"Anxious for justice comes at a price, kid!"

A cruel voice sounded in Fat Tsai's ears, Fat Tsai only felt that the gray figure in front of him flashed. At some unknown time, the tall and thin monk with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks appeared beside him with a grinning smile.

The palm of one hand is as dry as an eagle's claws, and a faintly evil scarlet light that makes people feel extremely uncomfortable is looming, as if it has polluted the void!

In Fatzai's desperate gaze, that dry palm grabbed his head!

Fat Tsai is just a mortal man who is loading and unloading at the dock. Facing an attack that only faces a cultivator of the True Primal Realm, is there any possibility to evade and resist?

It's definitely a death!

However, the payment of funds is still standing with strong support on the body, the blue veins on the forehead violently, his eyes are red, and he stares at the person in front of him, his eyes are full of unwillingness and anger.

He does not regret standing up by himself.

The scene of the other party bullying the lonely old and widow made him filled with righteous indignation.

If he doesn't stand up today, he feels that he will spend his whole life in shame and guilt.

What he is unwilling to do is his own powerlessness!


If he were a monk, would the result be different?

If he is a monk, can he get rid of more things that make him feel unfair?

For a moment,

Many memories flashed through Fatzai's mind.

Just when Fat Tsai was unwilling to wait for death among the horrified eyes around,



A violent sound of clear water suddenly flowed from the void, silently covering the entire world!

The sound is like the rhyme of heaven, with a mysterious and unexplainable mood, just like a transparent door is oscillating and reflecting open, followed by an invisible big hand, coming across the boundary!

That big invisible hand pierced through the void, as if flying from the sky, everything was like an antelope hanging on its horns, walking away, even without the slightest smell of fireworks,

But suddenly,

The palm of the palm stretches and expands infinitely, covering the world and encompassing the entire world!

The whole world is frozen at this moment!

The restaurant, and even this street, have stagnated time and space. All the pedestrians, even the monks, are frozen in a picture scroll, and even their thinking has completely solidified!

Immediately after,

A dark vortex that was as black as ink suddenly appeared in the space, just like a huge hole suddenly appeared in the deep sea. The surrounding sea water rushed into it for a moment, swallowing everything around it!

The tall and thin figure of a monk with a pointed mouth monkey cheek,

It was already frozen in this weird picture scroll,

In front of this void vortex, without the slightest ability to resist, it was swallowed and swallowed in like noodles in an instant.


The pitch-black void vortex shrank quickly, the space healed, and the figure of the tall and thin monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey gills had completely disappeared!

Except for the monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey gill, disappeared in the same place, as if nothing had changed.

And at this time,

In a trance,

As if the sound of heaven and earth was flowing, the frozen clock continued to move forward,

On the street where the restaurant was located, the feeling of freezing disappeared, time became normal, and the button that seemed to pause time was turned on again.

The breeze was blowing, the flags on the restaurant were waving, and the silent streets were filled with noisy noises again.

The fat boy in the field, and the people watching the theater around, just felt as if they were in a trance for a moment.

Wait until everyone around me recovers,

However, it was discovered that the scene where the head of the young man named Fat Tsai was exploded by the force of the monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks did not happen.


It was the tall and thin figure of the True Element Realm monk with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks that had disappeared without a trace!

All that is left is the dazed hair in the same place,

And not far away, the granddaughter of the old storyteller who didn't know what was going on, was sitting on the ground with blank eyes.

"What happened?"

"Where is that monk?"

"Damn it, how could a real person in the True Origin Realm suddenly disappear?"

"A big living person, if you don't see it, you won't see it. This is too weird!"

"Could it be haunted?"

Passersby onlookers around,

Whispered one after another.

Pointing at the hair standing in the field blankly.

And among the crowd,

A passer-by who had passed by to watch a show to hide his true essence realm cultivation level seemed to think of something, and his face was as white as paper, his face rose with endless fear, and he was horrified and carefully maintained his figure from being seen by others. What's strange, turn around and leave quickly.

In this case, ordinary folks may pull at the side of gods and ghosts.

However, as a true elementary realm cultivator, he had more knowledge than ordinary low-level spiritual elementary cultivators and far surpassed ordinary mortals, and he could vaguely guess.

This is probably an old monster who is hidden in the dark, above the real yuan realm!

Must leave quickly!

Those powerful bosses above the realm of the cave have a changing personality, and maybe one feels upset. If you take a slap, you have to explain here!

The knowledgeable monks all left quickly.

And at the same time,

In the surprised gazes of the spectators around, Fat Tsai suddenly knelt down and knocked his head towards the sky several times.

"Thank you senior for helping!"

The people all around pointed and pointed.

at this time,

Behind him, the middle-aged Lifu Liang Shuqiang propped up his body, walked to Fa Tsai with trembling feet, slapped Fa Tsai's head with a slap, and cursed loudly:

"Smelly boy, you can only be a coolie if no one else is too early! That's an immortal thing, can we participate in it?!"

"Such a big person, and a little sensible, you think that the fairy is the former gang thugs, who can fight injustices with your strength!"

"I’m not grateful to Master Shangxian for spare your life! Where did some seniors come to help? You are silly reading a novel and you are silly. That's the dust of other people’s Shangxian games, just playing with you, and don’t care about you. Don't thank others!"

Uncle Liang was panting, some breathless, scolded his nephew bloody.

He has always known that his nephew is reckless and impulsive, likes to fight injustice, and will help out in order to see the injustice in his heart, and conflicts with the lower-level gang thugs.

But he didn't expect that the guy with this muscle would even dare to rush into the immortal!

About to blow him up,

God knows what he experienced at that moment!

After cursing, Uncle Liang kept patting his chest for breath, only to feel dizzy in front of him.

"Uncle, calm down, don't worry I won't do it in the future."

Seeing this, Fat Tsai quickly stood up and supported Uncle Liang, and quickly admitted his mistake, slapping his younger generation with his hands~www.readwn.com~ to help him get along.

"Fazai, you can't be so impulsive in the future. Your father died early, and there is only one seedling left in your house. If you want to go there one day, what do you ask your mother to do... ..."

Uncle Liang took a sigh of relief, still a little dizzy in front of his eyes, but still bitterly persuaded the Fazi to be authentic.

This child,

He grew up seeing big,

Knowing that he has a good heart,

But doing things is too impulsive.

That is the matter of the fairy family, can they be able to provoke these ordinary coolies? One finger can pinch you to death like an ant!

No, he has to reverse his recklessness.

Just when Uncle Liang was talking bitterly, supporting him, the fat boy who bowed his head was a little lost.

He knew that the situation was not what Liang Shu thought, it was the immortal cultivator Game Fengchen who was playing with him, but that a senior really took the shot!

Because at this moment,

In his mind, a technique appeared!

Fat boy doesn't know a few words,

Can't read the exercises,

But he instinctively understood the meaning of that exercise!

This must be the opportunity that the senior can't bear to shoot each other, and then give him by the way!

this world,

After all, there are still people with justice!

Fazi, who bowed his head, raised his head slightly and looked at Uncle Liang who was nagging tirelessly.

Fat Tsai felt warm.

he knows,

Uncle Liang is also doing this for his good.

Over the years, my mother has grown up alone, and Uncle Liang has helped a lot.

Swear secretly in my heart,

He must practice according to the exercises in his mind, not only to avoid being powerless when encountering similar things in the future, but also to enable his relatives around him to live a better life in the future!

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