
The terrifying five-element round wheel exudes the scorching air machine like a blazing sun.

The void seems to be unable to carry that terrifying power,

Waves of space visible to the naked eye oscillated in all directions!

Although the Five Elements Taoism of Lu Shijie, the dean of the Beishan Courtyard, is not strong in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, it is already extremely terrifying for other Dongzhen cultivators!

Especially the Five Elements Holy Sect, which is backed by the largest sect of Yunzhou,

The various methods and powerful martial arts mastered are undoubtedly beyond the ordinary cultivators of the legal realm.

If you are facing an ordinary monk from the legal realm,

The power of this unique trick at the bottom of the box is enough to kill any ordinary monk in the early stage of the legal realm!

Boom! ! !

The dean of Beishan Courtyard, Lu Shijie, was covered in clothes, and pointed out with a finger forward, and the five-element round wheel tens of meters long slammed into the sky!

Blasted out with one blow,

That round of five elements round wheel is like the boundless sun rising in the vast ocean, piercing through all the void, blooming with earth-shattering aura, and fan Gongliang's lore move, Yunzhang Wanxiang, mirroring each other and each other. With the momentum of turning over the world, I vowed to tear up the round of black hole vortex that casts the sky and darkness on top!

At this moment,

The whole world is discolored for it.

Looking at it from dozens of hundreds of miles away, you can see an extremely shocking step. The world in that place is split apart, and the sky and the earth are clearly separated, and the light and darkness have become two worlds!

Such a horrible scene gave all people who saw this horrible vision a feeling of endless fear in their hearts!

And at the same time,

It's like a momentary effort in the blink of an eye, and it's like a long wait for a century!

That light and darkness,

The sky and the earth finally coincide at this moment!

Boom! ! !

In an instant, heaven and earth are all destroyed!

The whole world seemed to have lost all its colors at the moment of collision, and turned into a boundless picture of black and white and two colors!

All light, color, sound, everything tangible and intangible are destroyed!

In the deathly silence,

The destructive power erupted, and the space within ten miles of a radius, the earth, collapsed and shattered in an instant!

Like a black hole, suddenly expanding in all directions!

The dark abyss where I can't see my fingers,

It suddenly expanded, as if to swallow the entire world of heaven and earth, making the heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred miles, the air currents, and the aura and heavenly secrets, suddenly like a collapsed tsunami torrent, rushing toward the center of the dark abyss!

The sky and the earth in a radius of a hundred miles were dimmed, as if there was a huge shadow covering the whole world!

Such a terrifying scene of inverted world,

For a few breaths,

Immediately after,

In the next instant, endless rays of light burst, and the whole world seemed to be groaning and trembling. The sun-like dazzling rays of light rose above the earth and the sky, and the shock wave that could destroy the world spread unscrupulously in all directions!

Rumble! ! ! ! !

An unprecedented big explosion swept across a hundred miles, even if it was thousands of miles away, one could still perceive the violent vibration from the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range and the strange white light that rose!

The entire Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range,

It was all amidst the horrible bombardment and shock that the birds and beasts rushed in panic, and the beasts fled in terror. The riot caused by a small wave of beasts broke out directly on the periphery of the Monster Beast Mountain Range!

In the human realm,

Some high-ranking cultivators in the True Origin Realm even felt the collapse and destruction of the laws of heaven and earth in the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

They all raised their heads in amazement and looked in the direction of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range. Their keen spiritual sense made them feel a sense of horror for no reason!

Not only them,

The low-ranking monks in Izumo, and even the mortals, gave birth to a panic.

In this world of spiritual manifestation, the battle between the mighty powers, and the aftermath of the battle, which affects thousands of creatures, is not just a legend.

If such a battle happened beside them, they would have no way to deal with it except kneeling on the ground and praying for God's blessing.

The immortals at the Dongzhen level waved their hands and shattered the sentient beings of the world,

They can't even escape!

The aftermath of the shock produced at this moment is not clear to the shock of the surrounding sentient beings, who are fighting on the battlefield at this moment.

In other words, even if I knew it, I'm afraid I wouldn't care much.

As far as the cave realm majestic standing on the pinnacle of this world is concerned, the masses of beings among the mortals are nothing more than a group of ants.

The hole is so great that it can live a long life,

It is not difficult to survive for a thousand years after using some methods.

Through the ages,

Mortals experience from birth to old age,

But the power of the cave realm is still there, high above, looking down on sentient beings, immortal through the ages, magical powers are already a fairy-like existence that mortals can only look up to!

But now,

In the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range,

At the exit of the secret vortex of the cave ~ the two great giants in the northern mountain domain practice world for hundreds of years, the real giant of the cave, the state at this moment is even more embarrassing than ordinary mortals!

At this moment,

At the space vortex at the exit of the Mysterious Cave of Heaven, the earth within a radius of ten miles disappeared.

A crack in the bottomless abyss was revealed, as if going straight through the abyss of hell, without seeing the bottom.

The void around,

The pitch-black cracks are looming, revealing the darkness and chaos that can't see the five fingers. The space is like a glass mirror. The cracks spread across the sky and shattered. People have a feeling of fear from the heart!

The world around, deathly silence.

There is not even the wind blowing up,

The wind seems to be swallowed!

The fragmented world is like a dead world.


The broken void surging like a stream of water,

The space seemed to split, and two embarrassed figures fell out staggeringly.


With a violent cough, Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Hospital, vomited a large mouthful of blood. Each drop of the red blood possessed great power.

Enough to crush a mountain.

But at this moment, when he fell into the bottomless dark abyss, he completely disappeared without seeing any fluctuations.

At this time, the clothes on both of them were broken.

The hairpin that was originally neatly adjusted by the Great Elder Qianyun Mountain on the side was completely shattered, disheveled, one arm was twisted at a shocking angle, his body was scarred, and the gilt-colored rays of blood flowed down like a stream of blood. It's all dripping with blood.

The two explained the breathing disorder,

Even the power of Dao Fa in his body was almost dissipated, and his breath was extremely sluggish, even reduced to the level of half a step!

It was already severely hit!

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