A five-element pill,

After Zhang Qingyuan was promoted to Dongzhen, he took a big step directly.

From the first entry into the real realm of the cave to the initial peak of the realm of law soon!

This progress,

Even some ordinary cave realm monks have worked hard for more than a hundred years!

It’s just such a skyrocketing cultivation base,

How can there be only benefits and no harm at all?

As soon as he was promoted, he was firm, and his cultivation level was rapidly improved. Zhang Qingyuan's original solid foundation suddenly became as inflated and inflated, becoming vain.


Cultivation at the level of the legal domain is not just about the strength of the legal domain. Every step of improvement and every step of practice requires attention.

As dripping water converges into streams, streams converge into rivers!

From small to big,

Gradually converge and grow.

With the help of the Five Elements Yuan Dan, Zhang Qingyuan directly crossed the distance of a big step. Although it saved decades of hard work, it also made his cultivation realm lack of polishing and tempering!

And these,

It was just one of the problems that Zhang Qingyuan and Murong ancestors discovered after communicating with them!

The preaching between the two stayed for a long time,

One is behind the accumulation, and out of gratitude and closeness, he teaches sincerely.

The other side has shallow experience, but has Dayan Art as an analysis plug-in, listening carefully, and at the same time, can he also put forward some viewpoints that surprised the ancestor Murong.

The exchanges between the two have been very rewarding.

time flies,

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Within this half a month,

Zhang Qingyuan gained a lot,

It not only stabilizes the foundation, but also polishes and consolidates the previously dropped foundation, which can be said to be a part of the foundation training that has been supplemented.

For the rest, the waiting time will slowly grind down the skill, and it will naturally be consummated.

And Zhang Qingyuan also faintly felt that,

As long as he honed the foundation of the early legal realm to perfection, and with the power of the five elements in his body, he would be able to rise to the peak of the early legal realm!

The gain at this point,

Let Zhang Qingyuan even feel that the role of exchanges with Murong's ancestors is no less than a five-element pill!

This makes Zhang Qingyuan's heart undoubtedly happy.

"I didn't expect to help the Blood Demon Sect's thieves that day. In the end, I couldn't find more people from the Blood Demon Sect. On the contrary, I got such benefits. It really is a good person to get a reward!"

Zhang Qingyuan sighed secretly in his heart.

If he could not save Na Murong Lan, he had never confronted the ancestors of the Lei family, and eventually had a relationship with the Murong family.

So now he has gained tremendous gains in the past half month, if he wants to realize it by himself, it can't be said that it will take decades.

Even if you ask other Dongzheng monks to communicate with other Dongzheng realms,

How can someone tell you everything if you are not close to you for nothing?

Even if you spend a lot of energy mixing into the circle of Dongzhen level, when preaching and communicating, most of the others will only put a little bit of dry goods, and the remaining more practice experience requires a little bit of self-understanding.

Which is like now,

The veteran monks in the middle stage of a veteran Dongzhen Realm realm realm shared their guidance almost unreservedly!

This harvest,

It's too big!

Compared with Zhang Qingyuan’s big gains,

Although the ancestor Murong has gained a lot from Zhang Qingyuan's novel views and the solid theoretical foundation brought by the inheritance of the digital cave realm.

But what shocked him even more, and even horrified, was the enchanting talent of this kid called Zhang Qingyuan in this short period of time!

"Where did the monster come from!"

Until half a month later,

The ancestor Murong couldn't help but shouted in shock.

Hundreds of years of accumulation have been almost completely wiped out in this short half month, even the enchanting talent who has seen each other in the past half month~www.readwn.com~ He is also forbearing in his heart. Can't help but give birth to such an exclamation.

If you talk about contact and communication at the beginning,

The ancestor Murong was soon able to use his own experience to judge that the opponent was just a genius who had just been promoted to the realm of the Dongzhen Dharma realm. It was just a genius with a cultivation level and strength that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Then, the other party will continue to absorb the practice experience taught by him,

Improve quickly,

It’s almost the same every day,

To the extent that the original vain foundation was continuously consolidated, the ancestor Murong was shocked to lose his words for a while!

In just half a month,

The ancestor Murong found that he was already incapable of teaching and teaching.

And the opponent's realm in the legal domain is completely stabilized, even if it is a little bit worse, it is gradually improving!

"Every time I see the terrible speed of improvement like my little friend, the old man feels that he is completely old!"

Murong Mansion,

The hills stood steeply, clouds and mists, under the tall umbrella-shaped pine tree like a canopy, on top of two huge round white jade stones, the ancestor Murong, who was sitting in a robe on the opposite side, couldn't help but sighed authentically.

"Brother, you have accumulated deep and selfless sharing, otherwise, even if I'm young, I won't be able to improve like this, right?"

Between the two round white jade boulders, the clear sound of the clear spring water vibrates, making a clattering sound.

Zhang Qingyuan was surrounded by mysterious auras, with an authentic smile on his face.

At this time, the aura that escaped randomly from his body was like the essence, ripples in the void, and the whole circle of the sky became one.

Give people a mysterious and unfathomable feeling!


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