Cultivation World Little People

Chapter 134 The Death Of The Flame Bird

On a rocky mountain in the northeast of Haiqing Prefecture, there is a washbasin-shaped area about the size of two football fields. The entire area is covered by thick trees and dry grass, forming a huge bird's nest.

A chick the size of an elephant in the nest was looking for the human who disappeared just now, but there was no trace of that person. Its big eyes blinked and showed a puzzled expression.

"Chirp..." At this moment, there was a whisper in the sky.

Following the soft chirping, a huge black shadow descended from the sky, fluttering its wings and slowly landed in the bird's nest. This bird was exactly the flame magic bird that attacked Lu Chen and Young Master Yuxiao earlier.

It opened its mouth wide, and countless sugarcane-sized spiritual herbs poured out. After a few breaths, the spiritual herbs piled up into a small hill,

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." The little flame magic bird saw the delicious food, its big eyes lit up, and it ran over in a few moments, and ate the spiritual herbs like a chicken pecking at rice.

If Lu Chen saw this scene, he would definitely jump up and shout: "Look! Look! The ancients do not deceive me, the flame magic bird really eats grass, haha..."

In fact, although the flame magic bird is also a Demonic Beast, it is not a carnivore. Compared with other Demonic Beasts, its nature is relatively mild.

It is best at flying speed. The reason why the flame magic bird's mother brought Lu Chen back may be just to find a toy for the little flame magic bird.

"Boom...Boom..." At this time, there were loud noises in the distance, and the sound came from far to near, flying sand, stone and dust wherever it touched.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird uttered a cry, disappeared into the bird's nest with a whir, and flew towards the dusty direction.

"Roar..." The same roar resounded through the entire sky, as if declaring war on the flame magic bird, without any fear of the power of the flame magic bird.

I saw a 100-meter-long Demonic Beasts, dark red all over, with countless pole-thick thighs growing on both sides. Its figure was speeding like a moving car, and the ground trembled. Its target was the old nest of the flame magic bird.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird let out a long cry, as if seeing through the Demonic Beast's intentions, it swooped down from the air, and its two claws were directly aimed at the middle of the Demonic Beast.

"Zizi..." All of a sudden, the flames blazed, and the flame bird's sharp claws rubbed against the Demonic Beast's shell to produce brilliant sparks, but they couldn't penetrate the Demonic Beast's flesh, leaving only six white streaks on the dark red shell. scratches.

That Demonic Beasts turned its head almost at the same moment, and its front body flew towards the flame magic bird like a python, trying to entangle the flame magic bird, countless legs like big knives flashed with sharp light.

If this is entangled by it, the fire

The Flame Magic Bird will definitely be minced into pieces.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird screamed sharply, and slapped the Demonic Beasts like a huge wave with a soul-stirring sound wave.

That Demonic Beast felt a stabbing pain in his heart, and his movements stopped suddenly. The Flame Phantom Bird took the opportunity to fly into the air.

In the golden bead world, the 800,000 middle-grade Spirit Stones piled up like a mountain have been consumed and there is not much left.

Spiritual Qi is still continuously entering Lu Chen's body, wandering through the Meridians all over the body, and then gathering in Dantian, the true essence in Dantian is constantly consolidating.

The cultivator absorbs Spiritual Qi and imports it into Dantian to convert it into Spirit Power. Spirit Power is stored in Dantian like gas, which is the gas refining period.

Spirit Power transforms from gaseous state to liquid state into true energy, which is the Foundation Establishment period.

The true essence changes from liquid to viscous paste, which is the Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period.

Converging the viscous true essence in Dantian into a spherical shape is the fusion period, also called the false Dantian period.

As the viscosity of the true essence in the ball gradually increases until it finally solidifies and becomes a solid ball, it is the Gold Core stage.

After Lu Chen converted the last drop of true essence in Dantian into a viscous form, Lu Chen absorbed Spiritual Qi for a while, intending to break through to the early stage of fusion in one fell swoop, but found that the fake dan was difficult to condense.

