"Lu Shijie, this is the private property of my Qianyun Mountain, not a place where your Beishan Courtyard can intervene!"

In the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range, there was an angry sound like thunder.


The vast and boundless breath of the void, the light in the first half of the sky that rolled over and dimmed!

The boundless charm of magic power swept like a vast sea, as if condensed into a huge hand covering the sky hundreds of thousands of meters, and blasted towards the people on the opposite side!

The terrible power, with the vaguely murderous intent, made the void tremble!

The situation trembles!

The monk Qianyun Mountain below was shivering on top of this monstrous rage!

It's just that the elder Fan Gongliang didn't care about the Qianyun Mountain that shot away in a short time.

After wielding this terrifying power that shattered the world, he stared at the people in the Beishan Courtyard that appeared in front of him.

"After all, it's here!"

Fan Gongliang sighed in his heart, secretly in his heart, but there was a faint sense of relief.

Ever since the unknown monks who mastered the power of the Five Elements Dao attacked that day, he had been worried that Beishan’s intervention would cause many twists and turns out of thin air, so he had been forcing the monks underneath to speed up the mysterious realm of the cave. Analysis.

At the same time, he was worried about the arrival of the people from Beishan Courtyard.

If what he worried about tonight became a fact, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now that it has become an established fact, there is no need to worry about this and that.

The only thing he has to do next,

It is to repel the person in front of you!

With this determination, the strength of the Qianyun Mountain Great Elder Fan Gongliang Dong's True Law realm completely exploded, and the mighty mana and Dao Yun overwhelmed the world, bringing endless and majestic pressure to the world, and the void was affected!

This blow, at least the dean of the Beishan Courtyard in front of him, Lu Shijie, must be repelled!

"Hehe, Fan Gongliang, don't put gold on your face anymore."

Lu Shijie, the dean of the Beishan Courtyard, who was enveloped by the boundless horror and the big hand that slapped the sky, didn't show much horror on his face.

It is still a light and breezy appearance.

"As the saying goes, those who have chances can get it by themselves. This place is the leftover place of the scattered people of Lushan, which was famous in the past. You and others are not the descendants of the scattered people of Lushan, and they have not opened the way to enter. How can this place be said? You have all the qualifications of Qianyun Mountain!"

The Dean of Beishan Courtyard, Lu Shijie sneered. As soon as he turned his palm, dozens of light prints emerged from his fingertips and quickly merged into the air. Then a light emitting the colors of the five aggregates rose, as if distorting the whole world. Void.

Raise your hand and make a fist.

A punch blasted towards the void ahead!

At that moment, the power of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth expanded rapidly. The terrifying power was full of a boundless Taoist aura. It seemed to fill the heaven and the earth, bringing with it enough power to smash the heaven and the earth, and slammed forward fiercely. The void!

Rumble! ! !

The collision of two terrifying moves immediately produced a earth-shattering explosion, and the violent mana swept in all directions like a torrent of tsunami, and the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart!

The energy storm that broke out at that moment seemed to be about to destroy everything, and the gust of wind that was set off would collapse the mountains below, and the trees tens of miles away were swaying crazily, flying sand and rocks!


After a shocking collision, the two of them shook their bodies, and both took a few steps back.

However, it is obvious that Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Courtyard, only took three steps back.

On the other side, the Great Elder Fan Gongliang of Qianyun Mountain took a full seven steps back!

And for a moment, his breathing became rapid and disordered.

Although he was quickly suppressed, it was still felt by Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Courtyard!

"Hehe, as expected, this old guy is hurt!"

The excitement in Lu Shijie's eyes flashed.

Sure enough, he didn't guess wrong, this old guy and that Mao Tou boy named Zhang Yuan also suffered some injuries during the fight.

In this way,

The winning ticket of this trip,

More confident!

In a tentative fight, the two were not overly aggressive and did not fight again.

Facing each other far away.

The terrifying air machine rushed into the sky, the nails changed color, and the sky was dimmed in this piece of heaven and earth, and the shadows that covered the sky and the sun were spreading in all directions!

Two auras, like a blazing sun, collide violently like magnetic poles.

It caused the surrounding air to roar and roll, and the impact turned into a huge air vortex!

The silent confrontation made the atmosphere between heaven and earth even more depressing!

Whether it was the monk of Beishan Bieyuan who came with Lu Shijie~www.readwn.com~ or the monk of Qianyunshan who was deployed at the entrance of the secret realm, they dare not make any sound at this moment.


Under such terrible pressure, no one can speak at all!

The two auras filled the heavens and earth-like auras to contend, allowing everyone around them to live like years.

I don’t know how long it took,

The elder of Qianyun Mountain, Duke Fan's eyes flickered several times, as if thinking of something, and finally unwilling to speak first:


What he just wanted to say,

But at this moment an accident happened suddenly!

In the two major struggles, all energy is locked in front of opponents of the same level.

Behind Lu Shijie, among the group of monks from the Beishan Courtyard, one of the monks from the Beishan Courtyard suddenly broke out.


The bright five-color rays of light gush out like tides, condensing into a straight spear, suddenly tearing the void like lightning, and taking a monk from Qianyun Mountain on the opposite side!

Almost instantly, the figure of the Tianyun Mountain monk in front of him, his chest was instantly penetrated!

Blood was spilling all over the sky, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding, unbelievable eyes!


Like a signal,

It's like a certain soldier accidentally accidentally fired in an ambush encounter,

Whether it’s the cultivator of Beishan Bieyuan who is tense around, or the cultivator of Qianyunshan who is suddenly attacked, under that blow, it is like a spark that ignited the powder barrel, and the confronting powder barrel instantly Detonate!

Suddenly detonated a big melee!

Boom boom boom! ! !

No matter which side it is, it is the means of pouring out their most powerful magic and martial arts,

Rays of light tore through the vacuum, colliding and exploding one after another,

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