The Kunlun Mountains in the East should actually be called the Kunlun Mountains. It is the only branch mountain range extending from the Buzhou Mountains. Because it contains an ancestral vein, it is known as the ancestor of all mountains.

The Kunlun Mountains are very huge, and seem to stretch endlessly, almost across most of the ancient Eastern land, which is extremely shocking and spectacular.

Due to this feature, the Kunlun Mountains are divided into East Kunlun and West Kunlun. The one close to the Buzhou Mountains is called East Kunlun, and the one far away is called West Kunlun.

The dividing point between the East and West Kunlun is a mountain that looks like a flawless white jade pile, but appears hazy.

This strange mountain in the world is none other than the place where Hongjun lives, the legendary ancestral home of Xuanmen Xiandao in the future: Yujing Mountain.

Yujing Mountain not only covers a large area, but also towers into the clouds, and is protected by an extremely powerful innate formation.

At the same time, the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars are also vast and boundless, making it a supreme cave paradise, which is much better than Yuanlian's Yuanlian Cave Heaven.

The world in Yujing Mountain is infinite, and all kinds of things are in order. It gives people a sense that the order of heaven and earth has been settled and everyone has their own duties.

At the same time, the spiritual energy is like rain, the starlight is like water, and there are exotic flowers and plants everywhere. Various treasures of heaven and earth are almost inexhaustible and can be used endlessly.

Among them, the legendary Xiantian Renshui Peach Tree grew in it. One tree became a forest, and the vitality and spiritual light shone endlessly. There were many huge peaches hanging on it. In the gentle breeze, the flowers and fruits swayed, and the strange fragrance of flowers and fruits floated in the void, lingering for a long time, making people intoxicated.

There were two children aged seven or eight under the peach tree. They smelled the fragrance of flowers and fruits and looked at the swaying big peaches. Their mouths couldn't help but drool, and they played under the tree very innocently.

In front of the peach tree, not far away, there was a very simple and natural black hall. There was a world of its own inside, simple and natural.

At this time, the hall was full of distinguished guests. Various powerful monks sat on black cushions, eating the peaches in front of them while talking to each other.

Among them, Tianqiong, Wangshu and Wuji Patriarch, who Yuanlian knew, were sitting in it.

The one who sat at the head of these supreme heavenly and earthly masters was naturally no one else, but the host who had called all the heavenly and earthly masters together: Hongjun.

Although Hongjun was still smiling and nodded to all the heavenly and earthly masters, he was actually in a very bad mood, and kept cursing Yuanlian in his heart.

"Damn Yuanlian, he really deserved a bad death! Not only did he cheat my 12th-grade golden lotus of merit, but he also didn't do anything for me. He still hasn't convinced several lords of the heavenly and earthly dynasties!"

"The sound transmission jade talisman he gave me didn't get any response after I used it. He was really shameless and abominable..."

After cursing Yuanlian in his heart and secretly venting his emotions, Hongjun felt a little better, so he moved his eyes and looked at Tianqiong, Wangshu and Wuji Patriarch.

These three people were Yuanlian's good friends in the prehistoric world, and Tianqiong and Wangshu were Yuanlian's best friends, friends of life and death.

Besides the small contribution of Yuanlian's voice transmission in his spare time, the biggest contribution to the Wuji Patriarch's coming this time actually belongs to Hongjun.

It was Hongjun who persuaded the Wuji Patriarch, and the sudden changes in the northern land caused by Yuanlian made the Wuji Patriarch, the lord of the dynasty, come to Yujing Mountain.

Therefore, Hongjun knew that although the Wuji Patriarch was a good friend of Yuanlian, it was worth discussing to what extent.

Therefore, Hongjun finally locked his sights on Tianqiong and Wangshu.

It goes without saying that Wangshu's coming was already a matter of course, and Tianqiong was because Yuanlian told him something at the beginning. After parting with Yuanlian, he took the initiative to visit Hongjun, and like Wangshu, he persuaded some great powers of heaven and earth that he knew, and he was also a contributor to the current Yujing Mountain full of guests.

