After eating the spicy noodles, the food was very delicious.

Li Tianle quickly finished showing off the spicy noodles in his mouth, smacked his lips, and then stretched out his tongue to swirl around his mouth, swallowing the chili oil at the corner of his mouth.

Then he looked like he was reminiscing and said lightly:

"This Qingyan City is just a small town in our Huayan Dynasty.

I have lived in Qingyan City since I was a child, and now it has been more than 30 years,

So I know a little about the big and small things in this city.

The best restaurant here is Tianfu Restaurant, but the consumption inside is relatively expensive, and I have only been there once by chance,

but the wine and food inside are really unique!

If you want to drink flower wine, go to Yanhonglou."

When Li Tianle said this, he showed an expression that you know.

Ling Yuan smiled, pretending to be a fellow traveler.

Just kidding, how could a man like him with such good looks go to such a place, and he just turned 18.

But in order to get information, Ling Yuan had to pretend to be nice.

As a righteous man, Ling Yuan felt that such a place must be severely hit!

"Brother Li, tell me more about Yanhonglou."

As the saying goes, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must first thoroughly understand the enemy, so Ling Yuan asked some details, which is reasonable.

"Hehe..." Li Tianle's expression gradually became obscene, and he began to tell the mystery...

Ling Yuan listened carefully, nodding in agreement for a while, and then couldn't help but marvel at it. Obviously, he didn't expect the ancients' tricks... No, wisdom is so deep.

Looking at Ling Yuan who was stunned by himself, Li Tianle nodded with satisfaction.

"Ahem..." He almost forgot that he still had to get information.

Ling Yuan came back to his senses and interrupted: "Brother Li, let's talk about this topic later." Then he pondered for a while and continued: "What big families are there in Qingyan City? Please tell me in advance, so that I won't accidentally offend them in the future." The forces in the city must be understood first. He is a weak chicken now, and understanding the forces can avoid risks. Second, he can find a way to contact them to get more information about this world. As a big family in the city, he must know more than a peddler. Now he doesn't know if there is any extraordinary power in this world. Does he know whether it is a fantasy or immortal world, or just an ordinary ancient world? Li Tianle replied: "Oh, you are talking about this. Our Wang family and Ye family are the largest, but don't worry, the people of their two families are pretty good. They are also quite prestigious in our Qingyan City and have done a lot of good things." Wang family and Ye family... "Are there any sects around here?" Ling Yuan asked. "Yes! And there is a sect full of immortals!" When Li Tianle mentioned the sect, he paused, his face showing memories.

Immortals! Is it the world of immortals? Ling Yuan's heart moved

Just as he was about to ask for more details, he heard Li Tianle continue

"I remember when I was about thirteen or fourteen years old, I was selling buns with my father, and suddenly a few bright streams of light appeared in the sky and flew towards us. The streams of light fell to the ground and turned into several immortals wearing gorgeous feather clothes..."

From Li Tianle, I learned that there is an immortal sect hundreds of miles away from Qingyan City, called the Sunset Sect, which recruits a group of disciples every eighteen years. At that time, those immortals will come to the city to select people with spiritual roots and under the age of eighteen to go to the sect.

"Alas, it's a pity that I didn't measure my spiritual roots, otherwise I would be an immortal now." Li Tianle couldn't help beating his chest and stamping his feet, as if he hated his body for not growing spiritual roots.

Ling Yuan lowered his head and pondered.

Based on his many years of experience reading novels, it is very likely that there are immortal cultivators in the Wang and Ye families.

And some of their children have joined the Sunset Sect.

After all, there are only two big families in this town. It may be because someone in the family has joined the sect that they can dominate here.

Of course, this is all his guess now. We have to wait and see what happens.

"Brother Li, do you remember how many people were taken away at that time?" Ling Yuan looked up at Li Tianle and said

"I remember! There were only two people, from the Wang and Ye families! At that time, their two families were not as prosperous as they are now." Li Tianle blurted out, showing that the experience at that time impressed him deeply.

It is true! Guessed it right!

It is worthy of me!

"Excuse me, Brother Li, how old are you this year?"

"Thirty-one, what's wrong?

"Li Tianle looked at Ling Yuan in confusion.

Thirty-one years old! It seems that almost eighteen years have passed. I hope I didn't miss it.

Ling Yuan tried to ask: "In other words, the Sunset Sect will come to recruit new disciples this year?"

"Yes, there are about three months left." Li Tianle nodded, then stretched out three fingers to gesture.

Nice! There is a chance!

Ling Yuan breathed a sigh of relief

To embark on the immortal road, it is definitely safer and more efficient to directly join the sect than to look for opportunities.

Since I have come to the world of immortal cultivation, of course I have to cultivate immortality. I will set a small goal first and wait until the Sunset Sect recruits people

As long as I touch the spirit stone at that time, I will have unlimited spirit stones

Then I will enter the Sutra Pavilion and copy, merge and upgrade all the skills

The same operation is also done for the magic tools

Get rich directly, hehehe!

It should be possible. It is impossible that a demon cultivator suddenly appears before leaving the novice village and everyone in the city will die with a banner

Ling Yuan hurriedly He shook his head and threw this bad idea out of his head.

