

An ethereal sword light leaped out from the void, as if coming from across the boundary, lingering in the inexhaustible Dao Yun, tearing through the world, as if it had the mighty power of the five elements to open up the world!

The power of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth surrounds it, and there are empty electric lights jumping and shaking.

This terrifying sword is like lightning tearing through the sky.

Emerging from the infinitely distant chaos and darkness, like a comet that swept across the sky for a moment, with a terrifying sword force that cut off the heavens, the earth and the law for it, it suddenly pierced the head of the great elder Qianyun Mountain!

"not good!!!"

The face of the great elder changed drastically,

I only felt a life-and-death crisis engulfing my heart, which made him feel a terrifying feeling!

The sudden attack happened at the moment of relaxation in his heart.

Not only accurately grasped the flaw at that moment,

The power of this sword,

It can even threaten his life!

boom! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation, the majestic and vast mana burst out suddenly.

The entire sky is shrouded in golden light!

The power of Taoism envelops the majestic mana and forms an indestructible golden ball shield within a radius of several meters.

The terrifying power made the space seem to be cracked, and the surface of the shield and the surrounding atmosphere were torn apart layer by layer!

At the moment the shield appeared instantly,

The sword light of the Five Elements that broke through the sky has also arrived. Between the electric light and flint, it cut open hundreds of feet of void, tore open a chaotic and void gully, swept the boundless momentum, and slashed down on the great elder Qianyun Mountain. !

Rumble! ! !

The earth-shattering explosion exploded, and the dazzling light seemed to be the rising of the sun, and the scorching aura irradiated for nine days.

The entire world was shaking violently at this moment, and the atmospheric void was like a torrent of tsunami, rolling and exploding in all directions!

The earth and soil below, even at the moment of the collision, the mountains and the earth in a radius of thousands of meters seemed to have suffered an invisible impact, collapsed suddenly, and quickly spread to the surroundings!

And at this time,

At the center of the collision,

At the moment of the battle, the horrible sword power that evolved the five elements revolved around the world and turned into a divine light that destroyed everything. Almost before breathing, the shield deployed by the great elder Qianyunshan was slashed, and it went straight to his head. Come!

After all, it’s just a temporary protection,

How could it be possible to withstand the long-awaited slaying blow of the shadowy figure hidden in the dark?


The resistance of a breathing effort is enough!

Among the shining golden light, the head of Qianyunshan Great Elder tilted, and at the same time the majestic power of Taoism was brewing in the palm of his hand, exuding horrible aura fluctuations, and he slammed his fist toward the sword light!

The destructive power of this punch instantly shattered the sword power locked on him in the void.

At the same time, bombarding the sword light with the mighty power of the shattered mountains and rivers!

when! ! !

Above the sky, amid the violent explosion, there was a crisp shock.

Red blood was spilled from the sky,

The sky seems to be dyed red.

The body of the Great Elder Qianyun Mountain was directly cut and flew out, and he retreated several hundred feet before staying.

In place,

The aftermath of that sword force swept past by his side, slicing through thousands of feet in the sky, and the remaining force was completely exhausted.

Over the entire sky, a gully of several thousand feet long appeared.

It is like a long and terrifying sword mark that the sky has been cut apart!

The Great Elder Qianyun Mountain stabilized his figure and stood in mid-air. The energy flow clouds surrounding him could not have much effect on him.

His face was so gloomy at the moment.

Raise your hand.

I saw on his right hand, a scar with deep bones traversed the entire palm.

The flesh is rolled, bones are thick.

The blood flows slowly,

A drop of blood dripped, staining the earth and soil below it red, and the **** evil aura permeated.

The hell-like fierce air tumbling, actually shattered the vitality of the earth in a radius of hundreds of meters!

The elder Qianyunshan narrowed his eyes.

Then the palm of the hand flashed with shining light, and the power of Taoism filled the whole palm, preparing to recover from the injury.


Above that scar, strands of different kind of Taoism haunted.

Constantly tear the wound, contend with the great elder's own mana and prevent the wound from recovering!

"The Five Elements Dao Yun! Is that person a monk of the Five Elements Saint Sect?!"

The pupils of the Great Elder Qianyunshan shrink slightly.

He retracted his palm and looked forward again.

at this time,

Except for the chaotic heaven and earth qi machine and the riotous aura, there was already no one in front.

Even the shadow that he slapped in the air at the beginning has long since disappeared.


Great Elder Qianyun Mountain flashed coldly.

Those who follow the path of the Five Elements are in all likelihood the Five Elements Holy Sect that surpasses Yunzhou.

That is the existence in the legend, a single finger can destroy Qianyun Mountain!

If you offend such a monk, you either don't do it, or do it without letting people know!

He instinctively stepped forward, and was about to chase, cut the roots to eliminate future troubles.

However, there was a burst of pain from the injury on his palm, which made him seem to think of something.

His footsteps were stagnant in the air, his eyes flickering constantly.

Do you really want to do that?

Things are absolutely done, who knows if the Holy Sect of the Five Elements will send someone to investigate it? !

Most importantly, will there be any traps ahead!

The sword just now,

Almost beheaded him!

What if you catch up again and fall into the other party's trap? !

The monk of the big sect,

There must be a more powerful means of life-saving that the little sect monks did not know!

Many thoughts flashed in his mind.

After a few breaths,

The Great Elder Qianyunshan was silent, and finally sighed, slowly taking back his footsteps.

Looking at the sky ahead, it is full of depth.


"Now this mystery has been discovered by the people of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements, the only thing that can be done is to break the Mystery of the Sky as soon as possible before the opponent moves, and hold it in his hands!"

"As long as the secret realm of the cave is broken and mastered, then it will change from no owner to something possessed. Even the head of the Five Elements Saint Sect himself, there is no reason to **** others' possessions!"

Within a moment of effort, the great elder Qianyunshan had already had a care in his heart.

Breaking control and not breaking are two completely different concepts.

If you haven't broken through the defense of the cave and haven't mastered the secret realm of the cave, then it means that the secret realm of the cave is still unowned.


Those who are predestined can get it.

Everyone has that reason to plug in.

Can break through the defense and get the secret realm of the cave.

Then this cave-in-the-sky secret realm is their Qianyun Mountain, or the private property of his Great Elder Qianyun Mountain himself.

Just like the fruit in the wild, anyone can pick it before it is picked, but if someone picks it, it belongs to someone else’s private property and cannot be robbed.

Although the spiritual world respects the strong,

But generally there is still such a rational order, especially for big forces.

The bigger the forces, the more rules they must be!


The premise is to be able to break through the defense of the cave as soon as possible!

Great Elder Qianyun Mountain's face was gloomy as water,

Didn't stay anymore,

He turned around and stepped into the void and left quickly.

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