Just when Zhang Qingyuan was in retreat in the secret realm of the cave,

What he didn't know at this time was that while he was able to kill the two big holes, at the same time he set off a huge turbulent undercurrent in the Northern Mountain Region practice world.

Although this battle took place in the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range,

The True Origin Realm monks who participated in the attack on the secret realm of the cave, no matter they were from Qianyun Mountain or from other areas in Beishan, none of them could leave alive, and the details of this battle did not spread to the outside world.

Even in several countries near the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range, Izumo Country adjacent to this Monster Beast Mountain Range, they only perceive the huge movement in the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range.

It was only based on the beast wave that gushed out of the monster mountain range that a terrible battle took place inside.

The fighting movement that day spread across thousands of miles, and the earth shaking and the rising of the sky could still be felt even more than a thousand miles away.

But for the reason for such terrible fighting movement, the monster overlord in the forbidden area in the depths of the monster beast mountain range was fighting, or there was a conflict and battle in it.

This is all they don't know.

No one dared to go in and investigate one or two.

Let’s not talk about such a big movement, only the legendary cave real fairyland power can have such strength. Whether it is Izumo or other countries outside the Qingyang Monster Mountain Range, no power can provoke it. I can afford it, but I dare not get involved in it.

Even if there are people who are bold and think about the skill of picking up the leaks,

But at this time,

The tide of beasts rushing out of the Monster Beast Mountain Range is naturally a forbidden line of defense, preventing any bold people from deepening.

To know,

Entering from the depths, the wave of beasts rushed out in an embarrassing manner. Among them, there were many monsters with great wisdom in the nine-fold True Element Realm. These top-ranked monsters drove the wave of beasts and broke through several human defense lines one after another.

The flames of war caused chaos.

Unless it is a cultivator in the realm of the half-step Dongzhen, if you dare to break into the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range that is now extremely restless and dangerous, you are simply looking for death!

Even if it is half a step Dongzhen, it is possible to be besieged and killed by the big demons!

An area near Izumo country,

Half-step Cave Realm is a remote area that only exists in the teaching of history, and naturally no one has the ability to investigate.

In the chaotic battle caused by these beast tides, the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range is surrounded by wars, and where else is there any force to organize personnel to investigate?

It is precisely because of this,

For the cultivating forces living in the countries around the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range and the cultivation world, this huge change brought them a great disaster.

But I don't know anything about what happened inside.

Perhaps the Izumo imperial family can guess one or two.

After all, a few years ago, the people of Qianyun Mountain descended and seized the government secretly, and finally they even hid behind them and caused chaos in the domestic practice world.

At that time, the people of Izumo Kingdom's imperial family had vaguely learned that a certain mighty power of Qianyun Mountain had already descended in secret.

So that huge change in the depths of the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range might have something to do with the great figure in Qianyun Mountain.

Or against the monster overlord in the restricted area,

Or compete with other powers of the same order from hearing the news.

This disaster is mostly related to its activities.

Just half a year ago,

The cultivators of Qianyun Mountain all left the capital of Izumo Nation, and received orders to go to the depths of the Monster Beast Mountain Range. No one stayed at all. It seemed that something happened over there, and a lot of manpower was mobilized.

Perhaps it is also related to this change.

It’s just that facing the behemoth like Qianyun Mountain, Izumo country is just a bigger ant. It may have a little reputation among the countries of the Northern Mountains, but in front of the big sects that stand at the top of the Northern Mountains’ practice world, There is not much difference at all.

Also because of this,

Although guess what.

But the ancestors of the imperial family of Izumo were still silent, afraid to reveal any deeds to the outside world.

The people of the country surrounding the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range didn't know exactly what happened, so they could only focus their energy on the disaster that caused the beast tide in front of them.

Disputes between big shots are a level they cannot get involved.

For all beings under the clouds, whether they can survive this tide of beasts is what they are most concerned about.

This is true for the bottom sentient beings.

But for the upper level of the cultivation world, it's not that simple.

As a great power of the Dongzhen level, standing at the top level of the Northern Mountain Region practice world, every increase or decrease in the hole will lead to a break in the balance of power at the top!

This will cause a reshuffle of the forces in the realm of comprehension and cause even greater chaos!

And being a hole is so powerful,

Basically, every hole in the real world will leave the soul card in the sect.

Once the power of the realm of the Dongzhen magical domain fell into an accident, it would cause the soul card within the sect to burst.

Regarding the fall of Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Bieyuan~www.readwn.com~ The Five Elements Saint Sect is in the center of Yunzhou, separated by dozens of millions of miles. side.

But Qianyun Mountain is different,

As the first sect of the North Mountain Region, they were basically stared at.

On that day, Qianyun Mountain suddenly declared martial law, and suddenly raised the guardian formation, cutting off internal and external ties, which attracted the attention of many forces.

Although the guardian formation was opened only three days later, the explanation by the people of Qianyunshan was a rehearsal of the sudden incident encountered by the disciples of the sect.

But the discerning people felt something was wrong.

Especially after the guardian formation was opened, the entire Qianyun Mountain from the elders to the disciples looked as serious as the enemy, obviously something happened.

Someone vaguely guessed something, and secretly calculated a plan.

Someone’s eyes flickered, wondering if they could get enough benefits from this change,

For Qianyun Mountain,

In the entire sect, the three true peak strengths suddenly lost one. It can be said that the power of the entire sect has been directly reduced by one third.

The most important thing at the moment is to block the news as much as possible and to stabilize the position of the sect at the same time.

As for the fall of Grand Elder Fan Gongliang,

It can only be temporarily suppressed,

Send a little force to investigate.

The entire Northern Mountain Region Comprehension Realm seemed stable and calm on the surface, but there was a turbulent undercurrent in the dark.

Nobody knows,

How many people and forces will be involved in this undercurrent eruption!

Maybe nothing happened in the end,

Or maybe there will be a war that will spread to the entire Beishan region at last!

No one can predict everything.

But the turbulent undercurrent of the outside world,

For Zhang Qingyuan, who was laying a solid foundation in retreat in the Secret Realm of the Cave, there was not much to do.

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