Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 104 The Trial Has Really Begun

Although several people had already guessed in their hearts, they still couldn't believe it when they got the exact news.

"Chengzhi! Do you think it could be another cultivator named Lu Chen?" Yang Yunfei frowned and asked.

"Hey... I also hope that there is a cultivator with the same name, but the number will never be repeated. When Lu Chen received the information jade card with the number 9527, everyone saw each other. I don't think you will forget it. Go!" Zhao Chengzhi sighed.

"No! He still owes me three conditions that have not been fulfilled, how could..." Wang Jingxuan murmured in frustration when he heard the words, and suddenly felt anxious, as if he had lost something precious. The picture of encounter.

"Ah... a prostitute!" Wang Jingxuan exclaimed.

"What's it called! Open your mouth and shut your mouth, you're a prostitute. Where did I prostitute you? There's no reward for my good intentions!" Lu Chen said angrily.

"It's not impossible to help you! But you have to promise me three things!" Wang Jingxuan smiled with beautiful eyes.

"Three things? Good! In the future, as long as there are things within my ability, I will promise you." Lu Chen said straightforwardly...

Memories of the past flashed in Wang Jingxuan's mind like a movie. In fact, she didn't understand the relationship between men and women. At first, she only thought that Lu Chen was different from other cultivators, so she came into contact with Lu Chen out of fun.

But now hearing the news of Lu Chen's death, Wang Jingxuan felt inexplicably sad.

Seeing Wang Jingxuan's sad look, Zhang Haoyang was also very disappointed. After this period of contact, he can naturally see that Wang Jingxuan likes Lu Chen in his heart, and he is just wishful thinking.

Originally planning to wait for Lu Chen to come back, he told Wang Jingxuan that he was willing to give up the marriage contract made by his parents in order to fulfill the two of them, but who ever expected to wait was the news of Lu Chen's death.

Next, Yang Yunfei and others agreed to build a clothes tomb for Lu Chen, and the location was chosen on the outskirts of the endless forest, as the last thing to do for Lu Chen. Biqu library

Feiyu Dange, Yan Zixia also received the news of Lu Chen's death, she was shocked but also a little regretful, and then ordered Hu Shilong to go to Shiweixian at night, saying that she had important matters to discuss.

Also concerned about Lu Chen's news is Chu Dingtian, the person in charge of Shenshoushan Hengyang Branch, who has been looking for

Lu Chen.

After receiving the news that Lu Chen had participated in the Endless Forest Trial, he immediately rushed to Zhongba City in Western Tibet, preparing to rob and kill Lu Chen.

It turned out that Lu Chen had died in the endless forest, and Chu Dingtian had no choice but to go back home.

One day ago, over the endless forest.

Lu Chen drove the flying boat desperately towards the formation signal tower.

After absorbing more than 80,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones, Lu Chen's injuries not only healed, but the Cultivation Base also showed faint signs of breakthrough. I believe that as long as there are enough Spirit Stones, he can breakthrough to the Cultivation Base in the Dzogchen period of the Foundation Establishment.

While he was happy, Lu Chen still didn't forget that he was still in the endless forest, and the world of golden beads flashed out immediately, driving the flying boat back desperately.

After a day of flying, Lu Chen suddenly stopped the flying boat.

"Hey... It seems that I have spent more than ten days recovering from my injuries, and the endless forest trial is over, what should I do?" Lu Chen murmured with a sigh,

Because he was in a state of concentration before, he didn't know how long time had passed, until now he found that the two red dots in the information jade card had disappeared, and then realized that the formation signal tower might have been closed.

Lu Chen seemed to have a thought, he threw the flying boat and the information jade token into the world of gold beads, and he himself entered the endless forest with the sword.

Before, he was on the run because he was looking for bitter bamboo, and now he couldn't go back anyway. Lu Chen planned to start the real trial of the endless forest, and he would make plans about going back later.

The real significance of the Endless Forest Trial is to explore new areas and get out of the Beichen continental plate. Of course, these are for the Expanding Aperture cultivator.

Ordinary cultivators mainly hunt Demonic Beasts to obtain Demonic Beasts inner alchemy, or look for various cultivation resources, which can not only improve the cultivator's combat ability but also increase knowledge and achieve the purpose of trials.

The inner alchemy of Demonic Beasts can not only be used to refine Medicine Pill, but also can be used to feed Demonic Beasts. It happened that Xiaotian and the others hadn't advanced for a long time, so they did what they said, and Lu Chen Yujian took the initiative to find Demonic Beasts.

Lu Chen extended Divine Sense overwhelmingly, and soon found a single fourth-stage Demonic Beasts ironback wolf, which is comparable to the Cultivation Base of human cultivator and early stage.

"Wow..." The iron-backed wolf was very alert, just as Lu Chen Yujian leaned against it.

be noticed by it.

The iron-backed wolf is more than two meters long, with a head as big as a footbath, bowl-sized eyes emitting green light, and a thick layer of scales on its back. When it saw Lu Chen's figure, it left a trail in place without saying a word. Afterimage.

"What a speed!" Lu Chen exclaimed. Biqu library

The next second, the iron-backed wolf appeared behind Lu Chen, spewing out several streaks of green brilliance from its mouth, and after landing on the ground, it flung its teeth and claws at Lu Chen, flashing a sharp light from its sharp teeth. The movements were done in one go, with rich combat experience .

Lu Chen Divine Sense has already locked on the iron back wolf. Although it is extremely fast, it can still capture its figure. The Chaos Dao Shengjue is running fast, and the speed of the long sword under its feet is not slow, avoiding the energy emitted by the iron back wolf attack.

"Om..." resounded throughout the forest.

With a thought in Lu Chen's mind, the brilliance of his right palm was energized, and a huge palm print made of condensed true essence was issued, and Buddha Palm patted sideways towards the iron-backed wolf that was rushing.

"Bang..." The iron-backed wolf collided with the palm print and flew backwards. After rolling a few times on the ground, it stood up abruptly and stared fiercely at Lu Chen.

"Aww... Aww..." The iron-backed wolf must have realized that he was not Lu Chen's opponent, so he raised his head and let out a few long, long-lasting voices.

"The iron back wolf's defense is really powerful. Its combat power should be stronger than the early stage cultivator, huh? Are you calling for your companion?" Lu Chen was bold and didn't make any more moves. He was ready to wait for the iron back wolf's companion If you come and kill them, you should be able to get a lot of inner alchemy.

"Aw... Aw..." A few more wolves howled from a distance, and then three iron-backed wolves rushed out from the forest. Each iron-backed wolf was not small in size and strong. It is also comparable to the cultivator that integrates the early stage,

Four iron-backed wolves surrounded Lu Chen, but they didn't know that Lu Chen had no intention of running away.

"Hehe...three iron-backed wolves just came, it seems that your popularity is not very good!" Lu Chen joked with a smile, regardless of whether the iron-backed wolves could understand or not.

In the next second, Lu Chen performed Xuantian Nine Steps like a beast, and took the initiative to pounce on one of the iron-backed wolves. His fist was poured with true energy, and a faint golden brilliance shone.

The four iron-backed wolves did not show any weakness, kicked their hind legs, and also rushed towards Lu Chen.

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