Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 01 The Master Revenge From Morning To Night

At the crossroads next to the railway station square in Bijiang City, there is a rush of people, tourists with luggage, students with schoolbags, and office workers in a hurry. They all gather beside the zebra crossing, waiting for the "green light" .

"Damn it! Why is it taking so long?" Lu Chen was riding a motorcycle, and looked at the red light with 1 minute and 58 seconds left. He was impatient, and looked at his phone, and the meal delivery time would be timed out in five minutes. If the time limit expires, the order will not only be for nothing, but if the complaint is filed, it will be for nothing today.

At this time, the phone displayed a caller number, and Lu Chen answered the call.

"Hey! Why hasn't my takeaway been delivered? I'll definitely complain to you if it's overtime." A man's roar came from the phone.

"Sir! Listen to my explanation, please don't complain to me. I'm waiting for the traffic light, and it will be delivered right away..." Lu Chen said anxiously. Before he could finish speaking, there was a busy tone on the phone.

Looking at the red light for three seconds, Lu Chen skillfully started the motorcycle, the engine roared, and the motorcycle rushed out like a stimulant.

"Didi..." The horn sounded urgently.

"Squeak..." There was a harsh sound of brakes.

"Bang..." There was a violent impact. sounded almost at the same time.

"There was a car accident! Call 120 quickly!" Someone shouted.

It turned out that just as Lu Chen's motorcycle was just rushing out, a truck on the right was trying to grab the yellow light for 3 seconds, and it was too late to brake, and it happened to hit Lu Chen's motorcycle.

" hurts..." This was the only feeling Lu Chen felt after being knocked into the air, and then he lost consciousness. Biqu library


Lu Chen felt that he had a very strange dream. He was ignorant in the dream. He tried to see clearly, but it was blurry. He wanted to get up but couldn't move, and he couldn't open his mouth when he wanted to speak.

In the dream, I only felt that I should be lying on the head of a giant dragon, which was soft, comfortable to touch and warm. The dragon took him to fly non-stop, gradually away from the earth, away from the galaxy, and flew to the depths of the universe, passing through countless starlight, which is very mysterious.

After an unknown amount of time, the giant dragon shook its head slightly, and Lu Chen felt a huge force throw him into the starry sky, his body suddenly weightless, and he opened his eyes suddenly in fright, and sat up.

"Huh? Where am I? Is it a hospital?" Lu Chen thought to himself when he woke up, and looked at the surrounding environment suspiciously. The quaint room is filled with wooden furniture, which doesn't look like a hospital. There was also a boy sleeping on his stomach in a servant's costume, who looked 15 or 16 years old, and the saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth was a bit funny.

"Didn't I get hit by a car? Why did I appear here?" Lu Chen checked his body, but he didn't feel hurt. He wanted to get up and figure out the situation before talking. Lu Chen's action alarmed the servant boy next to him.

"Huh? Young Master! You're finally awake? Great, really great!" the servant boy exclaimed happily, wiping the drool from the corner of his mouth by the way.

"Young Master? Are you talking about me? There is no one else in the house!" Lu Chen was puzzled, staring at the young man in a daze.

"I knew, Young Master, that you have great fortune and fate. It's impossible for you to have any troubles. I've been in such a panic these past few days. The doctor Sun in the city also said that if you don't wake up these few days, let us My condolences. By the way! I have to tell the good news to the master and wife quickly." The servant boy ran out of the house with a wry smile.


lady? What is this all about? Lu Chen looked at everything around him in confusion. He frowned, and tried to recall in his mind. The memory quickly appeared in his mind like a movie. In addition to his tragic life in the previous life, there are many wonderful memories now.

Yun Luo Cheng, Lu Chen, the only son of the rich merchant Lu family Lu Tianhao, has the same name as his previous life. He is eighteen years old.

A few days ago when I was drinking in Zuihualou, I accidentally fell down the stairs, bled a lot, then became unconscious, and died within a few days after returning home, and Lu Chen's soul was reborn. It seemed like an accident, but at this time Lu Chen knew that it was definitely not an accident. Lu Chen secretly remembered the triumphant smile in his memory.

Lu Chen smiled bitterly. In his previous life, he had achieved nothing in his thirties. He never thought that God would give him another chance to be reborn. Fortunately, he was full of curiosity about the new world, and he was quite satisfied with his rebirth.

I don't need to work around for a few taels of silver like in my previous life, and I don't need to spend one hundred and fifty yuan every week to condolences to those old and vulgar fans.

You must know that this world is an ancient civilization. Thinking of the fact that you will have three wives and four concubines in the future, and thinking about the family fortune created by the ladies and cheap fathers, Lu Chen "haha..." laughed excitedly.

At this time! There was a commotion outside the door, the young servant who had gone out just now was leading the crowd in. At this time, Lu Chen merged the memories of the two generations, and knew that the person who came was Own's cheap old sister and mother, and the family Ding Laibao.

