
The Dean of Beishan Courtyard, Lu Shijie, did not expect that he would ruin all the elites brought by this trip with such a negligent effort!

When the space vortex that connected the secret realm of the cave had an abnormal movement, he and Fan Gongliang beside him did not move.

On the one hand, it’s self-contained master style,

Direct shots, most of the defenses across the Mysterious Cavern Realm would not have any effect, and it also made one's own demeanor inferior.

on the other hand,

It is also to observe what means the opponent has during the time he enters the secret realm of the cave, and by the way, the divine sense seals off the surrounding space, lest the mouse-like cunning guy uses a method similar to the golden cicada's shell to escape.

Anyway, there are hundreds of True Element Realm disciples below, hundreds of them are still the cultivation base of the late True Element Realm, and there are several in Half Step Cave Zhen, plus the surrounding formations.

Even if you can't resist it, you will die a few if you can't resist it.

No big deal.


It was with such thoughts that neither of them cared much.

When the two realized something was wrong,

Everything is too late!

Hundreds of Beishan courtyards and the elites of Qianyun Mountain were ruined at this moment!


The anger that stuffed his chest was almost exploded in the heart of Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Courtyard!

The promotion hole really has two hundred years,

I have never been so angry as I am today!

From the beginning, I was fooled by the kid on the opposite side, causing them to fight with each other. In the end, he got the benefit.

Even now, the elites of the Beishan Courtyard who had been brought over were all perished here, and soon they would not be able to explain to the Zongmen at all.

Time after time,

The squeezing anger eventually burned into a monstrous flame, almost drowning Lu Shijie's sanity!


The power of the realm of Dongzhen law completely exploded, Lu Shijie did not leave any hands, with the five elements law domain as the core, merged with the five elements, and burst out his strongest power!

Just the exhalation of the breath has caused the space of hundreds of meters to be distorted, and the majestic and vast power seems to overwhelm the world!

Wherever you have passed along the way,

The space is shattered layer by layer, making the entire sky seem to have been blasted out of a huge hole!

The whole world,

It all seemed to be filled with vision by this punch!


Destroy the world!

The five elements are parallel,

Enveloping Lu Shijie’s vast murderous intent,

Such a punch, among the legal realm of the same level, few people can resist it!

Even some monks who have just stepped into the cave with weaker real power are likely to be killed by a punch!

The Five Elements,

It can also be said that the five elements are parallel,

Ordinary monks are promoted to Dongzhen, and most of them follow the same path.

Only in terms of quantity, it is inferior. How can you compete with it?

Not to mention that the five elements complement each other,

After following this path, I have obtained all kinds of mysterious methods.

Under this punch,

Even as an alliance, the elder Fan Gongliang, who is not far away in the void, couldn't help being shocked, and secretly took a breath.

That dangerous force that makes the hair stand upright,

For comparison,

If it is yourself who is facing this punch, I am afraid that it will not be able to please!

"The Five Elements Saint Sect really deserves to be the only holy land sect in Yunzhou, and the way he walks is truly terrifying. They are both cultivators in the realm of the Dongzhen Law. Among the same level, few people can compete with them!"

this moment,

The eyes of Qianyun Mountain Grand Elder Fan Gongliang became deeper.

But the enemy is ahead,

He didn't even think about playing black hands behind his back.

"That kid is dead. Although I don't know what he has gained in it and possesses such power, there is no room for resistance in the face of the orthodox Five Elements Taoism!"

More than a month ago,

The Great Elder of Qianyun Mountain, Fan Gongliang, had played against him before, and he knew the best of the strength of that little ghost named Zhang Yuan.

Although the other party didn’t know where the Five Elements Taoism was learned,

But compared with Lu Shijie,

It's just one heaven and one earth!

The powers are very different from each other!

This may be the difference between the orthodox monks of the Holy Sect of the Five Elements and the wild cultivators!

Fan Gongliang stopped the steps he had planned to do together, and his divine consciousness began to spread into the void, sealing off this space and blocking all possible escape routes.

There will never be any accidents in this battle.

The only possibility,

That kid might use no means to escape.

Fan Gongliang, who has achieved such a realm, is not clear about it.

For Zhang Qingyuan's strength, he still stayed at the level of the impression that he played against him more than a month ago, and that he severely damaged the opponent!

And this,

Maybe it will become a fatal factor!


"How is this going?"

The force of the five elements punched through the sky, coming like a blazing sun, and the momentum seemed to shatter the entire world!

But Zhang Qingyuan, who was facing this punch, had a daze in his eyes.

Although this fist of the Dean of the Beishan Courtyard is so terrifying, it has the boundless force of terror that lifts the sun and the moon, melts the five elements, and brings disasters to the But at this moment, Zhang Qingyuan’s eyes,

Still weak!

It is indeed weak!

If compared with the Jinjizong Lu Tianxu that I had faced a few years ago, the dean of Beishan Bieyuan's punch was about three times the power of his all-out effort!

This power, for other Dongzhen realm cultivators, may already be very strong.

But Zhang Qingyuan is opposite him!

Zhang Qingyuan, who also walks the Five Elements Road!

"Strange, there seems to be something wrong with the Five Elements Taoism!"

Sensing the familiar breath oncoming, Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly.

The power of the Five Elements Taoism,

Compared with the strength of the five elements of your own, it is more than one thing weaker!

"Perhaps, what's wrong with the Five Elements Saint Sect?"

In a flash,

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhang Qingyuan's mind.

Among the pupils, that punch was already rapidly expanding, and Zhang Qingyuan suddenly changed his idea of ​​frontal resistance, and had a certain plan.

I saw him raise his right hand,

Spread five fingers,

Between the palms of the palm, it seems that the power of the four poles of the universe is gathered, the power of gold, wood, water, fire and earth rotates, and the power of Taoism expands into the void, and the law domain suddenly expands and spreads, covering the void!

He greeted him with a punch at the Dean of Beishan Courtyard!


There was a muffled sound,

The whole void seems to be shaking,

The destructive power turned into ripples and shook all around.

But soon,

All the movement disappeared!

This terrifying punch of the Dean of Beishan Courtyard was caught, and at this moment the power of the five elements of horror that was originally condensed to destroy the world was completely dissipated!

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