However, there is still a key problem, that is, he doesn't know whether he has spiritual roots.

If he finds out that he doesn't have spiritual roots after a test, it will be embarrassing.

Moreover, the Sunset Sect only recruits people under the age of 18, and he just turned 18 and doesn't know if he can do it.

If he fails to join the sect, he will have to look for other opportunities.

After that, Ling Yuan asked some questions about the Huayan Dynasty, but because the dynasty is too big, he doesn't know much.

Seeing that he had drained away the knowledge he had accumulated over the years, Ling Yuan decided to leave first.

"Thank you very much, Brother Li. I have some other food here. Although it is not as good as spicy strips, it is also quite flavorful. I will give it to Brother Li. "

Ling Yuan reached into the bag and touched all the snacks, then took out the happy water and handed the remaining bag of snacks to Li Tianle.

Well, after all, he would have to eat in the future, so he touched them first, so that he could copy them when he wanted to eat later. The happy water would not be given to him, and he would drink while walking.

"No, no, how can I do this, little brother?" Li Tianle waved his hand and refused.

However, Ling Yuan did not give him a chance to refuse, and put it directly on his stall.

Without storage equipment, Ling Yuan's hands were still tired of holding such a big bag, so he simply gave it all to him.

"Don't refuse, please accept it, I have something important to do, so I will leave first." After bowing, Ling Yuan turned and left.

"Hey!" Li Tianle stretched out his hand to call Ling Yuan, but after thinking about it, he retracted his hand and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he looked up and looked in the direction where Ling Yuan left and sighed:

"This young man is quite nice! "

Then he started showing off the snacks he had just opened...

After saying goodbye to Li Tianle, Ling Yuan came to Tianfulou, took out a handful of change from his pocket, and booked a good room.

Ling Yuan lay quietly on the bed with his hands under his head

He began to think about how to get basic self-protection power.

After all, this is a dangerous world of cultivating immortals!

You may find yourself in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner when you open your eyes one day.

First, you have to improve your defense ability

Thinking of this, Ling Yuan rolled over and got up, copied two sets of tops, and then After fusing them, I got a one-star T-shirt

Item: One-star T-shirt

Description: It can improve the wearer's charm, flexibility and durability to a certain extent


Copy the one-star T-shirt and then start the fusion

Item: Two-star T-shirt

Description: The charm is increased, defense, toughness, and durability are improved

Huh? The defense field appears, continue to fuse, I want to max out the defense!

Ling Yuan repeated the operation until he became a five-star

Two five-star T-shirts did not become six-star after fusion , but turned into a five-star again

Item: Five-star T-shirt

Description: Defense ability greatly improved, durability greatly improved, toughness greatly improved, charm improved

Based on the sensing ability of the light ball, Ling Yuan found that the strength of this new five-star T-shirt has not been improved compared with the five-star T-shirt before fusion

It seems that five stars are already the limit

Yes, after all, they are all synthesized from ordinary things, what else do you want?

But he still has silver, which should be used to increase defense ability.

Speaking of which, five-star silver will What effect does it have?

Try it!

Copy, fuse!

Item: One-star silver fragment

Description: Purity has been improved

This... Is five-star silver 999 pure silver?

Ling Yuan did not believe in evil and continued to try.

Sure enough, after merging to five stars, Ling Yuan obtained a 9999 pure silver block

The refining technology in ancient times was not well developed, so the refined silver fragments often contained a lot of impurities

He roughly understood what this fusion skill was like

It seems that the fusion of the same items can only improve their original properties, and will not produce any qualitative changes

No matter how much an ordinary object is fused, it is still an ordinary object.

Ling Yuan fused the five-star silver and the five-star T-shirt to get a five-star silver silk soft armor.

Item: Five-star silver silk soft armor.

Description: Invulnerable to swords and guns, warm in winter and cool in summer, charming.

A good product!

"So handsome, so shiny." Ling Yuan took the soft armor in his hand and kept looking at it.

Put it on, took out his mobile phone, and took a selfie.

Then he combined his underwear and trousers in this way.

If he hadn't been wearing slippers, he would have melted his socks too!

Then he put them all on and put on a layer of ordinary clothes.

After all, wearing silver armor outside is still too eye-catching. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the value of this silver armor. It will only cause trouble.

You have to be low-key when you should be low-key →_→

Ling Yuan looked down at his mobile phone again.

Then he started to copy and fuse.

Soon after, he got a mobile phone with super long standby time, super chip, and the ability to crack walnuts.

"If I go to the fairyland in the future, I can feed some fairy tools to my phone, and maybe I can receive signals from other worlds.

Alas, I finally started my happy college life, but how come I traveled through time?"

Thinking of this, Ling Yuan shook his head helplessly.

He put away his phone and planned to go to the blacksmith shop outside to buy a knife.

As for why he didn't buy a sword?

As a modern person, if I don't know how to use a sword, a knife is definitely more useful than a sword.

In addition, in ancient times, soldiers also used knives when marching and fighting. From this point of view, knives are more practical than swords.

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