Chapter 960 Heavenly Immortal City

  Zhang Qingyuan also didn't mean to spend time on the two little real primordial realms all the time.

   pointed them for a few days,

  After these instructions were enough for them to digest for several years, they let the two of them go to practice.

  Then let the elder Yue family come over and ask for information such as the largest Xiuzhen Square City in the North Mountain Region.

   "Heavenly City?"

  After browsing the jade slip information handed over by the elder Yue family, Zhang Qingyuan groaned for a while.

  In the northern mountains,

  To say that the most famous city for cultivation is Tianxian City.

  This city has a large number of monks going to Tianxian City to conduct transactions every year. The entire city is extremely prosperous and can be said to be the economic center of the entire Beishan region.

  And even better,

  As such a big city, it is not in the Northern Mountain Region's largest power, Qianyun Mountain or the Beishan Courtyard under the jurisdiction of the Five Elements Saint Sect, but a small branch under the control of the Tianxia Business League.

"Although the area of ​​the North Mountain is not small, there are hundreds of countries, and it takes more than ten years for the monks in the early days of the True Origin Realm to fly day and night from the south to the north, but the entire Yuzhou is just a poor spiritual energy. In a remote place."

  "Qianyun Mountain is the largest power in the Northern Mountain Region, and there are only three cultivators in the cave realm on the surface of the door. Now there are two, such a poor country and remote place."

  Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly and shook his head slightly.

   is a bit remote,

  Zhang Qingyuan had some doubts that Xiancheng would be able to obtain information about the celestial scriptures that day, and whether the things he obtained from killing people could be sold at a suitable price.

  "Finally, let's go to Tianxian City to take a look. If my goal is not achieved, then go to other big cities in Yunzhou."

   Yunzhou is really too big,

  The northern mountain region is also too remote,

  If you go to other regions and go to other big cities in Yunzhou, starting from the Beishan region, even with the teleportation array, it takes a month or two to drive on Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation base.

  And if the hole is true, the time spent in it is more than tens of times!

  It’s no wonder that in order to recruit students,

  The Holy Sect of the Five Elements will set up the Beishan Courtyard in this Beishan Courtyard.

  The distance between each other,

   is too far!

   And Zhang Qingyuan does not mean to travel far.

  Because his harvest and promotion have not been completely digested, this time out is only for news of the immortal scriptures, and the stolen goods in his hand, in exchange for resources that can improve his practice.

  After redeeming, come back,

  Zhang Qingyuan intends to continue to retreat and raise his cultivation base to the peak of the early days of the legal realm. When his strength is nowhere to be improved, he will go out and explore the world to explore opportunities.

  This time he left the customs, he still had the idea of ​​relaxing by the way.

  He is not ready to change the plan for a long trip.

  Although his brows frowned, Zhang Qingyuan still did not change his original plan.

  A few more days passed,

  Zhang Qingyuan left the Yue family residence.

  He didn't bring two younger generations from the Yue family on this trip. This was because he could instinctively feel that this trip might have to go through some twists and turns, and some battles might break out.

  After practicing the Fragment of Taiyi Refining Art, Zhang Qingyuan is quite clear about the accuracy of his spiritual induction.

  Although it is not a threat,

  But if there are two drag oil bottles nearby during the battle, it’s not easy to spread their hands and feet.

  So Zhang Qingyuan left alone.

  However, Zhang Qingyuan was not in a hurry on the road. He stepped on the ground, and with every step he took, his figure seemed to shrink into an inch, quietly moving through the crowd.

  He walked in the world, but no one noticed.

   Like a **** in the game world,

   Indifferently watching the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy of all beings in the world.

  The air of the red dust is rolling, and the emotions and thoughts of sentient beings are all changed in the reflection of Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual thoughts. He clearly hears everyone's words and even their hearts.

There are young children crying, young and middle-aged people plowing the fields, some old people staggering, some vendors yelling, and some passers-by applaud the buskers. The scenes in the world are all seen in the eyes of Zhang Qingyuan, and I can feel the sentient beings. The joys, angers, sorrows and joys that escaped, the emotions converged into return, turned into a monstrous red air, enveloped the earth.

  This kind of experience is undoubtedly something that can’t be seen when flying high above the sword.


  The evil taste is coming,

Zhang Qingyuan will even become a righteous knight and draw his sword to help. The old grandpa who passes on the kung fu left opportunities on certain cliffs, and even accompanies a grandpa on the side of the road to play a game of chess, which adds a bit of mystery to the immortals in the world. legend.

  This way,

  Walk through the world,

  Wandering among the red dust,

  A month passed in the blink of an eye.

  Zhang Qingyuan came to the outside of Tianxian City less than two hundred miles away, and hurried in the direction of Tianxian City.

  And in the game world within this month, Zhang Qingyuan has obviously gained something.

  He at this time,

  The aura of the eyes is brighter than a month ago, and the spiritual consciousness is deep in the sea, and the divine consciousness is full of light, as if it has washed out the lead, revealing its mellow and flawless original appearance.

  Zhang Qingyuan’s promotion to the cave realm is not unbelievable,

  Have not yet reached a hundred years, it is already a real breakthrough in the hole.

  Quickly has the advantage of being fast,

  But at the same time there are disadvantages.

  For example, the faster you practice, the more likely it will lead to insufficient polishing, and the foundation of your cultivation will become vain.

   However, Zhang Qingyuan's foundation is far more solid than his peers. After this promotion, there will be no such thing as a foundation that is vain.

  But one of them is very important, and it is almost closely related to the monk’s journey back.

   is difficult to make up in a short time,

  That is the state of mind!

  Although Zhang Qingyuan was a man for two generations,

  But it is very embarrassing that even so, compared with the monks of the same rank, his age may not be as small as the age of others.

  Without the washing of time, the state of mind is the hardest place to improve.

  If you are in battle,

  The mental defect was broken, and it was said that he could not die on the spot!

  "The so-called powerful game is not really just boring, I want to have fun, but to experience the heart of the heavens and the hearts of people, enter the red dust, and wash the soul dust."


  Zhang Qingyuan had a trace of enlightenment.

  Although this improvement is not a big, it also gave him a vague benefit.

   But despite this, Zhang Qingyuan did not deliberately pursue it.

  Because of something like the mind,

  Actually, it pays attention to conformity to nature, which is really hard to demand.

  Zhang Qingyuan closed his eyes to rest up his mind, and while on the road, he realized the gains from this journey.

  But I don’t know when,


  In the instinctive perception of divine consciousness, the explosion sound of the True Primal Realm fighting technique was heard not far away, awakening him from the immersive experience.

  This Qing Yuan frowned slightly.

   "It is rumored that in order to attract monks to trade, fighting is prohibited within a radius of three hundred miles in Tianxian City. What is going on?"

   Spiritual thoughts spread over,

   Zhang Qingyuan's expression suddenly became a little weird.

  Thinking about it,

  The figure flashed, and he rushed in the direction of the battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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