He is old,

For the path of becoming immortal, he has no idea.

When he was young, he was passionate and full of spirits, and he was so proud of the future.

Even if he loses for a while, he will only secretly swear to work hard and find a place back in the future, instead of admitting that he is inferior to others.

But the old man’s blood dissipated, the edges and corners were smoothed by reality, the past scenes, sweet and bitter, grievances, or regrets in the past, but no matter how unwilling in the past, it can only turn into a sigh and melt into a bitterness. The wine stays deep in my heart, and I will have a fine aftertaste for the rest of my life.

More than half of his life's experience has allowed the old man to face the facts more calmly.

Facing the enchanting talent of the young man in front of him, even the ancestor Murong had to admit that he was far from being like this when he was young.

The exchange in just half a month,

During this period of time, the progress of this young man is almost visible to the naked eye!

Thinking that he was promoted to Dongzhen back then, even with the guidance of the ancestors of the family, it took more than 20 years to finally stabilize Dongzhen's realm.

The gap in this is too big!

The ancestor Murong sighed for a while.

If he had such a tenth of his talent back then, I am afraid that he would not be able to stay in the lonely city in the end, failing to make his own reputation on the land of Jiuzhou.

Although the young man in front of him is not well-known,

But he has a hunch that one day, when he is born, he will be famous all over the world!

Zhang Qingyuan naturally didn't know the many thoughts of the ancestor Murong.

Even if I know it, I'm afraid I won't feel anything.

The reason why he was able to rise to this level in just a few years when he first entered the realm of the cave realm, to a large extent, was because of the accumulation in the realm of real power.

The huge foundation accumulated at that time, after being promoted, turned into an extremely powerful asset, supporting him to this step today.

What's more, there is also the golden finger of the proficiency panel, and the five-element yuan pill obtained.

With so many opportunities,

I'm afraid that not any ordinary cultivator in the real world can do this.

Zhang Qingyuan will not act inferiority,

But also not too complacent.

Practicing the path and acting small can only go further.

Feeling the melancholy dissipated in the emotions of the ancestor Murong, Zhang Qingyuan didn't say anything, and took out a pot of spirit wine from the storage space.

That was the spoils obtained from Lu Shijie, the dean of Beishan Courtyard.

The ancestor Murong didn't speak either.

Silently took a photo of the cup on the stone table not far away,

The two drink in silence,

it is more than words.


After preaching and communicating that day, and inquiring about the old ancestor Murong and the immortal scriptures, a few more days have passed.

Within these few days,

Zhang Qingyuan did not go to Murong's ancestor for preaching and exchanges, but spent a few days in retreat in the resident secret room of Murong's family.

After all these two months of exchanges,

Although Zhang Qingyuan has gained a lot,

But these gains, it is impossible to understand and digest them all on the spot in the process of communication. There are some more profound level perceptions, and it takes a certain amount of time to slowly experience and hone.

Some areas that need time to be polished should be polished slowly.

At this time, a quiet room is still very necessary for Zhang Qingyuan, who takes time to digest the income.

He needs some time to systematically sort out the preaching exchanges during the half-month period.

And it’s just the finishing in just a few days,

It made Zhang Qingyuan's cultivation experience even more diligent, and his strength also improved.

Of course, this progress is not too much for the realm of the cave realm, which spans a huge level, but it takes more than ten years for every cultivator of the realm of cave real to take a small step forward.

This harvest is already pretty good.

What's more, during the half-month exchange process, Zhang Qingyuan's progress was no less than a five-element pill in terms of effect!

However, Zhang Qingyuan was not prepared to continue to retreat.

After all, this is someone else's place, and you must have the consciousness of being a guest.

Slightly sort out the gains, and record the exchange gains so that they will not be forgotten, and the rest, return to the Qingyang Monster Beast Mountain Range and then slowly retreat and polish.

After leaving the customs, Zhang Qingyuan did not find the ancestor Murong.

The head of the Murong clan told him politely that the ancestor Murong had been in retreat, and it was estimated that it would take at least three months to digest the income.

And in accordance with the instructions of the ancestor Murong, the post of the Dongzhen exchange meeting two months later was handed over to Zhang Qingyuan.

After telling Zhang Qingyuan some of the things that Murong ancestors had ordered, let him play in Tianxian City for a period of time.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and thanked the other party.

He didn't show any conceited look because Patriarch Murong was a monk in the True Origin Realm.

Treat people peacefully as before.

Patriarch Murong was somewhat flattered.

But having said that, Zhang Qingyuan has nothing to do with the other party.

After the ancestor Murong was in retreat, he couldn't find a fellow communicator, so Zhang Qingyuan simply returned to the secret room to continue digesting the proceeds from the preaching, and did not leave the customs until a month later.

One month of hard work,

He has basically digested the gains from the exchange with Murong ancestor, and the remaining part needs to be slowly consolidated and polished by water mills, and he is also impatient.

Therefore, Zhang Qingyuan did not continue to spend time on this aspect.

With free time,

Zhang Qingyuan simply went out and strolled around the fairy city.

I declined the kindness of Clan Chief Murong to send someone to lead the way~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Qingyuan went out alone, ready to appreciate the style of this big city of cultivation in other worlds.

Tianxian City is worthy of being the most prosperous city for cultivation in the entire Beishan region.

According to the local monks, the population of this city alone is more than tens of millions, and most of them are monks.

Although most of them are low-level cultivators in the Lingyuan realm,

But this amount is also extremely terrifying!

However, with such a large population gathered in a city, only this world where spiritual practice manifests can be able to support it.

Zhang Qingyuan's breath receded and turned into an unremarkable member of the pedestrians on the street. He wandered on the bustling street, watching the people coming and going around him, the various hanging designs on both sides of the house, and the three in the middle of the sky. The silhouettes of the two flying swords coming and going, the light shuttled between the buildings, suddenly felt like a world away.

Zhang Qingyuan wandered leisurely outside for a few days, walked through the streets with various stalls, and heard all kinds of stories of local mystery and cultivation. For a while, he felt a lot more cheerful.


Under this prosperous Tianxian City, there is one thing that makes Zhang Qingyuan a little concerned.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion,

He always felt that under this city, there seemed to be a faint feeling of hiding something!

This feeling is very hazy.

As if covered with a veil,

It made Zhang Qingyuan a little uncomfortable.

Because since practicing the fragments of Taiyi Refining Divine Art, combined with the previous ones, Zhang Qingyuan's spiritual consciousness has greatly increased, and due to the condensing relationship of the spirit of the spirit and the three flowers, the perception is far beyond the keenness of the ordinary Dongzhen monk.

This allows him to sense clearly and even feel something in advance.

But now,

This kind of spiritual induction, in this city, there is a feeling of being covered with a layer of fine yarn!

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