The people here are polite,

But the movements of the hands are not slow at all!

Like a thunder that broke through the void, and suddenly burst into clear light, the golden bridge crossed the boundary, with a brilliant divine light, and blasted it up against the big hand that Zhang Qingyuan had photographed!

Rumble! !

The collision of two real-level attacks on the hole caused an earth-shattering explosion immediately!

In that area, the void seemed to shatter in an instant, revealing a dark abyss with no fingers in sight!

Large areas of the ground below were emptied and disappeared,

A wave of fluctuations that made everyone on the scene just feel terrified, and everyone could not help but retreat in horror!

at the same time,


In the sound of the surging water, the light flowed and reflected like a living thing, and an old figure with white beard and hair then crossed the boundary and appeared in the sky in front of Lei Shiyuan.

When he appeared,

The sky is heavy at this moment.

It seems that the world cannot support such a terrifying existence!

The aura escaping from him, if the magnetic field of the Sun diverges, collides with the aura of Zhang Qingyuan on the opposite side, like two blazing suns colliding, causing a lot of space distortion!

"This little friend, there may be something wrong with my Lei family, but from the perspective of the old man, how about this so far?"

The person here is impressively the ancestor of the Lei family who has been famous for hundreds of years in the city of Tianxian.

The realm has reached the mid-term of the legal realm,

Dao Fa is extremely energetic, and his strength is much better than that of the monks who entered the cave realm at the beginning!

At this time, the ancestor of the Lei family was suspended in the air, fluttering in a flash, shaking with a powerful aura, making the light between the sky dimmed in that area.



"That's it?"

Faced with the sudden appearance of the Dongzheng monk, Zhang Qingyuan's expression remained unchanged, and an inexplicable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Your Excellency made peace with this attitude?"

At this moment,

Zhang Qingyuan clearly sensed that the majestic aura on the opponent's body, like the inner thunder, was about to explode with only one opportunity.

In his spiritual sense, the other person gave him a feeling like a glow in his back!

That is Ruoyouruowu's murderous intent that the other party naturally diffuses!

This is obviously uneasy and kind!

"In that case, you don't have to live anymore!"

The ancestors of the Lei Family's original plain sight suddenly became dangerous at this moment.

The bitter killing intent made the void congeal for it.

"Young man, remember not to be so reckless in your next life!"

With a sigh,

Without the slightest hesitation, the ancestors of the Lei family made a sudden move.


The whole world shook violently at this moment, and it was seen that the ancestors of the Lei family had just stepped forward.

The space is full of creaking and overwhelming noises,

The rippling mirror surface visible to the naked eye sweeps away from the surrounding ripples,

Immediately after,

Behind the ancestors of the Lei family,

The golden round wheel reflects the sky, the vast blue thunder is circulating,

Immediately afterwards, thousands of thunderous Tao Yun fell into the world like a Tianhe, covering the entire sky, turning into a vast flood of plasma, swept toward Zhang Qingyuan with an invincible momentum!

Under the shock of terror, the sky is covered!

The pleated divine light exudes a vast atmosphere that shakes the heavens and the earth, vast and vast for dozens of miles!

"It's just that I broke the cooperation between you and the Blood Demon Sect, so I want to stop talking. Why do I have so many excuses!"

Zhang Qingyuan sneered.

Faced with the thousands of devastating thunder rivers descending on the world, engulfing the most extreme destructive power in the world, his complexion is still calm!

The other person’s thoughts,

He can probably guess it too.

In the present-day Jiuzhou mainland, resources are rich and poor, and powers are large and small. There are constant struggles between each other, but on the whole, they can be divided into two powers, the righteous and the demons.

The Righteous Path Alliance occupies the most quintessential area of ​​the Jiuzhou Land. It is powerful and is the mainstream of the practice world of the Jiuzhou Land.

The other Demon Dao Alliance is living in the undeveloped wild land. It is active in the shadow of Jiuzhou, suppressed by the right way, thinking about counterattack Jiuzhou and occupying rich land all the time.

Between the Righteous Path League and the Demon Path League, it's a deadly opponent.

North Mountain Region of Yunzhou,

It is also the scope of the Righteous Alliance.

Once the news of the Lei Family and the Blood Demon Sect cultivator being mixed together is exposed, it will definitely attract an attack from the Righteous Path Alliance!

Collusion with the magic way,

This hat was fastened, enough to kill the entire Lei family!

So from the beginning,

I'm afraid the ancestors of the Lei family have no intention of communicating at all!

Only by beheading all the people present, the collusion between the Lei Family and the Blood Demon Sect will not spread out, and it will be true!

"However, this is just what I want!"

Ever since he was promoted to Dongzhen and killed Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Courtyard, and Fan Gongliang, the great elder of Qianyun Mountain, he had been in seclusion for more than five years, but Zhang Qingyuan hadn't done anything.

My hands are itchy!

Both can get revenge, UU reading www. can experience the battle again, why not do it? !

It is several times more powerful than it was a few years ago,

It broke out at this moment!

Boom! !

Zhang Qingyuan clenched his hand into a fist, and the air flow of the five aggregates between the five fingers was blasted out with one fist. The power of the five elements was combined under the fusion of the one way to produce even more dazzling power!

The sky is crumbling, and that punch is like a meteorite, oscillating for nine days, as if it shattered the world!

The world in a radius of tens of miles,

The light seems to have been swallowed!

Terrifying fist,

Even the souls of all creatures are covered with a heavy haze!

Boom boom boom! !

A terrifying battle broke out across the sky, shaking the world!

But soon,

The thousands of dazzling lightning plasma rivers, accompanied by the big sun and meteorite-like punches, instantly cut off the river stream as if by boundless power, shattered the heaven and earth sentient beings, and bombarded the lightning river that covered the sky with the dazzling rays of light. Shattered, smashed open a huge incomparable channel!

The blockbuster thunder was crushed by the terrifying fist!

As if it's decayed,


"How can this be?!"

The pupils of the ancestors of the Lei family shrank sharply, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

In the original perception, the young Unknown Dongzhen cultivator in front of him was only in the early stage of the legal realm. I expected that with his strength in the middle of the legal realm, he should be able to deal with it!

The realm of Dongzhen, one layer and one heaven!

Each step of the leap,

The strength is enough to be called earth-shaking!

But this kid in front of him,

He actually tore open his expert martial arts Thunder River? !

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