The crowd surrounded Lu Chen and asked for warmth, which made Lu Chen, a time traveler, a little uncomfortable. In order to better adapt to his current identity and not be seen by his parents, Lu Chen tried his best to imitate his own tone of voice in memory, and finally excused himself because he had a headache and needed help. After resting, I persuaded everyone to go out, leaving Laibao alone with me, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

"Noble! From tomorrow onwards, don't follow me anymore!" Lu Chen suddenly said solemnly.

"Ah?" Noble was taken aback, and when he figured out what Lu Chen meant, his expression turned ugly.

"Shua" knelt down and cried and kowtowed: "Young Master, what did you do wrong? You can beat me, scold me, please don't drive me away, otherwise you took the young one in back then, the young one I starved to death on the street a long time ago, and at that time I swore to follow Young Master for the rest of my life, to be your cow and horse, please Young Master, please don't drive me away!"

Seeing that Noble's forehead was bleeding, Lu Chen couldn't help thinking.

Five years ago, Lu Chen accidentally saw a little beggar wrestling with two other beggars who were taller than him on the street. , and gave him the name "Laibao"

The reason why Lu Chen said this is to test Noble's loyalty, because there is an important thing that needs to be done by him and himself.

"Okay! Get up! From now on, I will treat you like a brother. If I have a sip of wine, you will have a sip of meat." Lu Chen helped him up and said.

"Thank you Young Master! Thank you Young Master! I will take care of Young Master with all my heart in the future"

"When you come here, I have an important matter for you to do. You are like this matter must be kept secret, otherwise we will not be able to eat it." Lu Chen instructed.

Noble left after repeated assurances.

In the next few days, Lu Chen got up in the morning at home to do a few sets of movements

Exercising, staying in the study to read a book after dinner is rare, to understand the world, and fortunately Lu Chen can basically understand the words in the book. When I am bored, I just tease the maid in the house, and my life is very comfortable.

Lu Chen's parents were very happy to see that Lu Chen didn't go out to cause trouble, but still studied every day. They praised their son for being sensible and didn't care about him.

That evening, in the back garden of the Lu Mansion, Lu Chen asked his servants to cook a table of delicious dishes, and specially ordered Noble to call his cousin Chen Xiang over.

Since ancient times, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but in Lu Chen's dictionary, it is always the young master's revenge from morning till night.

Speaking of Lu Chen's cousin, the Lu family treated him very well, knowing that he had studied and was a relative, so Lu Tianhao entrusted him with part of the business.

Chen Xiang is well-educated and polite, and he is very polite to his servants, and all the servants in the mansion say he is good in private.

If it wasn't for falling down from the Zuihua Building that day, Lu Chen saw Chen Xiang's face of a successful conspiracy, and then remembered that day Lu Chen really felt that he was pushed, so he fell from the upstairs, combined with the plot in the TV series in his previous life , Lu Chen instantly understood his cousin's wolfish ambitions, and today he was going to deal with him in his own way, and get rid of this guy who threatened his life at any time.

"Cousin! I heard that you are fine. I am really happy for you. However, I have been busy with business recently. It is really a sin not to visit you in time!" It always gave Lu Chen an uncomfortable feeling.

The person who came was the Young Master Chen Xiang, so he sat down and poured a glass of wine.

Lu Chen and Noble looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"Cousin was joking. I can't bother my cousin to worry about my cousin's affairs. I prepared a little wine today, and I specially wanted to catch up with my cousin." Lu Chen took a sip of his wine glass as he spoke.

Chen Xiang also picked up the wine glass and drank it down, and said with self-blame: "It's all my fault that I didn't take good care of my cousin that day, otherwise my cousin wouldn't be injured, so I'll toast you again for my brother."

The two of you come and go, like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years.

During the period, only Lu Chen looked at Lianbao and said, "The Mongolian sweat medicine you bought has expired? Why is it useless?"

With an innocent expression on his face, Noble signaled, "Wait a little longer!"

So the two drank a few more back and forth.

At this time, Chen Xiang also felt that something was wrong, his head was a little dizzy, but it was definitely not caused by drinking, and he naturally judged from his experience that the wine was drugged.

So he said angrily: "What is the meaning of my cousin? Are you trying to harm me? Help me! Help... um..." As he spoke, he got up and ran away and shouted.

Lu Chen couldn't make him yell, quickly threw Chen Xiang down, covered his mouth with his hands, and Noble quickly took out the rope and sack from under the table, and went up to help.

However, the dying Chen Xiang didn't know where the strength came from, and he struggled desperately to break free, Lu Chen and Laibao couldn't restrain Chen Xiang for a while, Lu Chen was so angry, he picked up the stones in the flower bed, and smashed them hard To Chen Xiang's head, after a few muffled noises, Chen Xiang was completely silent.

Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and sat slumped on the ground looking at the terrified Noble.

"Stop... Young Master! I... Did we kill someone?" Noble asked tremblingly.

Lu Chen was still in shock. If this kind of thing happened in modern times, he would definitely be sentenced to death, but he knew that in this era, human life is worthless. As long as he keeps it secret, Lu Chen can be sure that no one will find out, so he said: "It's okay! Just do what I say."

"Chen'er! What are you doing? This is?"

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