, even Qianyun Mountain was succumbed to it.

According to the rumors,

Lushan Sanren is the only peerless power that has approached the realm of Wanhua in the Northern Mountain Region for thousands of years!

At that time, no one in the entire Beishan region could compete with it!

Standing at the top of the entire northern mountain region practice world!


Lushan Sanren Zhang Sanchen has already released news to the outside world to establish a sect force in the Northern Mountain Region.

He also revealed a piece of news to the outside world that he just got a very rich aura in his hand, which was left over from the ancient times, the secret realm will become the foundation of the sect!

It caused a stir among the practitioners in the Northern Mountain Region of that era.

At that time, the top sect forces of the Northern Mountain Region such as Qianyun Mountain had panic for a while.

But then I don’t know what happened,

The scattered people of Lushan were killed before they had time to start the sect, and they were slaughtered even with their family members.

That **** incident shocked the entire Northern Mountain Region and silenced the entire Northern Mountain Region.

Perhaps those who stood at the top knew what happened in it.

But it has nothing to do with them now.

These people in front of them, although in the realm of true essence, are already the pinnacles that people look up to.

But they know,

In front of those great powers at the real level are just bigger ants.

If it caused the dissatisfaction of the elder of the sect, no one would say anything if he was pinched to death.

It's just that things can't be so easy.

If they didn't guess wrong, the secret realm of the cave in front of them was the foundation that the scattered people of Lushan prepared for the establishment of the sect a thousand years ago!

A giant close to the realm of Wanhua,

The legend in the legend exists!

How could the methods left by such a character be able to solve some of their true essence realms? !

The giants that exist, I am afraid that a single look can kill them!

Several people sighed in their hearts.

Look at each other,

Seeing the helplessness between each other.

The experience of these years, allowing them to directly crack the mysterious realm of the cave in a short time, it is no longer hopeful.

But it’s okay,

Some good news came from that Izumo country recently. The people over there,

It seems that the relatives of a person related to the scattered people of Lushan have been found and survived in the world.

Someone was sent there not long ago,

Hope to find some clues.

"Elder, disciple retire!"

A few people saluted respectfully, and they were about to retreat.

But at this moment,


A scream was like thunder blasting in the ears, making a few people dizzy instantly, their brains were all stirred into a mass of paste!

It's the voice of the great elder!

what happened? !

The spatial ripples in the void in front that were gradually dissipating, suddenly solidified, oscillating with more powerful waves, and overwhelming malice poured out toward the mountains, like a tsunami roaring!

A pair of gazes are like real flames, running through the void!

"Bold fanatic, looking for death!"

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