Helpless, Lu Chen had no choice but to give up. When he opened his eyes and saw that there were only less than 30,000 Spirit Stones left in the mountains, Lu Chen smiled bitterly.

The Chaos Daosheng Art is powerful, and there is almost no bottleneck in the breakthrough Realm, but it consumes more and more Spirit Stones for each level up. It is estimated that one or two million Spirit Stones will be enough for the next impact fusion period.

Feeling the thick true essence in his body, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth slightly raised, revealing a confident smile, and the next second he appeared in the nest of the flame magic bird.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." As soon as Lu Chen came out, he heard the little flame magic bird crying eagerly, and the voice was mixed with endless worries.

Lu Chen saw the little flame magic bird standing on the edge of the nest, with its head stretched out of the nest. As soon as Lu Chen appeared, the little flame magic bird just looked back and then stretched its head out of the nest again.

"Boom..." The violent energy fluctuations mixed with powerful coercion made Lu Chen panic.

Lu Chen stood on the edge of the bird's nest, and what he saw shocked Lu Chen.

In the distance, the Flame Magic Bird, which was the size of a small airliner, was fighting with a giant centipede, which was the size of an EMU.

"This... This is the sixth-level seventh-level Demonic Beasts flying centipede, although it is a small level lower than the sixth-level eighth-level Demonic Beasts flame magic bird, but judging from the battle situation, it seems

The flame magic bird did not gain the upper hand. Lu Chen murmured.

It's too late, but it's fast.

I saw the flame phantom bird waving its wings non-stop in the air towards the flying centipede on the ground, every time it waving, it would form a strong energy,

Countless strands of energy condensed into a giant tornado dozens of meters high, stirring the surrounding sand, dust and rocks, and with the power to destroy everything, it struck towards the flying centipede, so fast that it almost came to the flying centipede in the blink of an eye.

"Roar..." The flying centipede let out a roar when it saw the tornado coming towards it, and its countless thighs dug into the ground.

But when the tornado really struck, the centipede's hundred-meter-long body was stirred up into the sky by the powerful tornado, together with the soil on the ground, and rotated with the tornado, gradually leaving the ground,

"Puff...Puff...Puff..." However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the flying centipede found the right time,

Suddenly, countless green liquids were sprayed towards the flame magic bird, and the green liquid quickly fell towards the flame magic bird like a shower of stars, the speed almost reached in the blink of an eye.

Then countless legs exerted their strength at the same time, borrowing the stones in the air, rushed out of the tornado, and fell to the ground from a height of tens of meters, making a bang.

Lu Chen knew that this height would not cause any damage to the flying centipede comparable to the Nascent Soul stage.

"Oops! That's the venom of the flying centipede, extremely poisonous." Lu Chen exclaimed.

Although the Flame Phantom Bird dodged extremely quickly and rushed out of the floating range of the venom, it was still contaminated with a lot of venom.

"Chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird let out a mournful cry, its eyes began to blur, and its whole body began to feel weak, which shows how terrible the poison of the flying centipede is.

With the onset of toxicity, the flame magic bird began to erratic in the air as if drunk, and then its body fell extremely fast.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..." the little flame phantom bird cried anxiously when it saw this, and even wanted to rush out of the nest, but because it was too immature, it couldn't cross the edge of the nest, so it could only stick its head out anxiously to watch.

"Roar..." The flying centipede roared and galloped towards the flame bird.

"Chirp..." The flame magic bird that fell made a miserable cry, at this time the flying centipede also rushed to the side, entangled the flame magic bird like a python,

Countless legs as thick as electric poles were like big knives, piercing into the body of the flame magic bird, and the flame magic bird was bleeding, and the flesh and blood flew across it, making people unable to bear to look directly at it.

"Chir... chirp..." The Flame Phantom Bird uttered two miserable screams and then fell silent.

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp..." the little flame magic bird screamed frantically, tears of sadness flowed from the eyes...

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