Therefore, after the loud talk of many great powers of heaven and earth became a little quieter, Hongjun bowed to Tianqiong and Wangshu and said, "Daoist Tianqiong! Daoist Wangshu! Do you know any news about Daoist Yuanlian? He is the protagonist!"

As soon as Hongjun said this, about one or two hundred great powers of heaven and earth suddenly shut up and looked at Tianqiong and Wangshu. There were strange lights flashing in their eyes, and their expressions began to change constantly, which seemed very subtle and indescribable.

All the great powers of heaven and earth present were the top supreme powers in the prehistoric world, except for one person who seemed strange.

Except for the difference, the lowest level of cultivation of others is the Great Perfection of Golden Immortal.

The higher ones are at the peak state of the Great Perfection of Golden Immortal. They only need a little chance to conclude the Great Dao Fruit of Condensation, and from then on they will have the capital to no longer race against time.


"But these fellow cultivators probably don't know the danger of concluding the Great Dao Fruit of Condensation, right? Although the strength of each physical body is very strong, most of them are only comparable to the middle and late stages of Taiyi Golden Immortal. There are very few who can compare to the Great Perfection of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and only Hongjun can compare to the strength of the early stage of Golden Immortal. If..."

Tianqiong and Wangshu looked at the fellow cultivators who were looking at them. Although there was no obvious change on their faces, there was a faint light of pity in their eyes.

Tianqiong and Wangshu knew the hidden secret of concluding the Great Dao Fruit of Condensation, which was naturally directly related to Yuanlian.

Although Yuanlian went to the bottom of the lake to cultivate her physical body, with the presence of the Great Immortal Qiankun, some things had little to do with whether Yuanlian was in seclusion or not.

The Great Immortal Qiankun also had a special way of contact with Tianqiong and Wangshu, and Tianqiong and Wangshu also knew the existence of the Great Immortal Qiankun.

Therefore, after the Great Immortal Qiankun understood Yuanlian's intention, he told Tianqiong and Wangshu the hidden secret of concluding and condensing the Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit through a special way of contact.

As for the Wuji Patriarch, since they had not yet reached such a deep friendship, they naturally did not receive such treatment.

After Tianqiong and Wangshu learned the hidden secret, they did not doubt it, and at their level of cultivation, they could basically understand it at a glance and distinguish the true from the false.

Therefore, Tianqiong and Wangshu temporarily suppressed their desire to conclude and condense the Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit in recent years, and used the infinite cultivation resources accumulated, combined with the powerful assistance of the Great Perfection cultivation realm of the Golden Immortal Daluo, to frantically cultivate their physical bodies.

After consuming all the accumulated resources for physical cultivation, he frantically searched for various dangerous places to polish his physical body, and cultivated the strength of his physical body from comparable to the late Taiyi Jinxian to comparable to the middle Daluo Jinxian.

Now he is only one step away from breaking through to the strength comparable to the late Daluo Jinxian, and he can even break through.

If it weren't for the intention of exchanging what they have at this banquet, and they could exchange some treasures that are beneficial to physical cultivation, Tianqiong and Wangshu might not be willing to come.

After all, after having the necessary conditions for physical cultivation, time has become very tight for Tianqiong and Wangshu. If it's not necessary, the two don't want to waste time!

Now the two have exchanged some of the things they need through the time they talked and got to know each other. If they didn't have to give Hongjun a little face, they would probably have left Yujing Mountain long ago.

Just as Tianqiong and Wangshu were thinking about these things and preparing to respond to Hongjun, or even preparing to leave, someone spoke first.

"Daoyou Hongjun, why did you mention Yuanlian? It's really too much of a letdown..."

The voices kept coming, full of disdain and slander for Yuanlian, and even more obvious resentment.

However, many of the great powers present at the scene were all...

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